Contents of N2/2016

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Contents of N2'2016


Developed and developing market clusters’ features
Ilinykh L.V., leading researcher of the department of external economic integration of chemical complex of The Scientific Research Institute of Technical and Economic Studies (NIITEKHIM)
Khachaturov A., Dr. of Sc., Prof., the Head of the Chair of Management and Marketing of  D. Mendeleyev University Chemical Technology of Russia

Approaches to defining boundaries, assessing efficiency and forming management (governance) systems for economic clusters at developing and developed markets are suggested. Nature of economic differentiation and integration processes in economic clusters at developing and developed markets is described. It is shown that the cluster approach can be applied for the purposes of the national neo-industrialization.
Keywords: economic cluster boundaries, economic clusters in developing and developed markets, efficiency assessment (evaluation), cluster management system, economic differentiation, economic integration, transaction costs, competitivenes.

1. Klaster [Elektronnyi resurs] // Vikipediya : svobodnaya encikl. – Elektron.dan. – [B. m.], 2015. – URL:
2. Il'inykh L.V., Khachaturov A.E., Belkovskii A.N. Ekonomicheskie klastery kak sposob effektivnogo ispol'zovaniya resursov // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – № 3. – S. 3-12.
3. Delgado M., Porter M. E., Stern S. Defining Clusters of  Related Industries [Elektronnyi resurs] // NBERWorking Paperseries. – 2014. – August. – No. 20375. – URL:
4. Pegat A. Nechetkoe modelirovanie i upravlenie. – M.: BINOM. Laboratoriya znanii, 2009.
5. Bir S. Kibernetika i upravlenie proizvodstvom. M.: Nauka, 1965.
6. Vavilov S.Yu., Hachaturov A.E. Strategicheskoe planirovanie kak programma dolgosrochnogo razvitiya i adaptacii klyuchevyh kompetencii kompanii// Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2013. – № 1. S. 4-18.
7. Mal'cev S.V. Processnyi podhod k upravleniyu: teoriya i praktika primeneniya [Elektronnyi resurs]// Korporativnyi menedzhment. – 2014. – URL:
8. Radaev V.V. Sociologiya rynkov: k formirovaniyu novogo napravleniya – M.: GU VShE, 2003.
9. Porter M.E. Konkurenciya. – M.: Izdatel'skii dom «Vil'yams», 2005.
10. Berezinskaya O.B., Vedev A.L. Proizvodstvennaya zavisimost' rossiiskoi promyshlennosti ot importa i mehanizm strategicheskogo importozamesheniya // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2015. – № 1. – S. 103-115.
11. Inozemcev V.L. Budushee Rossii – v novoi industrializacii // Ekonomist. – 2010. – № 11. – S. 3-15.
12. Gubanov C.S. Neoindustrializaciya Rossii i nisheta ee sabotazhnoi kritiki // Ekonomist – 2014. – № 4. – S.3-32.
13. Konvergenciya [Elektronnyi resurs] // Filosofskii slovar'. – URL:  // obrasheniya: 31.01.2016).
14. Bainbridge W.S., Roco M.C. Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance [Elektronnyi resurs] // Kluwer Academic Publishers (Springer). – 2003. – URL:
15. Kabanov A., Sagdeev R. Konvergenciya nauk: nuzhno li sazhat' vseh uchenyh pod odnu «kryshu»? // Troickii variant. – 2016. – № 196, 26 yanv. – S. 2–3. – «Bytie nauki».
16. Convergence. Facilitating Transdisciplinary Integration of Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Beyond [Elektronnyi resurs] // National Research Council. – Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. – 2014. –
17. Koval'chuk M.V., Naraikin O.S., Yacishina E.B. Konvergenciya nauk i tehnologii – novyi etap nauchno-tehnicheskogo razvitiya [Elektronnyi resurs] // Voprosy filosofii.  2013. – URL: //
18. Zasedanie Soveta po nauke i obrazovaniyu [Elektronnyi resurs] // Oficial'nyi sait Prezidenta RF. – 2016. – 21 yanv. – URL://
19. Bainbridge W.S., Roco M.C. Managing nano-bio-info-cogno innovations: converging technologies in society [Elektronnyi resurs] // Springer.  2005. – URL:

