Contents of N3/2016

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Contents of N3'2016


Basic principles and approaches to management of sustainable innovative development of economic systems
Orlova L.N., candidate of science, economics, associate professor of department «Management of intellectual property», Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

The facing of Russia economy long-term system challenges are actual and require additional scientific and practical researches and decisions for sustainable innovative development of economic subjects. The economic growth and certain level of economic stability are possible because an innovative component of economic will be realized. In the article the main principles and the conceptual model of innovative economy and sustainable development are allocated.
Keywords:  innovative economy, innovative system, sustainable development.

1. Oficial'nyi sait Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po statistike Rossiiskoi Federacii. - Rezhim dostupa URL:
2. Mandel'brot Benua, Hadson Richard L. (Ne)poslushnye rynki: fraktal'naya revolyuciya v finansah. – M.: Vil'yams, 2006.
3. Bortnik I.M., Zinov V.G., Kocyubinskii V.A., Sorokina A.V. Indikatory innovacionnogo razvitiya regionov Rossii dlya celei monitoringa i upravleniya. // Innovacii, 2013. - No 11 (181). – S. 2-13.
4. Sannikova I.N., Tatarnikova E.V. Ocenka innovacionnogo potenciala predpriyatiya dlya upravleniya razvitiem. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. - 2013. - No 3. – S. 57-64.
5. Orlova L.N. Leont'eva L.S., Goryacheva T.A. Innovacionnyi potencial ekonomicheskih sistem mezourovnya. – M.: MESI, 2015.
6. Leont'eva L.S., Il'in A.B., Konotopov A.I. Prostranstvennye innovacii kak resurs social'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya. // Biznes-v zakone. Ekonomiko-yuridicheskii zhurnal. – 2014. - No 6. – S. 204-207.

Power law vs “20/80” rule
Dzuba Sergey, Dr. of Sc., Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Irkutsk State Technical University

Management of resource flows is one of the analytical applications that have to deal with a power law distribution, also is known as the Pareto law or the Zipf's law. The case for the ABC analysis shows that boundaries of groups can be established according to the data structure, but not taken “by eye” or from the mythical 20/80 rule. Methods of Express analysis and tools to identify of structures for more complex cases are presents.
Keywords: Power law, Zipf law, Pareto law, ABC analysis.

1. Auerbach F. Das Gesetz der Bevölkerungskonzentration // Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. 1913. 59, p. 74–76.
2. Zipf G.K. Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort // Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 1949.
3. Newman M.E. Power laws, Pareto distributions and Zipf's law // Contemporary physics. 2005. No. 46(5), p. 323–351.
4. Clauset A., Shalizi C.R., Newman M.E. Power-law distributions in empirical data // SIAM review. 2009. 51(4), p. 661–703.
5. Golovina T.A. Management of the foreign methods integration of the administrative analysis for the effectiveness estimation of the assortment policy in the pharmacy // Management In Russia and Abroad. 2009. No1.



The transatlantic partnership: geopolitics and prospects of development of international entrepreneurship
Popova L.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Department «Accounting and taxation» Prioksko state University
Maslova I.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Department «Accounting and taxation» Prioksko state University
Konkina T.A., postgraduate student of the 1st course of the Department «Accounting and taxation» Prioksko state University

In this article the authors first examine existing at the present stage of international relations in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as issues of geopolitics. The main problem of this direction is the creation of a Transatlantic trade and investment partnership. The authors reveal the essence of this partnership, its benefits, current state and prospects of development in foreign countries.
Keywords:  international relations, the Transatlantic partnership, the world economy, European Union, international trade.

1. European Commission. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
2. Kaeser, Joe. Why a US-European trade deal is a win-win (February 2, 2014) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
3. Nominal 2012 GDP for the world and the European Union (EU). World Economic Outlook Database, October 2013. International Monetary Fund [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
4. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) explained, European Commission DG Trade, 8 May 2014 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
5. The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: European Disintegration, Unemployment and Instability [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
6. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - Trade - European Commission. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
7. TTIP Draft [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
8. United States - Trade - European Commission. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
9. Voprosy jekonomiki Rossii: politika, sobytija, ocenki, perspektivy. Informacionno-analiticheskij obzor, 22 - 28 fevralja 2016 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
10. Maslova I.A. Osnovnye faktory, vozdejstvujushhie na jekonomicheskuju bezopasnost' gosudarstva. // Upravlencheskij uchet. - 2013. - No 12. - S. 63-67.
11. Popova L.V. Torgovye vojny, usilenie konkurencii, povyshenie cen v torgovyh setjah i na agroprodovol'stvennyh rynkah posle vstuplenija Rossii v VTO. // Nauchnye trudy Vol'nogo jekonomicheskogo obshhestva Rossii. - 2014. - T. 182. - S. 296-301.
12. Starostenko K.V., ChekulaevA.A. Nacional'nye interesy Rossii v uslovijah sovremennyh geopoliticheskih riskov / K.V. Starostenko, A.A. // Jekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye nauki. - 2015. - No 5 (280). - S. 3-13.
13. Transatlanticheskoe torgovoe i investicionnoe partnerstvo [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:

