Contents of N6/2013

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Contents of N6'2013

Management theory

Scenarios: past, present and future
Blinov A.O., Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor, Financial University under Government of Russian Federation,
Magdanov P.V., Phd of Economic sciences, Assistant Professor, Management Department, Perm State University,

The article describes the evolution of scenario planning as an important tool of strategic planning. The authors reveal the contemporary approaches to crafting and using scenarios. Also some advices for scenario planning are suggested for managers of Russian companies.
Keywords: Scenario Planning; Strategic Planning.

1. Magdanov P.V. Theoretical foundations of strategic planning in a corporation. Vol. 1. The evolution of strategic planning concept. Perm, 2012. 252 p.
2. Alexander, W. and Serfass, R. Creating and Analyzing your Organization’s Quality Future // Quality Progress. 1998, Vol. 31, №7. P. 31-36.
3. Amer, M. et al. A Review of Scenario Planning // Futures. 2013, Vol. 46. P. 23-40.
4. Chermack, Th. Scenario Planning in Organizations: How to Create, Use, and Assess Scenarios. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2011.
5. Curry, A. et al. Using Scenarios to Improve Marketing // Strategy & Leadership. 2002, Vol. 30, №1. P. 32-37.
6. Drunen, van M. et al. Bounding the Future: The Use of Scenarios in Assessing Climate Change Impacts // Futures. 2011, Vol. 43. P. 488-496.
7. Fahey, L. How Corporations Learn from Scenarios // Strategy & Leadership. 2003, Vol. 31, №2. P. 5-15.
8. Hanafizadeh, P. et al. Portfolio Design for Investment Companies through Scenario Planning // Management Decision. 2011, Vol. 49, №4. P. 513-532.
9. Jetter, A. and Schweinfort, W. Building Scenarios with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: An Exploratory Study of Solar Energy // Futures. 2011, Vol. 43. P. 52-66.
10. Kahan, A. Civic Scenarios as a Tool for Societal Change // Strategy & Leadership.2002, Vol. 30, №1. P. 32-37.
11. Kahn, H. and Wiener, A. The Year 2000. Macmillan, New York. 1967.
12. Kloss, L. The Suitability and Application of Scenario Planning for National Professional Associations // Nonprofit Management & Leadership. 1999, Vol. 10, №1. P. 71-83.
13. Malaska, P. et al. Scenarios in Europe – Who Uses Them and Why? // Long Range Planning. 1984, Vol. 17, №5. P. 45-49.
14. Meyer, Ch. 2020 Vision // Planning Review. 1992, September-October. P. 39-41.
15. Miller, K. and Waller, H. Scenarios, Real Options and Integrated Risk Management //Long Range Planning. 2003, Vol. 36. p. 93-107.
16. Ringland, G. Scenario Planning: Managing for the Future. New York: Wiley. 1998.
17. Schoemaker, P. J.H. Scenario Planning: A Tool for Strategic Thinking // Sloan Management Review. 1995, Vol. 37, №2. P. 25-40.
18. Schoemaker, Paul J.H. and van der Heijden, Cornelius A.J.M. Integrating Scenarios into Strategic Planning at Royal Dutch/Shell // Planning Review. 1992, Vol. 20, May-June. P. 41-46.
19. Schwartz, P. The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World. New York: Doubleday. 1996.
20. Van der Heijden, K. Scenarios: the Art of Strategic Conversation. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2005.
21. Wilson, I. and Ralston, B. Scenario Planning Handbook: Developing Strategies in Uncertain Times. Mason, OH: South-Western. 2006.
22. Wilson, I. From Scenario Thinking to Strategic Action // Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2000, Vol. 65. P. 23-29.
23. Zentner, R. Scenarios: A New Tool for Corporate Planners // Chemical and Engineering News. Industrial Edition, 6 October, 1975.

Universal approach to develop a model of internal financial control
Khachaturov-Tavrizyan E.A., Senior Lecturer at D. Mendeleyev University,
Kaloshina M.N., Assistant Professor, PhD at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University),

Article is devoted to the principles of a universal model for financial monitoring, which is suitable for use both in Government and in large enterprise organizations.
Keywords: financial control, universal model.

1. Gazeta «Argumenty i fakty». Mnogie federal'nye celevye programmy rabotajut nejeffektivno. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Schetnaja palata rasskazala, kakie oshibki Anatolij Chubajs dopustil v «Rosnano». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Gazeta «Izvestija». Bol'shaja chast' sredstv budet vydelena iz bjudzheta, a 1,6 mlrd rublej sostavjat sredstva, kotorye ran'she planirovalos' potratit' na sozdanie 130-mestnoj versii SSJ. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Sukhoi Superjet 100 mozhet uletet' v Indiju. [Jelektronnyj resurs].  Rezhim dostupa:
5. Rosfinnadzor: pri stroitel'stve dorog v Sochi 6,8 mlrd rublej byli «ispol'zovany necelevym obrazom». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
V.V. Kotov. O problemah sozdanija i organizacii dejatel'nosti podrazdelenij vnutrennego kontrolja v organah ispolnitel'noj vlasti (mestnoj administracii). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:;base=CJI;n=59863;dst=0;ts=81AEB6229B23BC939D07D8357DA782DF;rnd=0.027937777806073427

Postfordism - three key production paradigms of the new century 
Luzin A.E., Phd of Economic sciences, Switzerland for Leaders ALM Group Ltd , Leading expert on  problems of innovation and organizational change, 
Babanova Y.V
., Phd of Economic sciences, South-Ural State University , Director of Research and Education Center "Innovation Management",

The concept of mass production, the dominant industrial landscape of industrialized countries for decades, often referred to as the «Fordist» after the name of its founder, is gradually losing ground. It gradually supplanted and replaced by three new industrial paradigms to the comparative analysis of which this article is dedicated. 
Keywords: lean  manufacturing; quick responce manufacturing; agile manufacturing.

