Contents of N4/2016

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Contents of N4'2016


Concept, content, types and value of the «state» category management. Background of the state management theory
Dresvjannikov V.A., Doctor of Economics, the associate professorof, head of sub-department of management and marketing, The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (affiliated branch in Penza)

The article presents the concept, content, types and value of the «state» category in relation to the management of socio-economic systems. The scheme of the mutual influence of the general conditions, defined the scope of the control states of the socio-economic system. It is indicated that the presented situation can be a prerequisite for the creation of state management theory.
Keywords: status, state management, socio-economic system, control states of the socio-economic system, state control theory.

1. – Zabotyas' ob obrazovanii [Elektronnyy resurs]. – URL: [Data obrashcheniya 02.05.2016].
2. Bol'shaya Entsiklopediya Nefti Gaza [Elektronnyy resurs]. – URL: [Data obrashcheniya 02.05.2016].
3. Dresvjannikov V.A. Intellekt i informacija: naznachenie, soderzhanie, rabota: [Elektronnyj resurs]. Izdatel'stvo: Izdatel'skie reshenija, 2016.
4. Lyubichankovskij V.А. EHvolyutsiya ponyatiya "sostoyanie" v klassicheskoj fizike" [Elektronnyj resurs]. – URL: [Data obrashheniya 02.05.2016].
5. Levitov N.D. O psikhicheskikh sostoyaniyakh cheloveka // M., 1964, S.18-21; 34-35
6. Meditsinskaya biblioteka [Elektronnyy resurs]. – URL:здоровья_состояние/Статус#.VzFycCFq3gM. [Data obrashcheniya 02.05.2016].
7. Novaya filosofskaya entsiklopediya [Elektronnyy resurs]. – URL: [Data obrashcheniya 02.05.2016].
8. Psikhologicheskaya biblioteka [Elektronnyy resurs]. – URL: [Data obrashcheniya 01.05.2016].

Sove historical aspects of corporate social responsibility
Kravchenko E.V., Ph.D., associate professor of management at the University of Management Department of “TISBI”, Kazan
Kamaeva G.A., Senior Lecturer “TISBI” Management University management department, Kazan

The article presents historical-review material on the origins of the concept of “social responsibility”, taken from a variety of historical sources.
Keywords: history, social responsibility, availability, service, industry, scientific management.

1. Duncan Jack W. Osnovopolagayushie idei v menedzhmente. Uroki osnovopolozhnikov menedzhmenta i upravlencheskoi praktiki. – M.: Delo, 1996.
2. Kelly Diana J. Marxist Manager Amidst the Progressives: Walter N. Polakov and the Taylor Society, Journal of Industrial History, 6(2), November 2004, 61-75. University of  Wollongong.
3. Gantt Henry L. Organizing for work. – New York, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1919. – С. 113.

Methodical approach to the solution of the problem of increase of effectiveness of the integrated systems of management
Akhmetshin A.A., methodologist, private educational institution of additional professional education «Bashkir interbranch institute of protection of labour, ecology and industrial safety»
Ibatullin U.G., doctor of chemistry sciences, professor, prorector for science, private educational institution of additional professional education «Bashkir interbranch institute of protection of labour, ecology and industrial safety»

In article methodical approach to a solution of the problem of increase of effectiveness of the integrated systems of management (ISM) due to a decrease in the integrated risk presented in value terms is offered. For this purpose risks in systems of quality management, ecological management and management of health protection and industrial safety which are components of integrated risk varied. To consider system nature of all risks, the mathematical model on the basis of the neural networks (NN) has been used. The architecture of the neural network model created on the basis of conditional values of the specified risks is presented, the training selection and the analysis of quality of training of a network are carried out.
Keywords: integrated systems of management (ISM), the system of quality management (SQM), the system of ecological management (SEM), management of health protection and industrial safety (MHPaIS), mathematical modeling, neural network (NN), integrated risk, neural network model of the ISM, effectiveness of the ISM, training sample.