Development of alternative management algorithms for international settlements
Ivanov V.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor of Russian Foreign Trade Academy, subdepartment of finance and credit-currency relations
Kondyrev V.A., Russian Foreign Trade Academy, full-time fourth-grade student, faculty of international economics

This article analyzes the latest trends in global financial technologies. Key characteristics of the SWIFT system are examined, as well as the opportunities opening with the integration of national payment systems of the countries of the SCO, the EEU and BRICS, in particular China and Russia. Conclusion is drown on the feasibility of establishing a model of an alternative payment system incorporating the most efficient mechanisms for managing elements of the global infrastructure of financial markets, based on emerging financial technologies, which provide a number of advantages when conducting international settlements.
Keywords: financial technology, payment system, international payments, BRICS, SCO, EEU, financial markets, payment infrastructure, management algorithm, risk management, alternative payment system.

1. Ofitsialnyiy sayt SWIFT, razdel «About us» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
2. Ofitsialnyiy sayt SWIFT, razdel «Discover SWIFT» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
3. Ofitsialnyiy sayt SWIFT, razdel «Press releases» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
4. Former Goldman exec wants to upend the way the world moves money ot 08.04.2016 // Bloomberg [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
5. Exclusive: SWIFT to advise banks on security as Bangladesh hack details emerge ot 20.03.2016 // Reuters [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
6. Martin A. Recent Evolution of Large-Value Payment Systems: Balancing Liquidity and Risk // Federal re-serve bank of Kansas City: Economic review [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
7. NSPK i yaponskaya JCB dogovorilis o vyipuske kobeydzhingovyih kart // Vedomosti [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
8. Ofitsialnyiy sayt MasterCard, razdel «Press-relizyi» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
9. Ivanov V., Kondyrev V. Formirovanie edinoy platyozhnoy sistemy stran BRIKS // «Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom», № 6, 2015. – C. 50-59.
10. Yakovenko D. Tranzaktsiya proshla uspeshno ot 05.10.2015 // Ekspert [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
11. Rasschitano avtorami po dannym ofitsialnogo sayta ETsB, razdela «Target2» [Elektronnyiy re-surs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
12. Sayt Fedwire, razdel «Fedwire Funds Service» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
13. Sayt BOJ NET, razdel «Payment systems» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
14. Sayt TsB RF, «Platyozhnaya sistema Banka Rossii: kratkiy obzor po sostoyaniyu na 01.01.2013g.)» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
15. Ofitsialnyiy sayt Bank of China, «?????????????????(CIPS)????»[Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
16. Sayt HKIL, «Principles for Financial Market Infra-structures: disclosure for USD CHATS» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
17. MVD soobschilo o popyitke hischeniya sredstv iz pochti vseh bankov Rossii ot 04.02.2016 // Forbes [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
18. Gladyishev D. Integratsiya platyozhnyih sistem na mirovom finansovom ryinke» // Finansovyiy uni-versitet pri Pravitelstve Rossiyskoy Federatsii», 2014. – C. 165. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: D.A. (29.08.2014) 0786b0da0bc5d12095e9aa96fe5baca1.pdf (data obrasche-niya: 29.04.2016).
19. Wildau G. China launch of renminbi payments system reflects Swift spying concerns ot 08.10.2015 // Financial Times [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
20. Kitay zapustil sistemu mezhdunarodnyih platezhey v yuanyah CIPS ot 08.10.2015 // Vedomosti [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
21. Pravila Platyozhnoy Sistemyi AKB «Bank Kitaya (Elos)» // AKB «BANK KITAYA (ELOS)» (Prikaz № 238 ot 02.12.2014 g.) [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: Pyament System (BOC).pdf (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
22.  IMF Approves Reserve-Currency Status for China's Yuan ot 30.11.2015 // Bloomberg [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
23. World Payments Report 2013 // Capgemini [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
24. Replacing legacy payment systems – An industry guide from ACI // ACI payment systems [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
25. Marich I. Birzhevyie proektyi integratsii valyutnyih ryinkov evraziyskogo prostranstva i razvitiya operatsiy v natsionalnyih valyutah // TsB RF [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
26. Discussion paper Possible RMB – Clearing model for the city of Frankfurt // Bundesbank [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
27. «Bolshie dannyie» protiv moshennikov ot 09.10.2013 // Kompyuterra [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
28. Tokenizatsiya: kak eto rabotaet? ot 08.05.2015 // PaySpaceMagazine [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
29. Sberbank stavit blockchain ot 10.12.2015 // Kommersant [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).
30. Acronis sobiraetsya ispolzovat tehnologiyu blochnyih tsepey ot 24.02.2016 // Vedomosti [Elek-tronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 29.04.2016).