1. Dove John D. Response. Ability Wiley & Sons NY, 2001.
2. Womack J., Jones D. The machine that changed the world. CPI (UK), 2007.
3. Kidd P. Agile manufacturing. A strategy for the 21st century, 1999.
4. Christopher M. The agile Supply chain, 2000.
5. Suri R. Quick response manufacturing: a companywide approach to reducing lead times. – NY: Productivity Press, 1998.
6. Anton R. Six steps to gain a better Understanding of Lean agile.
7. Agarwal A., Shankar R., Tiwari M.K. Modeling the metrics of lean, agile and leagile supply chain: An ANP-based approach, 2006. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 173, pp. 211–225.
8. Berman B. Should your firm adopt a mass customization strategy? Business Horizons, Jul/Aug 2002, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 52–60.
9. Clarke C. Do you want to be lean or agile? Manufacturing Computer, 2005, Solutions, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 14–15.
10. Rick Dove Lean and Agile: Synergy, Contrast, and Emerging Structure. Paradigm Shift International.


Strategic management

Assessment of Diversification Influence on Enterprise Capitalization
Symonyan A.Kh., The Ural State Mining University, Postgraduate student of the Department of Economics and Management, 
Strovskit V.E., The Ural State Mining University, Professor, Doctor of Economics of the Department of Economics and Management, 
Khainus I.V., Phd candidate, Ural B.N.Yeltsin Federal University Ekaterinburg, Chair of Government and Municipal Finance,

This article considers the influence of diversification on the enterprise capitalisation. The main factors defining their interaction are described and classified. The quantitative assessment of the interaction is performed.
Keywords: corporative management, diversification, synergy, synergetical effect, resilience, system oscillation amplitude.

1. A.A. Tompson-ml, A.Dzh. Striklend III/ Strategicheskij menedzhment. Koncepcii i situacii dlja analiza 12-e izdanie, M.: Vil'jams, 2008 g., Str. 80
2. Porter E. Majkl / Konkurentnaja strategija: Metodika analiza otraslej i konkurentov, M: Al'pina biznes buks,  2005 g., Str. 206-207
3. Analitika OAO «Gazprom».
4. Agarkov G.A., Hajnus I.V. Ocenka vlijanija fondovogo rynka na jekonomiku sub#ekta federacii // Vestnik UrFU. Serija jekonomika i upravlenie. 2012. №4. S. 59-68.
5. A.A. Tompson-ml, ,A.Dzh. Striklend III/ Strategicheskij menedzhment. Koncepcii i situacii dlja analiza 12-e izdanie, M.: Vil'jams, 2008 g., Str. 292
6. Dzh. Pirs II,R. Robinson /Strategicheskij menedzhment. 12-e izd., SPb.: Piter,2013 g., str. 371.
7. Chejz R., Dzhejkobz R., Akvilano N. Proizvodstvennyj i operacionnyj menedzhment. Desjatoe izdanie. Izd. Dom «Vil'jams». M.., 2007, 1184 s.
8. Rodionov V.G. Modelirovanie ustojchivoj dinamiki razvitija social'no-jekonomicheskih sistem global'noj jekonomiki. Problemy teorii i praktiki upravlenija, 2008. № 10, str. 81-85.

The formation of the strategy of innovative development of the industry
Shturmin F.S., Senior lecturer in Civil, Environmental and Copyright Law D.I.Mendeleev RCTU,
Khachaturov A.E., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair of Management and Marketing D.I.Mendeleev RCTU,

Article is devoted to the explanation of approaches to the formation of innovative development strategy of the industrial enterprises. The necessity of developing a comprehensive methodology of strategic management innovation and modernization of industrial enterprises is grounded. It describes the method of determining factors of influence on the innovation of industrial enterprises. The proposed approaches reduce the likelihood of risks and reduce their impact on innovation, as well as enabling the use of opportunities for the successful implementation of innovative projects. 
Keywords: innovation process, the strategy of innovative development, factors of influence, the factors of innovation activity, management system, modernization, organizational life-cycle, the life cycle of an innovative product, methodology of management of innovative development.