Misinterpretations of the basic concepts when using popular models of cross-cultural management
Shkurko A.V., candidate of sciences, Docent at the NRU HSE, Nizhny Novgorod

Models of business cultures proposed by G. Hofstede and F. Trompenaars – Ch.Hampden-Turner are widely used in cross-cultural management. At the same time, many researchers using the findings of cross-cultural comparisons obtained with the framework of the models, treat the basic concepts related to cultural values, on the basis of authors’ or common interpretations. I argue this is a flawed approach which has to be substituted by the usage of empirical indicators underlying the models. The problem is illustrated with the value dimension of individualism – collectivism.
Keywords: cross-cultural management, values, business cultures, Hofstede, Trompenaars, individualism, collectivism.

1. Veber M. Protestantskaya etika i duh kapitalizma. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. – M.: Progress, 1990. – S.61-208.
 2. Zatitskaya J.V. Specifika russkogo kapitalizma cherez prizmu rezultatov empiricheskih issledovaniy // Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seria: Filosofia. – 2014. – Vol.12, Issue 2. – pp.87-95.
3. Bakardzhieva M. Behaviour of managers and managees in the context of the peculiarities of Bulgarian national culture // Economical Bulletin of Donbass. – 2012. – № 4 (30). – pp. 156-162.
4.  Hofstede G., Hofstede G.J. and Minkov M. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. – New-York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
5.  Johnson J.P. and Lenartowicz T. Economic growth: Do cultural values explain economic growth? // Journal of World Business. – 1998. – Vol. 33(4). – Pp. 332–356.
6.  McSweeney B. Hofstede’s model of national cultural differences and their consequences: a triumph of faith – a failure of analysis. Human Relations. – 2002. – Vol.55 (1). – Pp. 89–118.
7.  Mihet R.  Effects of culture on firm risk-taking: a cross-country and cross-industry analysis // Journal of Cultural Economics. – 2013. – Vol.37. – Pp. 109–151.
8.  Myers M.D. and Tan F.B. Beyond models of national culture in information systems research. In: Advanced Topics in Global Information Management. Vol. 2. Hershey, L.: Idea Group Publishing, 2003. – Pp. 1–19.
9.  Nakata Ch. (ed.). Beyond Hofstede: culture frameworks for global marketing and management. L.: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.
10.  Trompenaars F. and Hampden-Turner C. Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business. London: Nicolas Brealey Publishing, 1998.
11. The World Bank. Databank: GDP per capita (current US$) / URL: //

Research of correlation between brand valuation and the company's capitalization
Titova A.S., brand-manager OJSC Hlebprom

The topic of this acticle is the correlation between brand valuation and the company’s capitalization.
Research was carried out for leading companies from different sectors of the economy. In survey the hypothesis about the impact of the cost of the brand in the company’s capitalization was tested and confirmed. Moreover the relationship between brand value and market capitalization was analyzed for companies from different sectors of the economy.
The research`s outcome is the statement that the change in value of the company’s brand is an important signal to investors about the future change in the capitalization of the company. The study is of interest to investors and owners of the company, who take the decision to invest in cash and the distribution of resources between the company’s assets.
Keywords: assessment of brand valuation, investment attractiveness, brand management, capitalization.

1. Domnin V.N. Brending: novye tehnologii v Rossii. – 2-e izd. – SPb: Piter, 2007.
2. Monahov O. N. Vliyanie kapitala i aktivov brenda na rentabel'nost' investicii v kompanii s sil'nym brendom // Problemy sovremennoi ekonomiki N 4 (44), 2012.
3. Doklad OON: Ezhegodnye rashody kompanii na brending dostigli pochti 0,5 trln dollarov [//]
4. Dettmer H. William Goldratt's Theory of Constraints: A Systems Approach to Continuous Improvement. – Moscow, Alpina Publisher, 2015 – 443 p.

The comparative effectiveness of public management environmental security in the region by dea-analysis (for example Volga federal district)
Porunov A.N., Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of general economic disciplines of Samara Technical University, Samara, Russian Federation

On the example of the Russian Federation, a part of the Volga Federal District, considered the practice of analysis DEA to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of public administration in the field of environmental protection.
Keywords: model, comparative effectiveness, management, and environmental protection.