Investment rating of small businesses: the criteria and evaluation indicators
Ivanova O.E., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of the department of accounting, analysis and audit FSBEI HE Kostroma GAA
Soldatova L.I., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, associate professor department of accounting, analysis and audit FSBEI HE Kostroma GAA
Krivtsova I.N., associate professor department of accounting, analysis and audit FSBEI HE Kostroma GAA
Soldatova A.P., 4th year student of the faculty of economics in the direction of preparation 38.03.02 «Management» profile «Small Business Management» FSBEI HE Kostroma GAA

In the article the questions of an estimation of innovative ranking of small businesses. The results of evaluation of the integral index based on statistical groupings of industrial production of the Kostroma region. Identify possible actions to manage innovative rated based on a qualitative assessment conducted on the basis of correlation – regression analysis.
Keywords: small business, innovative rating indicator, correlation and regression analysis, industry.

1. Abrashkin M.S. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie deyatel'nosti naukoemkih promyshlennyh predpriyatii v usloviyah perehoda ekonomiki na innovacionnyi put' razvitiya // Voprosy regional'noi ekonomiki. – 2014. – T. 21. No 4. – S. 121-128.
2. Ivanova O.E., Kozlova M.A. Analiz i prognoz zatratoobrazovaniya promyshlennogo sektora Rossii // Rossiiskoe predprinimatel'stvo – 2013. – No 11 (233). – S. 50-57.
3. Ivanova O.E. Ocenka deyatel'nosti organizacii na osnove statisticheskih metodov analiza // Ekonomika i upravlenie: analiz tendencii i perspektiv razvitiya – 2013. – No 6. – S. 282-286.
4. Ivanova O.E., Soldatova L.I., Krivcova I.N., Soldatova A.P. Metodika analiza sub'ektov malogo predprinimatel'stva // Internet – zhurnal «Naukovedenie» – 2014. – No 6 (25). – S. 79.
5. Sidorkina M.Yu. Mesto Kostromskoi oblasti v ekonomike strany // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennoi nauki: sbornik statei mezhdunarodnoi nauchno – prakticheskoi konferencii – 2015. – S. 117-120.
6. Soldatova L.I., Ivanova O.E., Krivcova I.N., Soldatova A.P. Ocenka nalichiya, sostoyaniya i effektivnogo ispol'zovaniya sel'skohozyaistvennoi tehniki Kostromskoi oblasti s primeneniem integral'nogo pokazatelya // Internet – zhurnal «Naukovedenie» – 2014. – No 6 (25). – S. 167.
7. Yakovlev V.B. Statistika. Raschety v MicrosoftExcel. – M.: KolosS, 2005.



The formation of the system of state monitoring programs site
Pazdnikova N.P., PhD, Associate Professor Department of Economic and Finance, State National Research Polytechnical

The article deals with the formation of state programs monitoring system at the level of regions and municipalities. The purpose of the article – to show the organization of the study and the possible components of the monitoring system of the state programs, most fully reveal the essence of such systems in terms of budget resources management transformation.
Keywords: monitoring the state of the program, the system region.

1. Kogut A.E., Rohchin V.E. Informacionnye osnovy regional'nogo social'no-ekonomicheskogo monitoringa. SPb – M:. 1995.
2. Aleksandrova A., Belyakov I., Nikonova L. Monitoring social'nyh programm: prakticheskie primery. - M.: Institut ekonomiki goroda, 2005.
3. Myl'nik V.V. Titarenko B.P., Volchienko V.A. Issledovanie sistem upravleniya: uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov.– M.: Akademicheskii proekt «Triksta», 2004.
4. Percov L.V. Vnedrenie gosudarstvennyh programm sub'ektov RF i municipal'nyh programm v praktiku upravleniya: voprosy i otvety. - ID «Byudzhet». Gosudarstvo. 2012. No 10.
5. Malyshev Yu.A. Kutergina G.V., Avvakumov V.Yu. Formirovanie sistemy monitoringa //Audit i finansovyi analiz. 2010. No 6. - S.1-15.
6. Posobie po monitoringu i ocenivaniyu programm regional'nogo razvitiya / pod red. I. Sanzharovskogo. - K.: K.1.S., 2007.
7. Pazdnikova N.P. Formirovanie sistemy monitoringa realizacii programmy social'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya regiona: diss…kand. ekonom. nauk 08.00.05 - Perm.gos. un-t. Perm', 2007. – 174 s.