1. Hachaturov A. E., Kulikov Yu. A. Osnovy menedzhmenta kachestva. – M.: DiS, 2003.
2.Hachaturov A. E. Integracionnyi menedzhment: problemy, kotorye neobhodimo reshat'. // «Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom», № 2, 2004, S.8 – 19.
3. Vavilov S.Yu., Hachaturov A.E. Strategicheskoe planirovanie kak programma dolgosrochnogo razvitiya i adaptacii klyuchevyh kompetencii kompanii. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom, 2013. № 1. S. 4 – 18.
4. Druker P. Enciklopediya menedzhmenta: Per. s angl. M.: Izdatel'skii dom «Vil'yams», 2004.
5. Porter M.E. Konkurenciya. SPb., M., Kiev: Izd. dom «Vil'yams», 2003.
6. Guriev S. Modernizaciya ili innovacii: chto vazhnee dlya ekonomiki Rossii? [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya 10.08.2013).
7. John W. Gardner, Self-Renewal: The Individual and the Innovative Society, W.W. Norton & Co., 1995.
8. Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition, National Information Standards Organization, 2013.

System model of innovation management in organization 
Mannapov A. R., Phd in Engineering, Chief of Technical Department, OJSC Research-and-Production Enterprise «Polygon» (Ufa),

The key features of innovation activities at the microeconomic level are defined. A systematic model of innovation management is developed, its basic components and interrelations are described. The specificities of innovation management processes in organizations are disclosed.
Keywords: innovation management, management model, managerial functions, system, innovation activities.

1. Adizes I.K. Upravlyaya izmeneniyami. SPb.: Piter, 2010.
2. Golubev A.A. Ekonomika i upravlenie innovatsionnoi deyatel'nost'yu: ucheb. posobie. SPb.: NIU ITMO, 2012.
3. Gol'dshtein G.Ya. Strategicheskii innovatsionnyi menedzhment: ucheb. posobie. Taganrog: Izdvo TRTU, 2004.
4. Grishin V. Innovatsionnoe administrirovanie na predpriyatii: tseli i metody // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. 2009. No 6. pp. 84-89.
5. Druker P.F. Biznes i innovatsii: per. s angl. M.: ID «Vil'yams», 2009.
6. Il'enkova S.D., Kuznetsov V.I., Yagudin S.Yu. Innovatsionnyi menedzhment: ucheb.-metod. kompleks / Pod red. prof. S.Yu. Yagudina. M.: MESI, 2009.
7. Kozlovskaya E.A., Demidenko D.S., Yakovleva E.A., Gadzhiev M.M. Ekonomika i upravlenie innovatsiyami: uchebnik. SPb.: SPbGPU, 2010.
8. Menedzhment innovatsionnoi organizatsii: ucheb. posobie. / Pod red. prof. A.N. Tikhonova. M.: Evropeiskii tsentr po kachestvu, 2003.
9. Mil'ner B.Z. Organizatsionnye problemy sozdaniya innovatsii // Vestnik Instituta ekonomiki RAN. 2011. No 4. pp. 7-21.
10. Surin A.V., Molchanova O.P. Innovatsionnyi menedzhment: uchebnik. M.: INFRA-M, 2008.
11. Upravlenie innovatsionnymi proektami: ucheb. posobie / Pod red. prof. V.L. Popova. M.: INFRA-M, 2007.
12. Faskhiev Kh.A. Model' upravleniya innovatsionnoi deyatel'nost'yu predpriyatiya // Me-nedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2013. No 4. pp. 11-28.
13. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Innovatsionnyi menedzhment: ucheb. dlya vuzov. SPb.: Piter, 2007.
14. Khmeleva G. Upravlenie innovatsionnym protsessom predpriyatiya na osnove modeli otkrytykh innovatsii // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. 2009. No 3. pp. 50-58.
15. Khotyasheva O.M. Innovatsionnyi menedzhment: uchebnoe posobie. 2-e izd. SPb.: Piter, 2006.
16. Chesbrough H.W. Otkrytye innovatsii: sozdanie pribyl'nykh tekhnologii. M.: Pokolenie, 2007.
17. Shemyakina T.Yu. Sistema upravleniya innovatsionnoi deyatel'nost'yu predpriyatiya: uchebnoe posobie. M.: FLINTA: Nauka, 2012.
18. Rukovodstvo Oslo. Rekomendatsii po sboru i analizu dannykh po innovatsiyam. Sovmestnaya publikatsiya OESR i Evrostata. – 3-e izdanie / Per. s angl. – M.: Tsentr issledovanii i statistiki nauki Minobrnauki Rossii, 2010.
19. Koontz H., O’Donnell C. Upravlenie: sistemnyi i situatsionnyi analiz upravlencheskikh funktsii. V. 1. M.: Progress, 1981.
20. Mescon M., Albert M., Khedouri F. Osnovy menedzhmenta. M.: Delo, 1992.
21. Mannapov A.R. Sistema upravleniya innovatsionnoi deyatel'nost'yu v organizatsii // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. 2013. No 6. pp. 98-104.
22. Mannapov A.R. Formirovanie sistemy aktivizatsii innovatsionnoi deyatel'nosti na predpriyatii // Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. 2013. No 6. pp. 297-299.
23. Gaponenko A.L., Orlova T.M. Upravlenie intellektual'nymi aktivami: kontseptual'-nyi podkhod // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. 2013. No 8. pp. 56-65.
24. Mil'ner B.Z. Upravlenie znaniyami v korporatsiyakh: ucheb. posobie. M.: Delo, 2006.
25. Mil'ner B.Z. Upravlenie intellektual'nymi resursami // Voprosy ekonomiki. 2008. No 7. pp. 129-140.
26. Myasoedova T.G., Shevchenko R.O. Upravlenie znaniyami kak funktsiya deyatel'nosti or-ganizatsii // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2007. No 5. pp. 110-117.
27. Ekonomika znanii: kollektivnaya monografiya / otv. red. d-r ekon. nauk, prof. V.P. Kolesov. M.: INFRA-M, 2008.