1. Debreu G. 1951. The coefficient of resource utilization. Econometrica 19 (3): 273-292
2. Farrell, MJ The measurement of Productive Efficiency / MJ Farrell // Journal of Royal Statistical Society. - 1957. - V. 120, Part III
3. Istoriya ekonomicheskih uchenii v voprosah i otvetah. (data obrasheniya 05.04.2015)
4. Environmental Indicators - OECD. (data obrasheniya 23.01.2016)
5. Gosudarstvennyi doklad o sostoyanii i ob ohrane okruzhayushei sredy v 2014 (data obrasheniya 24.01.2016)
6. Lissitsa A., Babicheva T. Analiz obolochki dannyh (DEA) - sovremennaya metodika opredeleniya effektivnosti proizvodstva. Discussion Paper № 50 (2003). c. 28. Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa (IAMO) (data obrasheniya 10.10.2015)
7. Andersen, P., Petersen, N.C. (1993): A procedure for ranking efficient units in Data Envelopment Analysis, Management Science, 39, pp. 1261-1264.


The adoption of the compromise solutions in the management of partnerships on the basis of the «responsibility centers» selection
Osovtsev V.A., doctor of economic sciences, Professor of the Department «Marketing and advertising», Rostov State University of Economics (RINH)
Bondarenko V.A., doctor of economic sciences, acting head of the Department «Marketing and advertising», Rostov State University of Economic (RINH)

This article examines the issues of developing trade-off decisions in the conduct of partnership in the overall strategy of the interacting parties. The authors conclude the appropriateness of the theory of cooperative games and the definition of «responsibility centers» in the design of joint economic projects.
Keywords: compromise, partnerships, game theory, «responsibility centers».

1. Akof R.L. Planirovanie v bol'shih ekonomicheskih sistemah. M.: Sovetskoe radio, 1972.
2. Ventcel' E.S. Issledovanie operacii. – M.: Znanie, 1976.
3. Vorob'ev N.N. Teoriya igr dlya ekonomistov-kibernetikov. – M.: Nauka, Glavnaya redakciya fiziko-matematicheskoi literatury, 1985.
4. Masockii S. SAP – eto osoznannaya neobhodimost' // Biznes: organizaciya, strategiya, sistemy. – 2001. – N11. – S.27–29.
5. Germeier Yu.B. Vvedenie v teoriyu issledovaniya operacii. – M.: Nauka, 1976.
6. Bondarenko V.A., Semernikova E.A.Aktualizaciya marketinga partnerskih otnoshenii v sektore okazaniya bankovskih uslug. // Prakticheskii marketing. – 2013. – N18. –  S.10-17.
7. Bondarenko V.A. Konvergenciya upravlencheskih reshenii v integrirovannyh organizaciyah. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – N6. S. 30–34.
8. Osovcev V.A. Sistemno-analiticheskaya organizaciya potokodvizheniya pri proektirovanii logisticheskih sistem v real'nom sektore ekonomiki: teoriya i metodologiy: avtoref. diss. d-ra ekon. nauk.  Rostov n/D, 2009.
9. Kostoglodov D.D. Makrologisticheskie sistemy rynochnoi ekonomiki. – Rostov n/D : RGEA, 1996.
10. Buzova I.A., Mahovikova G.A., Terehova V.V. Kommercheskaya ocenka investicii. SPb.: Piter, 2003. – S. 182.
11. Heine P. Ekonomicheskii obraz myshleniya. M.: Delo, 1992.
12. Ambler T. Prakticheskii marketing. – SPb.: Piter, 2001. S.265.

Effectiveness of russian oil and gas companies in crisis
Mkrtchian G.M., Doctor of economic sciences, professor, dean of the Faculty of Economics of Novosibirsk State University
Eder L.V., Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, senior researcher at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SB RAS
Filimonova I.V., Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, senior researcher at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SB RAS

The article analyzes the ratio analysis of secondary indicators of Russia’s largest oil and gas companies, which allows for a qualitative study of indicators of economic and financial condition of the vertically integrated oil companies in Russia before the crisis in 2011–2013 and in crisis of  2014, Also, to trace the state of the industry as a whole.
Keywords: oil and gas complex, oil and gas companies, financial condition in crisis, ratio analysis, solvency, profitability.