The safe operation of the economy: factors to ensure
Kalashnikov I.B., Doctor of economic sciences, Professor of the Department «Of economic security», Saratov socio-economic Institute DISTRICT it. G.V. Plekhanov, Russia
Oskina E.A., Candidate of economics, associate Professor of the chair «Applied economics and management of innovation», Saratov State Technical University named after Y.A. Gagarin, Russia

The influence of the ratio of the banking sector and real production and public finance in the process of ensuring the safe operation of the Russian economy.
Keywords:  economic safety, public debt, the interaction of the banking sector and real production.

1. Keins Dzh.M. Obshaya teoriya zanyatosti, procenta i deneg. M., Progress, 1978. – S. 178.
2. Gubanov S. Ob ekonomicheskoi modeli i dolgosrochnoi strategii novoi industrializacii Rossii // Ekonomist. 2016. No 2. S.3.
3. Tatarkin A., Andreeva E. Perspektivy neindustrial'nogo razvitiya Rossii v usloviyah tekushih sdvigov // Ekonomist. 2016. №2. S.11.
4. Daskovskii V., Kiselev V. Vzaimootnosheniya real'nogo i bankovskogo sektorov ekonomiki // Ekonomist. 2016. No 1. S.20.
5. Statistika vneshnego sektora / Vneshnii dolg Rossiiskoi Federacii (analiticheskoe predstavlenie) // Bank Rossii // [Elektronnyi resurs] – URL: (data obrasheniya 10.01.2016).
6. Kuz'min V. My novyi VEB postroim // Rossiiskaya gazeta ot 30 marta 2016 g. S.5.
7. Amosov A. O vzaimodeistvii vneshneekonomicheskih i makroekonomicheskih faktorov, vliyayushih na razvitie ekonomiki i social'noi sfery // Ekonomist. 2016. No 1. S.9-10.
8. Citiruetsya po: Markelov R. Doshli do tochki // Rossiiskaya gazeta ot 8 aprelya 2016 g. S.2.
9. Kalashnikov I.B. Ekonomika Rossii: perehod na neindustrial'nyi etap razvitiya (teoriya i metodologiya obosnovaniya). Saratov, Izdatelskyi zentr «Nauka», 2012.S.130.

Strategic analysis of the system of social and economic development of the volgograd region
Ponomareva L.V., PhD in economics, Associated professor, Volgograd state university

The author carried out a strategic analysis of the system of social and economic development of the region as an example of the Volgograd region. The author analyze the dynamics of exports and imports of basic products production and technical purposes in the Volgograd region, the dynamics of the volume of exports and imports of basic food items in the Volgograd region, the dynamics of the volume of exports and imports of consumer durables in the Volgograd region and a number of other indicators. Based on the analysis, the author make conclusions and forecasts of socio-economic development of the region.
Keywords: strategic analysis, system parameters, socio-economic development, the region Volgograd region.

1. Social'no-ekonomicheskie pokazateli regionov, vhodyashih v Yuzhnyi federal'nyi okrug (po dannym Federal'noi sluzhby Gosudarstvennoi statistiki) za 2013 g. – Volgograd: – Volgogradstat. – 2013.
2. Regiony Rossii. Osnovnye harakteristiki sub'ektov Rossiiskoi Federacii 2013. – M.: Rosstat, 2013 g.
3. Regiony Rossii. Social'no-ekonomicheskie pokazateli 2013. – M.: Rosstat, 2013 g.
4. Oficial'nyi sait Komiteta ekonomiki Administracii Volgogradskoi oblasti
5. Oficial'nyi sait Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po statistike RF
6. Popkova E.G., Mitrahovich T.N. Disproporcii ekonomicheskogo rosta v regionah RF: problemy analiza // Sovremennaya ekonomika: problemy i resheniya. - 2010. - No 2. - C. 24-36.
7. Popkova E.G., Mitrahovich T.N. Koncepciya motivacii v kontekste stimulirovaniya razvitiya regional'noi ekonomiki (po materialam trudov doktora ekonomicheskih nauk, professora Shahovskoi L.S.) // Sovremennaya ekonomika: problemy i resheniya. - 2011. - No 5. - C. 161-166.
8. Popov V.N. Ostrovskaya V.N. Ocenka sushestvuyushei strategicheskoi modeli pozicionirovaniya stavropol'skogo kraya kak turistskogo regiona // Teoriya i praktika obshestvennogo razvitiya. – 2013. – No 2. – S. 247-250.
9. Borisov A.N., Dolzhenko L.M., Garus A.V. Modelirovanie v strategicheskom planirovanii investicii // V sb. Konkurentosposobnost' predpriyatii: faktory i puti povysheniya materialy Regional'noi nauchnoi konferencii VGLTA. Voronezh, 2009. – S. 355-361.
10. Ponomareva, L.V. Analiz problem ustoichivogo, bezo-pasnogo i konkurentosposobnogo razvitiya regiona. // Sovremennaya teoriya razvitiya: mezhvuzovskii sbornik trudov molodyh uchenyh. Volgograd : Izdatel'stvo Politehnik, 2005. – S. 52-61.