Methodology of Russian governance: an analysis apropos state Academies of Sciences reform
Konopatov S. N., PhD in Military Sciences, Captain of the I rank in Reserve, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences), Associate Professor of the N.E.Bauman Moscow State Technical University,

Introduction and adaptation in the State Duma of the resonant federal bill draft № 305828-6 on reforming of the state academies of Sciences and its discussion (spring-summer of 2013) testify both to the inadequacy of the state government system, and superficial (instinctive) society reaction on a concrete manifestation of this inadequacy. A further analysis allows to discover and characterize a hierarchy of serious problems in government management, including the root problem generating this hierarchy. 
Keywords: Law, reform, academy of Sciences, government, organization, feedback, algedonic feedback, cybernetic catastrophe, patrimonialism.

1. Veber M. Khozyaystvo i obshchestvo. - M.: 1959.
2. Konopatov S.N. Paradigmy sistem upravleniya v svete «osnovnogo nachala» N.Makiavelli. Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom.- 2011 .- № 3.- S.132-143.
3. Li Kuan Yu. Singapurskaya istoriya: iz tretyego mira v pervy (1965 – 2000). M.:Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2013.

Closed areas’ development trends in Russia
Petrov R. N., Nizhny Novgorod Institute of management, a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service under the President of the Russian Federation,

Russia’ historical development led to the emergence of special territorial entities - closed areas. The restrictions imposed by the special status of the closed territories, have led to the formation of a special kind of problems and trends of closed territories development, which are described in this article. 
Keywords: covered areas, restrictions

1. Zakon RF ot 14.07.1992 N 3297-1 (red. ot 22.11.2011) «O zakrytom administrativno-territorial'nom obrazovanii» // «Vedomosti SND RF i VS RF», 20.08.1992, N 33, st. 1915 
2. Administraciya ZATO Seversk [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya: 06.04.2013) 
3. Administraciya ZATO Zelenogorsk [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya: 07.04.2013) 
4. Administraciya ZATO Ozersk [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya: 06.04.2013) 
5. ZATO atomnoi otrasli (sait korporacii «ROSATOM») [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya: 06.04.2013)



The use of technologies in the production management in the modern aircraft construction industry
Pravik J.N., Ph.D., Senior scientist, «Centre for Scientific and Technical Information and support innovative development of Ukraine»,

In this paper the technological cycle of the aviation industry in Russia and the Ukraine is analyzed. The importance for the domestic aviation construction industry of the creation of design centers is discussed and the principles of their functioning described. Counteractions are proposed, based on marketing strategies, on the aircraft construction production process, capable to timely reorient the production issued to the necessary level of quality, which meet the leaders of the airline construction world market.
Keywords: aircraft, industrial cooperation, engineering, design centers

1. News MIC [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: free. - Caps. from the screen (date accessed: 03/06/2013)2. 
2. Military informant [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: #. UTnTmpbox6A /. free. - Caps. from the screen (date accessed: 03/06/2013)
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5. Director-General [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: free. - Caps. from the screen (date accessed: 03/06/2013)
6. Bright J.R. Some Management Lessons from Technological Innovation Research / / National Conference on Management of Technological Innovation. - University of Bradford Management Centre, 1988.
7. Pravik J.N. Investment Management: Training. Guide. - K.: Knowledge, 2007.



Material flow management: some problems and solutions 
Eskin V. N., expert JSC “Transsistemotekhnika”, Ph.D,

The complexity and importance of material flow management require an increase of the quality of decision-making, the search for new solutions in the field of information management models and convenient forms of data representation. Transformation of data taking into account the psycho-physiological features of managers’ perception at different levels of management, the creation of well-designed user interfaces built into the decision cycle, and the registration and analysis of the results of control actions – are effective ways to improve the management of material flow in large industrial companies. 
Keywords: еnhanced Boyd’s cycle, analog scheme, analog-to-digital report, fixation and deviation analysis, а process mnemonic scheme, knowledge management

1. Kotik M. A., Emelyanov A. M. Oshibki upravleniya. Psikhologicheskie prichini, metod avtomatizirovannogo analiza. – Tallin: Valgus, 1985.
2. Bodrov V. A. Informacionnyi stress: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. – M.: PER SE, 2000.
3. Burenok V. M., Ivlev A. A., Korchak V. U. Razvitie voennikh tekhnologyi XXI veka: problemi, planirovanie, realizacia. – Tver: OOO «Kupol», 2009.
4. Dettmer H.W., Strategic Navigation: The Constraint Management Model. Proceedings of the APICS International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), October 6-9, 2003.
5. Venda V. F. Injenernaya psikhologiya i sintez system otobragenia informacii. M., 1975.