1. Titova V.A., Kolocheva V.V. Otsenka rezul'tativnosti integrirovannykh sistem menedzhmenta//Standarty i kachestvo. – 2008. - № 8. Rezhim dostupa:
2. Vasil'kov Yu.V., Gushchina L.S., Inyats N. Osobennosti kachestvennogo upravleniya organizatsiei//Sovremennye tekhnologii upravleniya. – 2015. – № 1(49). Rezhim dostupa:
3. Ibatullin U.G. Otsenka konkurentosposobnosti Rossii s pozitsii Vsemirnogo ekonomicheskogo foruma//Innovatsii. – 2008. – № 5 (115). – S.72-75.
4. GOST R ISO, MEK 31010-2011 Menedzhment riska. Metody otsenki riska // M.: Standartinform. – 2012.
5. Akhmetshin A.A., Ibatullin U.G. Obshchii podkhod k metodam povysheniya effektivnosti integrirovannykh sistem menedzhmenta// Vserossiiskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Informatsionnye tekhnologii i matematicheskoe modelirovanie sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh protsessov». – 2015. – S.26-34.
6. Ibatullin U.G. Podkhody k otsenke ekologicheskikh riskov primenitel'no k SEM// Ekologiya proizvodstva. 2013. – № 7. – S. 43-48.
7. Ibatullin U.G., Akhmetov A.F., Ibatullina S.M. Sistemnyi podkhod k otsenke riskov v integrirovannykh sistemakh menedzhmenta // Ekologiya proizvodstva. 2014. – № 7. – S. 46-49.
8. Anferov M.A. Ekonometrika: praktikum na PEVM. – Ufa: BAGSU, 2014.
9. Vezhnevets A. Populyarnye neirosetevye arkhitektury // Komp'yuternaya grafika i mul'timedia. Vypusk
№ 2(1)/2004. Rezhim dostupa:



The third and the fourth industrial revolutions as a radical change in approach to work
Kulikov M., a leading economist of CJSC “Aeromar”
Khachaturov A., Dr. of Sc., Prof., the Head of the Chair of Management and Marketing of D. Mendeleyev University Chemical Technology of Russia

The article is devoted to finding solutions to both traditional and new challenges have been generated by the new industrialization for sustainable development, as well as approaches to the assessment of productivity at different stages of economic development, and determine the influence of factors of quality of life in the labor efficiency. The effect of investment in R & D and the dynamics of the human development index on productivity. The method of evaluating performance of knowledge workers.
Keywords: productivity, industrial revolutions, human potential, Human Development Index, method of estimating the level of productivity, knowledge economy, sustainable development.

1.  Agamirzyan I.R. Tret'ya promyshlennaya revolyutsiya: nachalo // Slon Magazine. – 2013. – [Slon Magazine] – Rezhim dostupa. – URL:
2.  Krasnyanskiy M.Ye. Tret'ya promyshlennaya revolyutsiya // Kontinent. – 2013. – № 7 [Kontinent] – Rezhim dostupa. - URL:
3.  Rifkin Dzh. Tret'ya promyshlennaya revolyutsiya: Kak gorizontal'nyye vza- imodeystviya menyayut energetiku, ekonomiku i mir v tselom; Per. s angl. — M.: Al'pina non-fikshn, 2014. — 410 s.
4.  Yezhegodnyye otchety «Seti po al'ternativnoy energetike 21 veka» - REN21 - Rezhim dostupa. – URL:
5.   Ivanova N. Upravleniye dannymi: vnutri i izvne // Partnerskiye proyekty RBK+. – 2016. – [Partnerskiye proyekty RBK+] – Rezhim dostupa. – URL:
6.  Artem'yev A. Roboty vmesto lyudey: v Davose obsudyat chetvertuyu promyshlennuyu revolyutsiyu // RBK – 2016. – [RBK] – Rezhim dostupa. - URL:
7.  Schwab K. The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What It Means and How to Respond // Foreign affairs. – 2015. – [Foreign affairs] – Rezhim dostupa. – URL:
8.  Koloknova M.V. Teoriya organizatsii v voprosakh i otvetakh, M., «Velbi»; «Prospekt», 2004 g., s. 14.
9.  Kulikov M.YU., Khachaturov A.Ye. Sistema upravleniya kak ogranichivayushchiy faktor rosta proizvoditel'nosti truda rossiyskikh kompaniy: monografiya. Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom №1, 2016. – 143 s.
10. Statisticheskiye dannyye «Organizatsii Ekonomicheskogo Sotrudnichestva i Razvitiya» - OECD – Rezhim dostupa. – URL:
11. Druker, P. F., Mak"yarello, Dzh. A. Menedzhment.: M.: OOO «I.D. Vil'yams», 2010. – 704 s.
12. Technology isn’t working // The Economist. – 2014. – [The Economist] – Rezhim dostupa. – URL:
13. Kuznetsov A. Bank Anglii otsenil shansy lyudey i robotov v konkurentsii za rabochiye mesta // RBK – 2015. – [RBK] – Rezhim dostupa. - URL:
14. Bulanov V., Kataytseva Ye. Chelovecheskiy kapital kak forma proyavleniya chelovecheskogo potentsiala // Obshchestvo i ekonomika. – 2011. - № 1. – S. 13 – 22.
15. Druker, Piter, F. Zadachi menedzhmenta v XXI veke.: Per. s angl.: – M.: Izdatel'skiy dom «Vil'yams», 2004. – 272 s.
16. Statisticheskiye dannyye «Programmy razvitiya Organizatsii Ob"yedinennykh Natsiy» - UNDP – Rezhim dostupa. – URL:
17. Statisticheskiye dannyye «Rosstat» – Rezhim dostupa. – URL:
18. Khachaturov A.Ye., Vavilov S.YU. Strategicheskoye planirovaniye kak programma dolgosrochnogo razvitiya i adaptatsii klyuchevykh kompetentsiy kompanii // Menedzhment v Rossii i zarubezhom. – 2013. – № 1.