Intellectual attractiveness of the region: reputatsionals risks
Belyayev A.V., Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education, Far North-Caucasian Federal University, Russia

In the article the problem of retention and increase in the intellectual potential of Stavropoliye is examined, the criteria of its estimation are based, is revealed the content of concept “intellectual
attractiveness of region” (IA) , are described the factors, which generate the loss of reputation. The structure of the characteristic of the intellectual attractiveness of region is described based on the example of such indices as inventor activity, migration, monitoring of the gifted young people, attraction of investments, presence of highly technological work sites on the labor market.
Keywords:  intellectual potential, evaluation criterion, migration, management, the investment.

1. Arzumanyan Э A. Ponyatiye reputatsionnyh riskov [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Zadorozhenko D.S. Sovremennyye podhody k otsenke delovoy reputatsii I reputatsionogo riska // Upravleniye ekonomicheskimi sistemami: elektronyi nauchnyi zhurnal.-2013.- No 8 [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Koeffitsient izobretatelskoi aktivnosti [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
4. Tomskaya oblast stala pervoy [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: 
5. Minasov, M. Intellektualnyi potentsial regiona – vazhneyshii factor ustoichivogo razvitiya reegiona [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Matviyenko V. Korruptsiya na Stavrolye // Komsomolskaya Pravda/-2014/-22 iyulya.7. Investitsionnoye poslaniye gubernatora Stavropolskogo kraya // Rossiyskaya gazeta. - 2015.- 16 dekabrya.8. Yemelyanjva S. Sbavili oboroty // Rossiyskaya gazeta. - 2015. – 23 dekabrya.
9. Yemelyanjva S.Na Stavropolye proverki predprinimateley // Rossiyskaya gazeta. - 2016. 1 Marta.
10. Neratov D. Zarabotali stolko, chto dazhe rasteryalis ! // Soyuznoye veche. - 2015. - 4-10 dekabrya.
11. Putin opredelil natsionalnuyu ideyu Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:

Organizational and structural approaches to the transformation of the organizational mechanisms to optimize cooperative commodity supply and investments of russian scientific and production companies in the conditions of the EAEC
Bortalevich S.I., Doctor of Economics, assistant professor, head of the Center forthe study of energy marketsandthe development ofenergy infrastructureissues, the Institute of Market Problems, Russian  Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

In the article the problems of development in scientific and technical sphere of the participating countries of the Eurasian economic Union in conditions of unstable financial and economic situation and on this basis formulated the main features of formation of a promising model for creating innovative integrated Federal system in the scientific-technical sphere of the participating countries of the EAEU.
Keywords: governance, cooperative commodity supply, investment, the substitution, EAEU.

1. Bortalevich S.I. Setecentricheskaya optimizaciya shem upravleniya tehnologicheskimi i ekonomicheskimi processami v energetike EAES, Ekonomicheskie nauki – 2015 – No 3.
2. Evraziiskii ekonomicheskii soyuz. Voprosy i otvety. Cifry i fakty. – M., 2014.
3. Evraziiskii ekonomicheskii soyuz (EAES): finansovaya i promyshlennaya politika. M.: Nauchno-issledovatel'skii finansovyi institut. 2015.
4. Sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy ekonomicheskoi integracii na evraziiskom prostranstve.  M.: Editus, 2015.
5. Evraziiskaya ekonomicheskaya integraciya: opyt i perspektivy. 2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe. – M.: IPC «Russkii raritet», 2015.



Professionalism of a manager as a necessary condition of transport forwarding space development
Makashina I.I., PSc. (Pedagogics) prof. of Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University Full Member of Pedagogical and Social science academy, (Russia. Novorossiysk)
Filatova E.V., PhD., Senior lecturer of Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University

The choice of the theme of the article is stipulated by the necessity of theoretical reflection and importance of methodological development of new and adaptation of existing approaches to study of scientific and practical issues of the transport space designing.
The article shows that the professionalism of a manager is the essential condition of the development of the transport forwarding space as a component of the transport space. It is shown, that in a basis of the administrative decision making is the general integrated information on a subject of activity which is formed of the integrated object and the integrated information on these objects.
Keywords: transport forwarding space, manager, administrative decision, quality, forwarding.