Fuzzy situational modeling planning and operational management of the routing delivery 
Faraonov A.V., Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation", St. Petersburg, Head of the Laboratory Department of intermodal transport and logistics,

In the article is developed an imitation model of operational decision-making in case of an emergency on the route, the correction of the support plan and the choice of a new route of delivery based on a fuzzy hierarchical situation-event network. The use of fuzzy situational network for solving the problems of imitational modeling of transport flows is justified. Various issues of construction and use of networks of this type are considered, and is proposed a knowledge base structure on their basis. 
Keywords: simulation, transport logistics, planning and operational management, fuzzy situational approach, fuzzy situational network

1. Pospelov D.A. Situacionnoe upravlenie. Teoriya i praktika. – M.: Nauka, 1986.
2. Melixov A.N., Bershtejn L.S., Korovin S.Ya. Situacionny'e sovetuyushhie sistemy' s nechetkoj logikoj. – M.: Nauka, 1990.
3. V.V. Borisov, M.M. Zernov. Realizaciya situacionnogo podxoda na osnove nechetkoj ierarxicheskoj situacionno-soby'tijnoj seti.//Iskusstvenny'j intellekt i prinyatie reshenij, Institut sistemnogo analiza RAN, ISSN 2071-8594, 1/2009, str. 17-30.
4. Vojnov V.V. Nechetkoe situacionnoe upravlenie vnutrisosudisty'm mikrorobotom.V-ya Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya «Integrirovanny'e modeli i myagkie vy'chisleniya v iskusstvennom intellekte» (28-30 maya 2009 g., Kolomna).
5. E'ks Dzhej Teknolodzhis»,
6. Oficial'ny'j sajt razrabotchika OOO «Firma «INTIT», «Delovaya karta».
7. Andrej Borshhyov. Simulation Modeling with AnyLogic: Agent Based, Discrete Event and System Dynamics Methods/
8. A.V. Faraonov. Situacionnaya model' vy'bora marshruta dostavki.//Zhurnal «Prikladnaya informatika», №2 (44), 2013. S.113-126.
9. A.V. Faraonov. Razrabotka situacionnoj modeli vy'bora marshruta dostavki pri neobxodimosti izmeneniya opornogo plana na osnove nechetkix mnozhestv. «Logistika: sovremenny'e tendencii razvitiya». 12-ya Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya. Sankt – Peterburg, 19  aprelya 2013 g. S.399-401.
10. A.V. Faraonov. Situacionnaya model' vy'bora marshruta dostavki pri neobxodimosti izmeneniya opornogo plana na osnove nechetkix mnozhestv.// VINITI, Zhurnal TRANSPORT: nauka, texnika, upravlenie, №12-2012.S.25-30.
11. A.V. Faraonov. Razrabotka algoritma prinyatiya operativny'x reshenij pri vy'bore novogo marshruta dostavki // Zhurnal RISK "Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom". №3/2012.S. 84.-90.

 The integration of economic entities to a mechanism of formation and development of infrastructure provision of business activities 
Lyadova E.V., Phd of Economic sciences, Senior Teacher, the Nizhniy Novgorod N.I. Lobachevsky state University

The article analyzes the issues of creation and development of infrastructure provision of entreprenial activity as a result of the extension of integrational interactions of economic subjects.
Keywords: integration, infrastructure provision, business, heterogeneous and homogeneous connection

1. Bogdanov A.A. Tektologija. Vseobshhaja organizacionnaja nauka : v 2 kn. Kn.1. Pod red. L.I. Abalkina. – M. : Jekonomika, 1989.
2. Olson M. Logika kollektivnyh dejstvij. Obshhestvennye blaga i teorija grupp. – M.: FJeI, 1995.

Application of canvas method for creation of business model of development project 
Kurushin G.A., Postgraduate student of the Department of Management,

The success in the real estate area mostly depends on how good is the core idea of the project. In order to reduce the uncertainty at the early stage a business model should be formed. The business model Canvas is one of the methods developed to perform such goals. This article presents the adaptation of the Canvas method to the specifics of the real estate industry. 
Keywords: development, method Canvas, business model

1. Oxford Dictionary. Official online dictionary of Oxford University. URL: (retrieved: 11.02.12).
2. Wikipedia. Business Model Canvas. URL: (retrieved: 04.02.13).
3. Osterwalder, A. Official website of the project. GenerationofBusiessmodel. URL: (retrieved: 05.02.13).
4. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Clark, T. BusinessModelGeneration: AHandbookforVisionaries, GameChangers, andChallengers. USA, Hoboken. – Pub. Wiley. - 2010. 
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6. Chicherova, L. Vedomosti. 2006. Profitableplace. SECstartsfromparking. URL: (retrieved: 08.02.13).