Participation of employees in profits and capital of the company: history and prospects
Klyuchko V.N., candidate of economic sciences, docent, The Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Bauman MSTU)

The history of the emergence and development of the systems of participation of employees in profits and capital of enterprises is reviewed. The experience of implementing such systems in France, Germany and the United States, as well as in pre-revolutionary Russia. Recommendations on the implementation of similar systems on modern Russian enterprises is analyzed.
Keywords: Enterprise, workers, participation, equity, profit, Europe, United States of America, partnership, efficiency, productivity.

1. Enciklopedicheskij slovar'. Т. XA / Izdateli: F.A. Brokgauz, I.A. Efron.  SPb.: Tipo-litografija I.A. Efrona, 1893.
2. Enciklopedicheskij slovar'. Т. XVIIA / Izdateli: F.A. Brokgauz, I.A. Efron.  SPb.: Tipo-litografija I.A. Efrona, 1896.
3. Desmars B. Leclaire, Jean (Edmé) // [Elektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:  .
4. Shepeljov L.E. Akcionernye kompanii v Rossii: XIX - nachalo XX veka. SPb.: Izdat. dom S.-Peterb. Un-ta, 2006.
5. Tugan-Baranovskij M.I. Social'nye osnovy kooperacii.  M.: Jekonomika, 1989.
6. Ageev A.B. Razvitie akcionernogo Zakonodatel'stva. Opyt Francii // Zakonodatel'stvo. 2004. № 7. [Elektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: .
7. Kulagin M.I. Gosudarstvenno-monopolisticheskij kapitalizm i juridicheskoe lico // Izbrannye trudy po akcionernomu i torgovomu pravu. M.: Statut, 2004.
8. Shtajnmann H., Gerum Je. Interesy i prinjatie reshenij na predprijatii: organizacionnyj porjadok // Ekonomika predprijatija.  M.: INFRA-M, 1999.
9. Shmalen G. Osnovy i problemy ekonomiki predprijatija.  M.: Finansy i statistika, 1996.
10. Kelso Luis O., Kelso Patricija H. Demokratija i ekonomicheskaja vlast'. San-Francisko: Institut Kelso po izucheniju ekonomicheskih sistem, 2007. [Elektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: URL: 
11. Kochetkov G.B., Supjan V.B. Korporacija: amerikanskaja model'.  SPb.: Piter, 2005.
12. [Elektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: URL: 
13. Milkovich Dzhordzh T., N'juman Dzherri M. Sistema voznagrazhdenij i metody stimulirovanija personala.  M.: Vershina, 2005.
14. [Elektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: URL: 
15. Enciklopedija sistem motivacii i oplaty truda. M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2008.
16. Baje M.R. Upravlencheskaja ekonomika i strategija biznesa. M.: JuNITI-DANA, 1999.
17. Grejson Dzh. K. ml., O’Dell K. Amerikanskij menedzhment na poroge XXI veka.  M.: Ekonomika, 1991.

Reindustrialization: the problems of interaction between old and new industrial centers
Gribov P.G., ph. d. associate Professor of the Department of Economic security, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

The paper proposes to consider a new look at the development of world production and its interaction with the service sector. In contrast to the dominant perspective that the service sector will be the engine of growth for the world economy in the twenty-first century, the author notes that today there is a growing interest in the development of material production. Analysing and systemising various facts and major developments in the world economy, mainly for the period of 1980-2010s, and the author comes to the conclusion that the process of mass transfer of production to Asia has had a devastating effect on the U.S. economy and the European Union and Russia. It is concluded that the initial savings on labor cost and cost reduction, turned into large-scale problems in the long term, which in our days go to the national level.
Keywords: production, competitiveness, globalization, services, economic growth.