1. Aristotel'. Sochineniya v 4-h t. – M.: Mysl', 1983.
2. Kant I. Kritika chistogo razuma. – M., Nauka 1998.
3. Makashina I.I. Sistema pedagogicheskogo obespecheniya poliprofil'noi podgotovki menedzherov dlya morskogo torgovogo flota. – Novorossiisk: MGA im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2011.
4. Makashina I.I., Filatova E.V. Obrazovatel'naya situaciya v obuchenii budushih specialistov transportnogo ekspedirovaniya osnovam vyrabotki upravlencheskih reshenii. // Vestnik GMU im.adm. F.F. Ushakova «Ekspluataciya. bezopasnost' i ekonomika vodnogo transporta», № 1 (2). 2013 g.
5. Marichev I.V. Sistemnaya organizaciya obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva. – Novorossiisk. RIO GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2013.
6. Filatova E.V. Formirovanie i upravlenie kachestvom transportno-ekspedicionnogo obsluzhivaniya v sfere morskih perevozok. – Novorossiisk. RIO GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2015.
7. Haidegger, M. Vremya i bytie: Stat'i i vystupleniya. M.: Respublika, 1993.

Multinational corporations in the food market: role, strategy, domination sources
Baryshnikova N.A., Dr. of Sc., professor of the chair “Marketing, economy of enterprises and organizations” Saratov social-economic institute of the Plekhanov Russian University of economics

The article deals with the place of multinational corporations in world food system. The sources of competitive advantages of multinational corporation and key factors defining strategy of their behavior in the national food markets are revealed. It is proved that the share of the foreign capital in a food complex of Russia in some branches reached critical values that threatens not only food, but also economic security of the country.
Keywords: food market, multinational corporations, strategy, competitive advantages.

1. New Directions in Global Food Markets / Electronic Report from the Economic Research Service (United States Department of Agriculture) URL:
2. FT 500: Reiting krupneishikh kompaniy mira – 2015.
3. Ofitzialniy sait kompanii Nestle v Rossii
4. Ofitzialniy sait kompanii PepsiCo v Rossii
5. Ivanova S.V. Amerikanskiy capital na rynke molochnoi produktzii Rossii: effekty pogloshchenia kompanii VBD // Rossia I Amerika v 21 veke. – 2011. - No 11.
6. Porter M. Konkurentnaya strategia: Metodika analiza otrasley I konkurentov. M.: Alpina Buznes Buk, 2005.

Corporate values in the banking sector: russian and international pr actice
Prosvirkina E.Y., lecturer of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, doctor student of SBS Swiss Business School
Prosvirkina E.Y., PhD in Economics, associate professor of the National Research University “Samara State Aerospace University under the Name of Academician Korolev

This article is devoted to the research of publicly declarative values in the Russian banking sector. Data collection is based on the analysis of banks’ official websites, codes of ethics and corporate behavior, press-releases and public speeches of banks’ leadership. The sample of the research consists of fifty large Russian banks. A variety of publicly declarative values are classified into sixteen categories. Based on the calculation of CV-Index key corporate values of the Russian banking sector are determined as well as the comparison of the results with international practice are introduced.
Keywords: corporate values, Russian banking industry, leading banks.

1. Ratingi bankov // Informationny portal “” [Electronic resources]:
2. Alas R., Vadi M., Sun W. (2010) Impact of Work-related Values upon Attitudes Toward Changes and Organizational Learning in Chinese Organizations. Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 117–129.
3. Brytting T., Trollestad C. (2000) Managerial Thinking on Value-Based Management. International Journal of Value-Based Management, Vol. 13, pp. 55–77.
4. Donker H., Poff D., and Zahir S. (2008) Corporate Values, Codes of Ethics, and Firm Performance: A Look at the Canadian Context. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 82, No. 3, pp. 527–537.
5. Jaakson K. (2010) Management by Values: are Some Values Better than Others? Journal of Management Development, Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 795–806.
6. Klenke K. (2005) Corporate Values as Multi-level, Multi-domain Antecedents of Leader Behaviors International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 50–66.
7. Padaki V. (2000) Coming to Grips with Organizational Values. Development in Practice, Vol. 10, Nо. 3-4, рp. 420–435.
8. Van Lee R., Fabish L, and McGaw N. (2005) The Value of Corporate Values. Strategy and Business, Vol. 39, pp. 1–15.