1. Eder L.V., Filimonova I.V., Mochalov R.A. Effektivnost bisnes-strategiy rossiyskih neftegazovih kompaniy // Burenie i neft. – 2015. – № 3. S. 4-11.
2. Sheremet A.D. Metodika finansovogo analiza deyatelnosti kommercheskih organizaciy. — 2-е izd., pererab. i dop. — М.: INFRA-М, 2008.
3. Danilova M.N., Podoprigora U.V. Analiz finansovoy otchetnosti. Finansoviy analiz. V 2 ch. / Tomsk: Izd-vо Том. gos. arhit.-stroit. un-та, 2012.
4. Eder L.V., Milovidov К.N., Mochalov R.А. Viruchka i pribil neftegazovogo biznesa v Rossii: sostoyanie pered krisisom i vvedeniem sankciy // Neft, gas i bisnes. – 2015. – № 5. S. 3-8.
5. Eder L.V., Filimonova I.V., Mochalov R.А., Milovidov К.N. Tekushie i kapitalnie rashodi neftegazovogo biznesa v Rossii: sostoyanie pered krizisom i vvedeniem sankciy // Neft, gas i bisnes. – 2015. – № 4. S. 10-15.

Increasing the success of innovation due to corporate industrial enterprise «ecosystem» growth
Artemyev Dmitry, HSE-Perm, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Gergert Dmitry, HSE-Perm, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Innovation management in any industrial enterprises connected to the high cost and not always clear prospects for effective use. Accordingly, to increase the likelihood of successful development and implementation of innovation in enterprises requires special conditions and tools. In this study, as these conditions is considered an innovation management maturity model to implement innovation strategies applied and sets of tools for the implementation of innovations. The article, based on a study of a number of industrial enterprises, offers a systematic approach to increasing the success of innovation due to corporate industrial enterprise ecosystem growth.
Keywords: innovation, innovation strategy, innovative maturity, corporate innovation system.

1. Bright prospects. The focus on innovation.A study by Deloitte. Electronic resource:
2. Barney J.B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage // Journal of Management, 1991, 17(1), 99–120.
3. Clayton M. Christensen. The Innovator's Dilemma, Harvard Business School Press, 1997.
4. Peteraf M.A. The cornerstones of competitive advantage – a Resource-Based View // Strategic Management Journal, 1993, Volume: 14, Issue: 3, 179–191.
5. Integrity assurance: Extending the CMMI &iCMM for Safety and Security [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
6. Keely L., Walters H., Pikkel R., Quinn B. Ten Types of Innovation – The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs. John Wiley & Son, 2013.
7. Guan J., Ma N. Innovative capability and export performance of Chinese firms. Technovation // The International Journal of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship 23 (2003), рр. 737–747.
8. Artemyev D.G., Gergert D.V. Universal innovation management as a basis for implementation of innovative business strategy in dynamic conditions of the external environment // Quality. Innovation.Education. 2011. № 4. pp. 30-39.
9. Cooper R., Edgertt S., Kleinschmidt E. New Problem, New Solution: Making Portfolio, Management More Effective // Research Technology Management, 2000, V. 43, No. 2.
10. Project Management Institute. The Standard for Portfolio Management, Third Edition, 2013.

The firm's competitive profile
Taranukha Yury, Doctor of Economic, professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University

The article investigates a company’s competitive profile, which is understood as a set of a company’s characteristics which determine it’s competitive strategy. By analyzing different approaches to determining company’s competitive profile, author draws attention to the importance of the dynamic nature of competition in the selection of a company’s competitive strategy. Determining a company’s competitive profile using the dynamic approach will ensure not only the close relationship between strategy and competitive environment, but will also allow us to predict the consequences of a company’s strategic choices, as well as to prepare for them.
Keywords: competitive strategy, company’s competitive profile, strategic position.