The development of ecological tourism as a factor in the preservation of the rural settlement an example of Japan 
Lysenko N. N., PhD, Associate Professor of the Technological Institute of Sakhalin State University,

The article outlines the principles of the philosophy of eco-tourism in Japan, discusses his views by duration and content of environmental performance. Special attention is paid to convection and symbiosis towns, rural areas and green tourism. Also, are discussed the benefits of eco-tourism as a factor in the preservation of rural settlements.
Keywords: aging populations, rural communities, eco-tourism, green tourism, convection and symbiosis urban, rural and green tourism

1. Shcherbakov E. The number of villages and towns continue to decline // DemoskopWeekly. № 475 – 476,  29 August - 11 September 2011. –
4. Business trends in the field of environmental protection and ecotourism // Proceedings of the Open Workshop. - JSC "Sino-Russian Economic Center", Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2010.
5. Lysenko N. Ecological tourism in Japan // Service and tourism in Sakhalin. Collection of articles on the international scientific-practical conference "Tourism and Hospitality: experience, problems and prospects". Issue III. - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Izd IROSO, 2012. – 238 p. - With. 127–130.



Information system for decision-making in identifying the competencies of management personnel of the enterprises of various forms of ownership 
Toumbinskaia M.V., Phd of Technical sciences, Head of the Kazan national research University. A.N. Tupolev, 
Safiullina A. M., Senior lecturer, Institute of economy, management and law,

An innovative approach to the management of adaptative mechanisms at enterprises of various forms of ownership is offered. It is implemented by automating the identification of key competencies of managerial personnel of the enterprise, which is based on introduction of an information system of decision-making.
Keywords: key competencies, tests, information system for decision-making

1. L.A. Aleksandrova, M.V. Tumbinskaya. Model of interactive learning system // Software products and systems, № 2, 2009.
2. L.A. Aleksandrova, M.V. Tumbinskaya. The model and algorithms for interactive evaluation of knowledge // Software products and systems. Number 3, 2009.
3. Tumbinskaya M.V., Safiullinа A.M. Software evaluation of tests for the detection of competence of personnel reserve with elements of information security // National interests: priorities and security, № 35 (176), 2012.

Labor Market in Innovative Economics: a Synergetic-institutional approach
Legchilina E. Yu., Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant professor of the Chair “Management, Marketing and Commerce” at Omsk State University of Railway Transport,

The article focuses on the development of theories and concepts of the labor market, analyzes the current state of the labor market, assesses the role of the labor market in the innovative economy. A model of the labor market on the basis of synergetic-institutional approach and of the concept of human resources is proposed in the article.
Keywords: labor market, internal labor market, flow of work, human resources, system- synergetic concept, synergetic-institutional approach

1. Innovative Russia – 2020. The Strategy on Innovative Development of Russian Federation up to 2020 /  [E-source] Access mode:
2. Labor Market (Labor market). Definition of Labor Market, labor market regulations [E-source] Access mode: http: // / TERMs /Exchange_Economy/Macroeconomic_indicator
3. Boulatova A. S. Economics: Textbook. М.: Jurist, 1999. 592 pp..
4. Erenberg R. J. Modern Labor Economics: Theory and State Policy / R. J. Erenberg, R. S. Smith. М.: MSU press, 1996. 777 pp.
5. Touchkov A.I.  Labor Market: Going Beyond the Orthodox Paradigm // The Bulletin of PGPU of V.G.Belinsky. 2012. № 28. pp. 584–587.
6. Noyelle T. J. Beyond Industrial Dualism: Market and Job Segmentation in the New Economy. Boulder, London: Westview press, 1987. 140 p.
7. Katunina I. V. System-synergetic Concept of Organizational Development // Management in Russia and Abroad. 2009. № 5. pp. 10-17.
8. Katunina I. V. Building Human Resource Management System Based on a System-synergetic Concept of Organizational Development // Economic Science 2009. № 10. pp. 207-210.
9. Katunina I. V., Legchilina E.Yu. Intellectual Creative Sources in Human Resource Management of Innovative Enterprising // Management in Russia and Abroad №4/2012. pp..116-123
10. Legchilina E.Yu. Human Resource Management in Innovative Enterprising / E. Yu. Legchilina. Omsk State University of Railway Transport, Omsk, 2013. 102 pp.
11. Loubkov A.R. Synergetic Approach to the Analysis of Economic Systems. 2008. 119 pp. / [E-source] Assess mode:
12. Haken G. Synergetics. The Hierarchy of Fluctuations in Self-organizing Systems and Structures. - М.: The World, 1985. 424 с.
13. Pougacheva E., Solovyenko K. Dynamic Model of Professional Labor Market // Alma mater (High School Bulletin), 2000, №6, pp.34-38.