Improvement of the management of the organization
Gorlenko O.A., Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, head of quality management of education at the University of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Bryansk state technical University”
Borbatс N.M., Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, head of monitoring and performance assessment processes of the University of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Bryansk state technical University”
Mozhayeva T.P., Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, head of Department of normative documents of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Bryansk state technical University”

An approach to improving the management of the organization based on requirements of ISO 9000 standards, including a new version of 2015 for the creation and development of quality management systems (QMS). The basic methodological principles for the establishment of the integrated management
system of the organization on the basis of system of General management and quality management system in order to improve the efficiency of its activities. Special attention is paid to a process approach and leadership management of the organization, like the basic principles of creating such systems.
Keywords:  the system of business excellence of the organization, quality management system, ISO 9000 series, ISO 9001 : 2015, integrated management system of the organization, the basic methodological principles, process approach, leadership management of the organization.

1. Harrington Dzh. Sovershenstvo upravleniya processami. – M.: RIA «Standarty i kachestvo», 2007.
2. Harrington Dzh. Sovershenstvo upravleniya proektami. – M.: RIA «Standarty i kachestvo», 2007.
3. Harrington Dzh. Sovershenstvo upravleniya resursami. – M.: RIA «Standarty i kachestvo», 2008.
4. Harrington Dzh. Sovershenstvo upravleniya izmeneniyami. – M.: RIA «Standarty i kachestvo», 2008.
5. Harrington Dzh. Sovershenstvo upravleniya znaniyami. – M.: RIA «Standarty i kachestvo», 2008.
6. Maslov D.V. Ot kachestva k sovershenstvu. Poleznaya model' EFQM. – M.: RIA «Standarty i kachestvo», 2008.
7. Gorlenko O.A., Miroshnikov V.V. Razvitie sistem menedzhmenta kachestv // Naukoemkie tehnologii v mashinostroenii. –2015. – No 8. – S. 44 – 48.
8. Dzedik V.A., Ezrahovich A.Ya. Sozdanie i audit sistem menedzhmenta kachestva v sootvetstvii s mezhdunarodnym standartom ISO 9001 : 2015. – Volgograd: Prin Terra Dizain, 2015.

Сorporate newspaper as an effective instrument of formation the university's reputation capital
Demenenko I.A., senior lecturer of sociology and management Belgorod state technological university V.G. Shukhov
Shavyrina I.V., associate professor of sociology and management Belgorod state technological university V.G. Shukhov

This article was prepared with the financial support of the RHRF and the Government of the Belgorod region. Grant « Formation of the Customer-Centric Organizational Culture of the University as a Factor of Effective Social and Economic Development of the Region» № 16-13-31002 (head - Shavyrina I.V).

The article provides an analysis of the corporate newspaper potential within the formation and development of reputation and competitive equity in higher education. The necessity of introduction of customer-oriented approach in the management of capital formation reputation of the university, where the main and effective instrument serves corporate newspaper.
Keywords: corporate newspaper, competitiveness, reputational capital of the university.

1. Gulei I.A., Shavyrina I.V. Sociokul'turnaya model' razvitiya organizacionnoi kul'tury vuza v usloviyah povyshennoi konkurencii vypusknika // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. - 2015. - No 5. - S. 91-96.
2. Gus'kova E.A., Shavyrina I.V. Problema professional'nogo samoopredeleniya sovremennoi molodezhi v usloviyah konkurencii vuzov na rynke obrazovatel'nyh uslug // Vestnik Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shuhova. - 2014. - No 3. - S. 215-219.
3. Murzin D.A. Fenomen korporativnoi pressy. – Moskva. - 2005.
4. Avilova Z.N., Gulei I.A., Shavyrina I.V. Formation of the Customer-Centric Organizational Culture of the University as a Factor of Effective Social and Economic Development of the Region // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, June2015, Vol 6, No 3, P. 207-216.

Russian cooperatives: krestovozdvizhenskoe orthodox working brotherhood
Klyuchko V.N., candidate of economic sciences, docent at The Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Bauman MSTU)

The history and special features of the development of Krestovozdvizhenskoe orthodox working brotherhood in the end the XIX–beginning XX, its structure and the system of management of this artel are concidered. The business efficiency of the brotherhood is analyzed.
Keywords: cooperative, working brotherhood, Neplyuev, Vozdvizhensk, orthodoxy, agriculture, industry, management.

1. Abramov I. Vkul'turnom skitu. Procvetajushhaja kommunisticheskaja obshhina. Izd. 2. - SPb.: Knigoizdatel'stvo «Zhizn' i znanie», 1914.
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Labour potential and compensation: analysis of contradictions
Maslov E.V., Candidate of Economics, professor Department of Economy of work and human resource management Novosibirsk State University of Economy and Management – «NINH»
Gladkova O.A., graduate student of department of economy of work and human resource management Novosibirsk state university of economy and management of «NINH»

On the example of the actual material of the operating enterprise the analysis of correlation of level of competitiveness, a salary and extent of realization of labor potential of the worker is carried out. The problems and questions of practical character connected with use of cheap labor and reduction of a value added are revealed. Possible versions of their solution are proposed.
Keywords: competitiveness of personnel, labor potential, human capital.