1. Lamben J.-J. Menedzhment, orientirovannyi na rynok. Strategicheskii i operatsionnyi marketing. – SPb. Piter, 2004 g.
2. Taranukha Yu.V. Konkurentnye strategii. Sovremennye sposoby zavoevanija konkurentnykh preimushchestv. – M. RUSiens, 2016 g.
3. Porter M. Konkurentnaja strategija. Metodika analiza otraslei i konkurentov. – M. Alpina biznes-buks, 2005 g.
4. Yudanov A.Yu. Konkurentsija: teorija i praktika. – M. Gnom I D, 2001 g.
5. Rowe A.J., Mason R.O., Dickel K.E. Strategic Management and Business Policy: A Methodological Approach (2nd Ed.), Reading Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, Publishing Co.Inc. 1985.
6. Taranukha Yu.V. Konkurentsija: sistema i protses. – M.: Delo i servis, 2012 g.



Economic estimation of information products sold through the print media
Limarev P., PhD economic, associated professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

In the article describes method of the estimation of the information product sold through the print media, elaborated importance of the term «information product», is given determination of the economic unit to information, and is offered methods calculation cost of the economic unit of information.
Keywords:  information product, print media, economic unit of information.

1. Keba V., Zavojskaja I. Upravlenie oborotom informacionnoj produkcii v ramkah dejatelnosti predprijatija // Upravlencheskij uchet. – 2015. № 11. S. 89-96
2. Limarev P. Ocenka informacionnogo produkta na regional'nom rynke televizionnoj informacii // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2014. – № 6. S. 72-79.
3. Limarev P., Limareva Ju. Upravlenie oborotom informacii v uslovijah institucionalnyh ogranichenij v jekonomike // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – № 2. S. 71-76
4. Limarev P., Limareva Ju. Povyshenie jeffektivnosti upravlenija regionalnyh pechatnyh SMI na osnove marketingovogo podhoda: Monografia. – Magnitogorsk: GOU VPO «MGTU», 2011.
5. Limareva Ju.A., Ostapchenko L.A. Analiz jekonomicheskih pokazatelej, opredeljajushhih uroven i kachestvo zhizni. – Еkonomika i sovremennyj menedzhment: teorija i praktika. – 2014. – № 35. – S. 168-173.

Risks as the problematic knot in interaction beetween banking and real economy
Rakhmetova A.M., PhD, associate professor of “Banking” of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)

The article deals with the current trends of interaction of banking and real sectors of the economy in Russia and Kazakhstan through the prism of managing risks arising in the process. Used statistical, comparative and expert methods. It is concluded that the main directions of economic policy in the complex should take into account the complex connection own risks and their consequences for the development of the national economy.
Keywords: banks, economy, government, politics, interaction.

1. Otchet o razvitii bankovskogo sektora i bankovskogo nadzora. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya 25.072015)
2. Otchet o finansovoi stabil'nosti Nacional'nogo banka Respubliki Kazahstan. Rezhim
3. Diversifikaciya riskov – neozhidannyi rezul'tat odnogo issledovaniya. Rezhim dostupa
4. Sokolinskaya N.E. Kreditnye riski v rossiiskom bankovskom sektore: faktory i menedzhment. // Bankovskie uslugi, 2006. -№ 5. – S. 2-28
5. Godovoi otchet Banka Rossii. // (data obrasheniya 21.07.2015)
6. Otchet Nacional'nogo banka Respubliki Kazahstan «Tekushee sostoyanie bankovskogo sektora Respubliki Kazahstan». Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya 21.07.2015)
7. Statisticheskii byulleten' Nacional'nogo banka Respubliki Kazahstan. Oficial'nyi sait Nacional'nogo banka Respubliki Kazahstan. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya 24.07.2015)
8. Statisticheskii byulleten' Banka Rossii. Oficial'nyi sait Central'nogo banka Rossiiskoi Federacii. Rezhim

Foreing experience of development of exchange relationships
Ivanova E.V., PhD, associate Professor of civil and entrepreneurial law of the HSE associate Professor, civil law Department of Moscow state law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin, the Chairman of the Stock of the Federal commercial arbitration-the arbitration court

The issues of development of legal regulation of exchange relations rather sharply debated in scientific and scientific-practical literature in the last few years. Due to the rather high degree of “closeness” of the exchange’s market regulation continues to be almost entirely local in nature, which complicates the formulation of uniform rules of functioning of stock exchanges in Russia. In this situation, the study of foreign experience of legal regulation is not only desirable, but almost inevitable. The submission analyses the main legal regimes of foreign regulation of the exchange market and prevailing in it.
Keywords: exchange relations, forward deal, spot transaction, forward, futures, swap, market maker.