 Creative organizational culture as the factor of overcomingofresistance to change in a higher educational institution
Pivovarov I.V., Assistant lecturer, Department of Management, South Russia Institute, RANEPA, 
Nekrasov V.N., Ph.D., Professor, deputydirector, Head of Department of Management, South Russia Institute, RANEPA,

Аuthors conduct a research of problem of organizational culture development within the context of organizational change. The necessity of the development of creative organizational culture is proved and its features are determined. Personnel engagement is presented as a key feature of a creative organizational culture. 
Keywords: creative organizational culture, resistance to change, personnel engagement

1. MarachaV. Korporativnaya kultura v processakh konsultirovaniya innovatsiy // Socialnye transfomatsyi v Rossii: processyi subject. Sb. Trudov Instituta systemnogo analyza Rossiyskoy akademii nauk / pod. red. B.V. Sazonova. M., 2002.S. 89-90.
2. Aksenovskaya L.N. Organizatsionye izmeneniya I socialno-psychologicheskoe vmeshatelstvo kak vid issledovaniya organizatsionnoy kultury // Sibirsky psychologichesky journal. – 2008. – № 28. – S. 33-38.
3. Vande Ven, А., Poole M.S. Explaining Developmentand Changein Organizations //Academy of Management Review. 1995. Vol. 20. № 3. P. 512.
4. Huber G., Glick W., Miller C., Sutcliffe K. Understanding and Predicting Organizational Change // Organizational Change and Redesign / Eds. G. Huber, W. Glick. N.Y., 1993. P. 216.
5. Barnett W., Carrol G. Modeling Internal Organizational Change // Annual Review of Sociology. 1995. Vol. 21. 
№ 1. P. 219.
6. Meskon M.H., Albert M., Hedouri F. Osnovy managmenta. M.: Delo, 1192. 702 s.
7. Andreeva G.M. Socialnaya psychologiya.M.: Aspect Press, 1999.
8. Tichie N., Devanna M.A. Leadery reorganizatsyy (iz opyta amerikanskikh corporatsiy): Per. s angl. M.: Economica, 1993.
9. Weill P. Iskusstvo manadzhmenta. M.: Novosti, 1993.
10. Kudryavtsev D.I. Resursy soprotivleniya upravlencheskim innovatsiyam v vuzovskoy organizatsyy // Teoriya i praktika obschestvennogo razvitiya. – 2011. – № 1.
11. Isopeskul O. Y. Polimorphism upravlencheskikh vozdeistviy na organizatsionnuyu culture predpriyatiya// Economica i predprinimatelstvo. – 2013. – № 3. S. 252-257.
12. Contracty v akademicheskom mire / sost. i nauch. red. M.M. Yudkevich; Nat. issled.un-t «Vyshaya shkola economiki». – M.: ID VShE, 2011.
13. Mkrtchyan G.A., Petrova O.V. Problemy diagnostiki organizatsionnoy kultury innovatsionnogo universiteta // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. –2012. –№ 6 (1).
14. Bakuradze A.B. Soprotivlenie organizatsyonnym izmeneniyam: otsenka I sredstva preodoleniya // Municipalnoe obrazovanie: innovatsyi i experiment. – 2013. – № 2.
15. Fey K., Denison D. Organizatsionnaya kultura I effectivnost’: rossiysky context // Voprosy economiki. – 2005. – N 4. – S. 58-74.
16. Lebedev A.N., Bagrationi K.A. Incorporativnost’ gruppy kak factor soprotivleniya izmeneniyam v organizatsyi // Upravlenie proektami i programmami. – 2013. – № 1. – S. 62-66.
17. Varfalovskaya V.V. Osnovnye podkhody k upravleniyu organizatsionnymi izmeneniyami // Economica i predprinimatelstvo. – 2012. – № 5. – S. 339-341.
18. Drucker P. Zadachi manadzhmenta v XXI veke / Peter F. Drucker. – M.: ID «Williams», 2012.
19. Sovremennye problemy upravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami. – N. Novgorod: Izd-vo Volgo-Vyatskoy akademii gos. sluzhby, 2011.
20. Jee B. Imidzh firmy. Planirovaniye, formirovanie, prodvizheniye. SPb: Piter. 2000.
21. Polyakov D. Corporativnaya vzaimosvyaz // Elitny personal. – 2006. – № 41 (478).
22. Dibrov A.M. Problema soprotivleniya izmeneniyam v ramkakh innovatsionnogo inzhiniringa // Economica i predprinimatelstvo. – 2013. – № 7. – S. 669-671.
23. Semyanistaya E. Stavka na vovlechennost // Shtat. – 2012. – № 9.

The basic directions of preparation improvement of personnel for factors of the national economy in the region 
Tappaskhanova E. O., Kabardino-Balkaria State University H.M.Berbekova, Associate Professor Department of Management and Marketing, Cand. of Econ.Sci., Associate Professor,
ZhambekovaR.L., Kabardino-Balkaria State University H.M.Berbekova, Professor Department of Management and Marketing, Dr.of Econ.Sci.,
Ligidov R.M., Kabardino-Balkaria State University H.M.Berbekova, Associate Professor Department of Management and Marketing, Cand. of Econ.Sci.,

In the article the basic problems and strategic decisions on the formation of personnel for the national economy of Kabardino-Balkaria are considered. Considering the tourist - recreational specialization of the region, special attention is paid to the training of highly qualified personnel for the sphere of tourism and recreation. The necessity of transition to multilevel preparation of specialists is grounded.
Keywords: economics of the region, training of personnel, the training Programme, european education, international business school, tourism and recreation, multi-level and continuous education