1. Bogdanova E.L. O konkurentosposobnosti rabotnikov na predpriyatii // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya – 1992 – No 11.
2. Milyaeva L.G. Upravlenie povedeniem personala organizacii v usloviyah innovacionnoi sredi_ monografiya – Novosibirsk_ «Sibirskoe universitetskoe izdatelstvo» 2009.
3. Maslov E.V. Proektirovanie rabochih mest s uchetom ih privlekatelnosti dlya rabochih // Vestnik NGUEU – 2014 – No 4.– s.18-26
4. Maslov E.V. Volyanskii G.N. Reglamentaciya i samoorganizaciya truda analiz predpochtenii // Ekonomika truda: vizovi vremeni: kollektivnaya monografiya / pod red. d_raekon. nauk_ prof. S.I. Sotnikovoi ; Novosib. gos. un_t ekonomiki i upravleniya. – Novosibirsk: NGUEU, 2012 – s.173-184
5. Maslov E.V. Gladkova O.A. Staj rabotikak factor okupaemosti zatratna personal // Ekonomika i menedjment system upravleniya – 2015. – № 3 (17) – s. 51-61.
6. Kryachko T. Razvitie v Rossi i neprerivnogo professionalnogo obrazovaniya // Ekonomicheskoe Razvitie Rossii. – Tom 21. – No 12.– Dekabr 2014 – yanvar 2015 g. – s. 61.
7. Elovikov L.A. Ravnovesnaya ekonomika: monografiya / pod red. N.V. Muharovskogo. – Omsk: izd. OmGU 2007. – s. 45.
8. Milyaeva L. Efanov A. Opit ocenki konversiruemogo predpriyatiya // Kadri. – 1999. – No 3.

Еxperience of personnel management on the example of companies «HUAWEI technologies»
Stepashkina A.Y., the information agency “Interfax”, the specialist marketing services

The article describes and analyzes the personnel policy of the company «HUAWEI Technologies». We describe the hierarchy of the organization, the structural problem of the committees, the policy of the company’s employees. The possibility of using the principles and methods of management of the company «HUAWEI Technologies» in domestic companies.
Keywords: human resource management, HUAWEI, principles and methods of human resource management, personnel policy.

1. Sergey Popsulin, «Huawei hired the former head of sales Nokia», Publisher CNews (, 03.07.2013 Mr.
2. Alexander Gorodnikov, «Huawei entices designers and engineers Samsung», Internet project «PCNEWS.RU» (, 15.04.2015 Mr.
3. The magazine «HUAWEI PEOPLE», Issue 252, August 2014
4. The magazine «HUAWEI PEOPLE», Issue 239, May 2012
5. Zhupnal «HUAWEI PEOPLE», Issue 256, February, 2015
6. Section "About HUAWEI» the official website of «Huawei» (
7. Magazine «HUAWEI PEOPLE», Issue 244, May 2013
8. Zhupnal «HUAWEI PEOPLE», Issue 245, May 2013
9. Zhupnal «HUAWEI PEOPLE», Issue 255, February, 2015
10. Yuan Ya, "How unusual sport involved in the companies' Internet portal Village (, 2015
11. The magazine «HUAWEI PEOPLE», Issue 244, May 2013
12. The magazine «HUAWEI PEOPLE», Issue 233, September 2011

Modeling of rights in social and economic system «engineering enterprises»
Konovalova G., Ph.D., professor of economics, organization of production, management Bryansk State Technical University

The approach to human modeling in socio-economic system, such as machine-building enterprise. Developed optimization model, method, and optical-mal procedure for operations management, including target functiontion of individuals and the scripts of their actions.
Keywords: human, system, management, optimization, model, method, procedure.

1. Zalozhnev, A.Yu. Modeli i metody vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya/A.Yu. Zalozhnev. – M.: Storm-Media, 2004. – 320 s.
2. Konovalova, G.I. Razvitiye metodologii vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya: monografiya / G.I. Konovalova. – Bryansk: BGTU, 2014. – 340 s.
3. Konovalova, G.I. Metodologiya vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya na osnove sistemnoy optimizatsii / G.I. Konovalova // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M., 2016. – No 2. – S.109-118.
4. Konovalova, G.I. Model edinoy sistemy operativnogo upravleniya proizvodstvom razlichnykh tipov/ G.I. Konovalova // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M., 2013. – No 5. – S. 95-99.

Все права принадлежат Издательству «Финпресс» Полное или частичное воспроизведение или размножение каким-либо способом материалов допускается только с письменного разрешения Издательства «Финпресс».