1. Avilina I.V, Kozyr' O.M. Birzha: Pravovye osnovy organizacii i deyatel'nosti. M.: Ekonomika i pravo, 2011
2. Ambarcumyan S.R. K voprosu o pravovoi kvalifikacii raschetnyh forvardnyh kontraktov // Yurist. - 2011. - № 10.
3.  Andreev V.K. Rynok cennyh bumag. Pravovoe regulirovanie: Kurs lekcii. M. Yuridicheskaya literatura, 2008.
4. Baranov V.N. Birzhevaya torgovlya gazom v Rossii: prikladnye aspekty razvitiya. // Energeticheskoe pravo. 2007. - №1
5. Belov V.A. Cennye bumagi v rossiiskom grazhdanskom prave: V 2 t. M., Uchebno-konsul'tatsionnyy tsentr YurInfoR, 2007. T. II.
6. Belyh B.C. Pravovoe regulirovanie predprinimatel'skoi deyatel'nosti v Rossii. M.; Prospekt, 2005
7. Semilyutina N.G. Rossiiskii rynok finansovyh uslug (formirovanie pravovoi modeli) // SPS «Garant»
8. Sklovskii K.I. O sootnoshenii dogovora i obyazatel'stva // Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava. 2013. N 4. S. 4 - 18.
9. Stepanyan A.S. Pravovoi status uchastnikov birzhevoi torgovli // Yurist. -2007. № 2.



Logistical expenses impact on industrial enterprise KPI
Selivanov A.V., Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Russian Federation. Associate professor, Candidate of technical sciences

Management methods by logistic costs with which help are offered total costs in production system of the enterprise are regulated. The controlling mechanism is considered by the most significant logistic costs. Various variants of change of the price and profit are compared at the chosen level of logistic costs. Routing possibilities on an example of work of Open Company “Facade”, on the developed matrix of delivery of a brick to consumers with the maximum loading of own transport are analysed. Possibilities of returnable logistics, as factor of reception of the additional income are studied by the enterprise also.
Keywords: logistic costs, the analysis of factors, logistic management.

1. Dybskaja V.V., Zajtseva E.N., Sergeev V. I., i dr. Logistics. M.: Eksmo. 2011.
2. Gorskih O.А., Selivanov A.V. Osobennosti upravlenija logisticheskimi zatratami promyshlennogo predprijatija// Logistika: sovremennye tendencii razvitija: materialy XI-oj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (19-20 aprelja 2012 g., g. Sankt-Peterburg). / red. kol.: V.S. Lukinskij i dr., – Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj inzhenerno-jekonomicheskij universitet, 2012. – S.80-81.
3. Korporativnaja logistika. 300 otvetov na voprosy professionalov/ Pod obshh. nauch. red. prof. V.I. Sergeeva.- M.: INFRA-M, 2008.- S.80-86.
4. Selivanov A.V., Shamlickij Ja.I. Transportno-skladskaja logistika proizvodstvennoj sistemy mashinostroitel'nogo predprijatija// Vestnik Sib GAU. 2013. Vyp. 2(48). S. 260-265.
5. Selivanov A.V., Vashlaev I.I. Metodika jekologo-jekonomicheskogo upravlenija gornym proizvodstvom// Gornyj informacionno analiticheskij bjulleten'. 2009. Vyp.11. S.241-245.
6. Selivanov A.V., Prokopovich D.A., Vashlaev I.I.balanc a subsystem of indicators of returnable logistics of the industrial enterprise//Vestnik SibGAU. 2014. Vyp.1 (53). S. 218-225.
7. Sinitsa L. M. Organization of production: proc. of universities. Minsk: computer center of the Ministry of Finance. 2008.540s.
8. Slak N., Stjuart Ch., Dzhonston R. Organizacija, planirovanie i proektirovanie proizvodstva. Operacionnyj menedzhment. M.: INFRA – M, 2011. S.62.