1. Hundreds of experts from the CBD will be trained in Europe [electronic resource]. URL: Access Date: 17.06.2013.
2. We are confident that the people of Kabardino-Balkaria in a position to do anything to her people leaving - on a business trip for training or competition - only to return to become better and stronger [electronic resource]. URL: Access Date: 18.06.2013.
3. In Nalchik, discussed the formation of the North Caucasus Federal District staff reserves [electronic resource]. URL:. Access Date: 15.07.2013. 
4. TappaskhanovaE.O., Mustafayev Z.A., Kudasheva М.З. the Main directions of personnel training for the sphere of tourism in the region.// Collection of the 1st International scientific conference "European applied science: modern approaches in research. - Stuttgart, Germany, December 2012.
5. Resolution of the Government of KBR from 22.12.2011 N 415-PP (as amended on 10.09.2012) "On the Republican target program" The training program for the Kabardino-Balkar Republic "for 2012 - 2015" [electronic resource]. URL: Access Date: 15.07.2013 
6. Report for the 2012 in the field of tourism of KBR [Electronic resource]. URL: Reference date: 19.07.2013
7. Grinko S.A Market tourism training: realities and prospects of development [Electronic resource]. URL: Reference date: 19.07.2013
8. Gerasimenko V.G.Transformation of international tourism and its reflection in the process of training personnel // Regional collection of scientific works on the economy. - Donetsk: Prometheus, 2010.
7. SKFS will train specialists for the "Resorts of the North Caucasus" [Electronic resource]. URL: Reference date: 4.08.2013.


Discussion club

Patriotism and National Identity in the Axiological System of Russian Managers and Entrepreneurs 
Nifaeva O. V., Phd in Economics, Assistant Professor of chair “Economics and management” of Bryansk state technical university,

The paper points out the social and economic consequences of national identity loss in Russian society and business culture. Patriotism is substantiated as an economic category and an economic problem, directly connected with the low level of patriotism among managers and entrepreneurs, are highlighted. The author suggests some recommendations in the sphere of education and state information policy to decrease social tension resulting from the deideologization of Russian business.
Keywords: ideological vacuum, moral decline, patriotism, corruption, shadow economy, state information policy

1. Nifaeva О. V., Nekhamkin А. N. Sotsialnaya reklama na sluzhbe modernizatsii // EKO – Vserossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal. – 2013. – No 4. – S. 158-171.
2. Bespalenko P. N. Dukhovnaya bezopasnost v sisteme natsionalnoi bezopasnosti sovremennoi Rossii: problemy institutsionalizatsii i modeli resheniya: avtoreferat diss. dokt. polit. nauk. – Rostov-on-the-Don, 2009.
3. Berdyaev N. Sudba Rossii. – M.: Filosofskoe obtschestvo SSSR, 1990.
4. Letenko A. Abalkin L. I. Rossiya: osmyslenie sudby // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2012. – No 8. – S. 153-158.
5. Malinin Е. D. Sotsialnaya otvetstvennost predprinimateley i ekonomicheskie reformy v Rossii // EKO – Vserossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal. – 2000. – No 10. – S. 177-189.
6. Mau V. Mezhdu modernizatsiei i zastoem: ekonomicheskaya politika 2012 goda // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2013. – No 2. – S. 4-23.
7. Stepanov E. Sotsialnaya reklama v Rossii: genezis, zhanry, evolyutsiya. – M.: Vest-Konsalting, 2006.
8. Kirilina T. Yu. Stanovlenie sotsiologii morali: sotsiologo-istoricheskii analiz: avtoreferat diss. dokt. sotsiolog. nauk. – Moscow, 2009. – 43 s.
9. Krotov D. V. Sotsialnyi kapital rossiiskoi molodyozhi: avtoreferat diss. dokt. sotsiolog. nauk. – Rostov-on-the-Don, 2009.
10. Nifaeva O. V., Nekhamkin A. N. Sistema sotsialnoi reklamy v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: mekhanizmy i napravleniya razvitiya. – Bryansk: BGTU, 2012.
11. Guskov I. A. Sotsialnaya Zavisimost v Rossiiskom obtschestve: sotsiologicheskii analiz: avtoreferat diss. dokt. sotsiolog. nauk. – Rostov-on-the-Don, 2008. 
12. Ponarina N. N. Fenomen globalizatsii i perspectivy obtschestvennogo progressa: sotsialno-filosofskii analiz: avtoreferat diss. dokt. filos. nauk. – Krasnodar, 2009. 
13. Magomedov M. G. Sotsialnoe doverie in Rossiiskom obtschestve: sotsiologicheskii analiz: avtoreferat diss. dokt. sotsiolog. nauk. – Rostov-on-the-Don, 2009.
14. Sanina A. Formirovanie gosudarstvennoi identichnosti: sotsialno-upravlencheskii aspekt // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. – 2011. – No 7. – S. 81-90.
15. Nifaeva О. V., Nekhamkin А. N. Sotsialnaya reklama kak faktor ekonomicheskogo razvitiya // Мirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. – 2013. – No 5. – S. 48-55. 
16. Delyagin M. G. Draiv Chelovechestva. Globalizatsiya i mirovoi kriziz. – M.: Veche, 2008. – 527 s.
17. Abalkin L. Razmyshleniya o dolgosrochnoi strategii, nauke i demokratii // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2006. – No 12. – S. 4-19.

The list of articles published in magazine «Management in Russia and abroad» in 2013

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