1. Bell D. Gryadushee postindustrial'noe obshestvo. Opyt social'nogo prognozirovaniya. - M.: Academia, 1999.
2. Toffler E. Tret'ya volna. - M.: AST, 2004.
3. Strategiya 2020. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 18.03.2016).
4. Rozhdestvenskaya Ya. Nokia kupila Alcatel-Lucent za $16,6 mlrd. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 18.03.2016).
5. Overchenko M. Philips prekrashaet vypuskat' televizory. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrasheniya: 18.03.2016).
6. EREPORT.RU. Mirovaya ekonomika. Temp rosta VVP Kitaya. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 18.03.2016).
7. Lozik N., Caregorodcev D. Formirovanie konkurentosposobnyh sistem upravleniya organizaciei // Transportnoe delo Rossii. 2015. № 5. S. 80-82.
8. Innovacionnaya obrazovatel'naya set': Evrika. Vypuskniki nemeckih shkol i svobodnye uchebnye mesta ne mogut naiti drug druga. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 18.03.2016).
9. Solopenko A. Deval'vaciya evro okazhet negativnoe vliyanie na ekonomiku stran Baltii i yuga Evropy.  [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:, 2015.
10. Subbotina M. Syr'evye rynki: dolgosrochnye tendencii // Rynok cennyh bumag, 2010, № 2 . S. 30-36.
11. Druker P. Menedzhment: zadachi, obyazannosti i praktika. - M.: Vil'yams, 2008.
12. Marsh P. Novaya promyshlennaya revolyuciya. - M.: Izdatel'stvo Instituta Gaidara, 2015.
13. Rozhdestvenskaya Ya. Lenovo zanyala pervoe mesto po prodazham PK. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 18.03.2016).

Mergers and acquisitions (m & a) in the system of crisis management tools companies
Kozhevina O.V., doctor of Economics, Director of the Research and Education Center for Analysis of the Effectiveness and Performance Governance Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University), Moscow, Russia
Belousova V.O., graduate student of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University), Moscow, Russia

The article provides an overview of the market of mergers and acquisitions (M & A) in Russia and abroad. The factors that influence in the crisis in the market of mergers and acquisitions, the causes of inefficiency M & A transactions. Comparative characteristics of the M & A market in periods of growth and decline of the economy carried out on the basis of the key determinants. The study proved that M & A deals were one of the tools for crisis management and for improving strategic konkurentosposobsnosti companies.
Keywords: mergers and acquisitions (M & A), crisis management, mergers and acquisitions risks, the company’s strategy.

1. Rynok sliyanie i pogloshenii v Rossii v 2014 godu. (data obrasheniya 10.05.2016).
2. Sliyaniya i poglosheniya›rus/ma/stat/2014/11.htm (data obrasheniya 10.05.2016).
3. Belousova V.O. Sliyaniya i poglosheniya kak sposob finansovogo ozdorovleniya kompanii // Korporativnyi menedzhment. – Data publikacii: 23.09.2014. - [Elektronnyi resurs]. - URL: (data obrasheniya 09.03.2016)
4. Vorob'eva Yu.N. Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya rynka bankovskih sliyanii i pogloshenii v Rossii // Politicheskoe obrazovanie. – Data publikacii: 09.03.2011. – [Elektronnyi resurs] URL: (data obrasheniya 08.04.2015)
5. Eskindarov M.A., Belyaeva I.Yu., Zhdanov A.Yu., Puhova M.M. Teoriya sliyanii i pogloshenii (v shemah i tablicah): uchebnoe posobie. – M.: KNORUS, 2013.
6. Endovickii D.A., SOboleva V.E. Ekonomicheskii analiz sliyanii/pogloshenii kompanii: nauchnoe izdanie/ D.A. Endovickii, V.E. Soboleva. M.: KNORUS, 2013. – S. 89-90
7. Jeffery S. Perry and Thomas J. Herd. Mergers and acquisitions: Reducing M&A risk through improved due diligence // Straregy&Leadership. – VOL 32 NO 2, 2004. – pp. 12-19. - [Elektronnyi resurs] URL: (data obrasheniya 08.04.2016)
8. Korolev M.I. Ustranenie riskov pri sliyaniyah i poglosheniyah. // Nedvizhimost' i investicii. Pravovoe regulirovanie. – iyul' 2010. - №2 (43). [Elektronnyi resurs] URL: (data obrasheniya 09.04.2016)
9. (data obrasheniya 10.07.2016)
10. Dhruv Sarda, Markus Rimmer. M&A Due Diligence: What Corporates Can Learn from Private Equity//Accenture. – 2013. [Elektronnyi resurs] URL: (data obrasheniya 09.04.2016)
11. Due diligence: Main steps and success factors // GE Capital. – 2012. [Elektronnyi resurs] URL: (data obrasheniya 09.04.2016)
12. Rid S.F., Lazhu A.R. Iskusstvo sliyanii i pogloshenii. – M.: AL'PINA PABLIShER, 2014. – S.590
13. Martirosyan E. Korporativnaya allergiya. Simptomy i metody lecheniya. //Korporativnyi menedzhment. – Data publikacii: 24.09.2014. - [Elektronnyi resurs]. - URL: (data obrasheniya 19.04.2016)