Methodology intercompany management based on system optimization
Konovalova G.I., Ph.D., professor of economics, organization of production, management Bryansk State Technical University

Described optimization models, methods and optimal process control procedures, resources, costs, ensuring system performance by optimizing the engineering enterprise.
Keywords:  system management, optimization, model, method, procedure engineering company.

1. Konovalova G.I. Razvitie metodologii vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya. – Bryansk: BGTU, 2014.
2.Konovalova G.I. Metodologiya vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya na osnove sistemnoi integracii. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M., 2015 - № 2. – S.109-118.
3. Konovalova G.I. Model' edinoi sistemy operativnogo upravleniya proizvodstvom razlichnyh tipov. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M., 2013. - № 5. – S. 95-99.

Analysis of quality management system effectiveness with implementationof the balanced scorecard
Shilnikova H.V., Head of quality department of the «TDSK» JSC, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy for Quality, Ph.D. student, assistant of the Department of Automation and Robotics in Mechanical Engineering of the Institute of Cybernetics of Tomsk Polytechnic University,
Belyankova O.A., Quality manager of the «STI TDSK» Ltd, master’s degree student of the Department of Management and Technology in Higher Professional Education of the Institute of Humanities, Social Sciences & Technologies of Tomsk Polytechnic University,

One of the requirements which standard ISO 9001 includes is measuring the Quality Management System effectiveness. However, there is no uniform method for complex estimation of effectiveness. Currently there are many problems concerning the measurement of QMS effectiveness and each separate process in the QMS of an organization faces the kind of a problem being of both theoretical and practical importance. In this article the author offers the method for analysis of effectiveness with implementation of the Balanced Score Card (BSC), with the process “Getting the construction ready for settling” as an example of this method.
Keywords: quality management system, ISO 9001, effectiveness and efficiency, BSC (Balanced Scorecard), KPI (key performance indicator).

1. Vnedrenie sbalansirovannoi sistemy pokazatelei / Horvath & Partners; Per. s nem.. – M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005.
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The professional roles of modern human resource manager
Vojlokova E.E., Associate Professor at the Department of Organizational psychology in the National Research University Higher School of Economics – Nizhny Novgorod, Candidate of  Psychological Sciences
Gavrilova M.L., Management Master Program Student in the National Research University Higher School of Economics – Nizhny Novgorod

The article represents theoretical overview of studies on HR-managers’ professional roles. The scientific works of foreign authors, describing different concepts of role behavior in HR- management sphere, were analyzed. The special emphasis was laid on the “change agent” role of HR professionals. The work areas of HR-manager as “change agent” were proposed. The paper identifies the necessity of HRM approach change: from reactive to proactive behavior models.
Keywords: HR-manager, professional role, “change agent”.

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«Sincere service» as service quality factor
Stroh W.A., Ph.D., Professor, Head of Department of organizational psychology Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Kostyleva P.Yu., Student of the master’s program “Psychology in business” Higher School of Economics, Moscow

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problem of the service quality assessment and its parameters and criteria. The paper includes an analysis of the emotional part of the process of consuming and providing services, the analysis carried out in the context of the Experience Economy through such scientific concepts as “emotional labor” and “emotional intelligence”. The article proposes the theoretical model of “sincere service” based on the assumption that both employee and client have a desire for realization of real feelings.
Keywords: service quality, emotional labor, sincere service.

1. Brymer R.A. Osnovy upravleniya v industrii gostepriimstva. – M.: Aspekt Press, 2005.
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The development of the youth entrepreneurship competence to improve the quality of human resources for business
Konykona O.M., Ph.D (Sociology) – Management Department, Associate Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Raikhlina A.V., Ph.D (Economics) – Management Department, Associate Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Nowadays the staff entrepreneurship competence is one of the most needed by management of any company. Small and medium business economic parameters are determined with the staff
entrepreneurship competence. For big industrial enterprises, it matters because of the «inner entrepreneurship» supporting. The development of the youth entrepreneurship competence is actual to improve the quality of human resources for business in future.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship competence, stuff of companies, small business, business-idea.

1. Entrepreneurship Competence // European Commission Joint Research Center -
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