Management in Russia and Abroad

Transcription: Management v Rossii i za rubezhom
Established in 1997, distributed through subscription and retail.
Chief editor: Alexander Khachaturov

The journal is intended for professional managers, executives, consultants and specialists in reorganizing and development business management systems, both for students and lecturers of management.

The journal covers the following topics: theory, management and economics of management, public management, strategic management, industry management, international business management, managerial consulting, environmental management, new managerial techniques, discussion club.

The name reflects the fact that we find important all developments in theory and practice of management abroad but on the other hand we compare the present state of management in Russia with its state in the leading industrial countries.

We would welcome any author from any country who wishes to publish interesting material on management.

The Management in Russia and Abroad is accredited by Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) for scientific works.

Editor-in-chief Khatchaturov A.E., Dr.Econ.Sci, Professor

Editorial board:
Bouznik V.M., Academician RAN
Boulatov I.S., PhD (United Kingdom)
Vorobiev A.G., Dr.Econ.Sci., Professor
Groshev I.V.,, Dr.sci. in., Prof.;
Dovi V., Professor (Italy)
Komzolov A.A., Dr.Econ.Sci., Professor
Lomakin M.I., Dr.Econ.Sci., Professor
Larionov V.G., Dr.Econ.Sci., Professor
Leontiev L.I., Academician RAN
Meshalkin V.P., Corresponding member RAN
Prauzello Fr., Professor (Italy)
Puijaner L., Professor (Spain)
Poutilov A.V., Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor
Philosophova T.G., Dr.Econ.Sci., Professor
Shinkevich A.I., Dr.Econ.Sci., Professor

Khatchatourov (Khatchatourov-Tavrizian) Alexander Evgenyevich

- Doctor Econ.Sci., Phd Chem.Sci., Professor;
- Director Institute of Economics and Management of the D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia;
- Head of the Department of Management and Marketing of the D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia;
- Editor-in-chief of the journal “Management in Russia and abroad”;
- Editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of the D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia “Humanitarian and Social-Economic Studies”.

Khatchatourov Alexander Evgenyevich graduated from the D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology Institute of Russia (currently- University of Chemical Technology of Russia). In 1988 he defended a Chemical science Phd thesis. In 1989\90 he was a trainee at the University of Notre Dame, in 1994 he obtained additional education in Great Britain within the framework of the program of the European fund of management development (“Contemporary methods of management”), and in 2000 in the United States of America within the framework of the program of the Academy of Education Development of the USA (“Ecologically-oriented business”). In 2006 he defended a thesis of Doctor of Economics.

In 1994-1999 A.E.Khatchatourov was a member of the Committee of Professional Education and Innovation Activity Assistance of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, in 2002-2009- a member of the Public Ecological Council of the Department of the Wildlife and Defense of Environment of the city of Moscow. From 2011 A.E.Khatchatourov is a member of the Public council of the Producers of Wall Ceramic Materials Association.

A.E.Khatchatourov was the organizer and scientific director of the Moscow international school “Business in industry and science”, on the basis of which in 1994 was created the economic faculty (since 2002 the Institute of Management Economics). In 1996 A.E.Khatchatourov organized the department of management and marketing of the D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.

In 1994-2001 in Russia under the direction of A.E.Khatchatourov was performed a range of international projects, concerning the development of quality management systems, ecological management and security management.

From 2002 to 2015 Khatchatourov Alexander Evgenyevich worked in a number of major Russian industrial companies in executive positions, combining this work with the management of the department of management and marketing of the D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.

In 2013-2015 in the Russian Federation Alexander Evgenyevich Khatchatourov underwent training on the following programs:
- “System of certification of service quality in the sphere of professional education” (72 hours) in the Federal state autonomnous higher professional education institution “Russian State University for the Humanities”;
- “State and municipal management in the sphere of science and education” programs of professional training “Manager of the organization management quality”(72 hours) in the Federal State Automnous higher professional education institution “Academy of standardization, metrology and certification (education)”.
- “Ensuring of ecological security by the managers and specialists of the general business management systems” (72 hours) in the Nonprofit additional professional education institution “Sankt-Peterburg institute of wildlife, industrial security and environment protection”.
- “Human resources management” (72 hours) in the Nonprofit partnership “Corporate education and scientific center Common Energy Systems”.
A.E.Khatchatourov- is the author of more than 140 scientific works concerning issues of management, marketing, education, contemporary technologies (including the book “Foundations of quality management”, “Industrial enterprise management”, “Ecological management”, “Contemporary integration management”).

A.E.Khatchatourov is the recipient of State awards- medal “In memory of 850 years of Moscow”. He has been decorated by the honorary diploma of the State Committee of the Russian Federation of higher education, the distinction award of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “50 years of the cosmic era”.

The publishing house “Finpress” publishes books and journals about human resources management, marketing, management and finance. Among periodicals stand out journals “Enterprise human resources”, “Marketing in Russia and abroad”, “Financial management”. “Management in Russia and abroad” and “Management accounting” are included in the list of periodicals reviewed by VAK of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

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