Good regulatory practices: historical background
Zbitneva Е.V., нead of regulatory practices department, CIS CENTER
Kurilenko Е.A., junior research scientist of the regulatory practices department, CIS CENTER
Muratova N.M., PhD of chemical sciences, deputy director on science, VSUE “VNII SMT”
Skobelev D.O., Ph.D. in economic sciences, director VSUE “VNII SMT”

Article contains the definition of the good regulatory practices, examples of most effective of them as well at the historical outline of work of international structures APEC and OECD. The data is provided on the direct correlation between quality/effectiveness of regulation and important economic and social indicators (GDP and life expectancy at birth). Two criteria of successful regulatory reform are identified: impartiality and commitment to results while identifying and implementing regulatory decisions of reformation or while taking other regulatory decisions.
Keywords:  good regulatory practices (GRP), APEC, OECD, quality of regulation, effectiveness of regulation.

1. OECD. Recommendation of the council of the oecd on improving the quality of government regulation. OCDE/GD(95)95. Paris 1995.
2. OECD. The OECD Report on Regulatory Reform. Synthesis. Paris, 1997.
3. THE auckland challenge apec economic leaders’ declaration. Auckland, New Zealand 13 september, 1999.
4. Joint Ministerial Statement – 12th APEC Ministerial Meeting 2000. Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. 12–13 November 2000. 2000/AMM/JMS.
5. APEC Economic Committee. APEC-OECD Integrated Checklist on Regulatory Reform. 2005.
6. 19th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting 2011 – The Honolulu Declaration – Toward a Seamless Regional Economy, 2011/AELM/DEC; 19th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting 2011 – Annex D: Strengthening Implementation of Good Regulatory Practices. 2011/AELM/DEC/Anxd.
7. Rothstein B., Teorell J.  Defining and measuring quality of government. Good Government: The Relevance of Political Science. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publisher, 2012.
8. Rothstein B. Quality off Government: What you get – What it is – How to get it. Presentation.

The quality of the social environment and solidarity in the local community
Reutov E.V., candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor of the department of social technologies Belgorod National Research University
Reutova M.N., candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor of the department of social technologies Belgorod National Research University
Shavyrina I.V., candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor of the department of sociology and management Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

This article was prepared with the financial support of the RHRF. Grant «Micropractices of solidarity in social space of local community» № 15-03-00378.
In the article on the basis of the results of the expert survey of representatives of public associations of the Belgorod region are considered the conditions and factors of the social environment, which form the relationships of solidarity, good neighborliness, a favorable social and psychological climate in local communities. At the head of the hierarchy of such factors and conditions are: the effective functioning of government, the safe criminal atmosphere, stable economic situation, a well-developed transport infrastructure, well equipped territory of the city and agricultural settlements, qualitative medical treatment and legal protection of the citizens.
Keywords: the local community, micropractices of solidarity, civic participation.

1. Reutov, E.V., Reutova, M.N., Shavyrina, I.V. Rol obschestvennyih organizatsiy v formirovanii solidarnogo obschestva. // Sotsialno-gumanitarnyie znaniya. 2015. no 8. pp. 94-99.
2. Karta schastiya [Happiness card]. Available at: (Accessed 26 April 2013).
3. Gundarov, I.A., Zacharyasheva, O.V., Krutko, V.N., Smirnova, T.M., Chijov, A.Y. Ecologia cheloveka: mechanism upravleniya innovacionnim rasvitiem po kriteriyam kachestva jisni. Vestnik Rosiiskogo universiteta drujbi narodov. Seria: Ecologia I besopasnost jisnedeyatelnosti, 2008, no.4, pp. 37-45.
4. Sostoyanie prestupnosti. Oficialnii sait MVD Rossii. Available at: (Accessed 27 February 2015).
5. Udovletvorennost razlichnymi sferami sotsialnoi zhizni. Available at: (Accessed 10 February 2015).
6. Iyunskie reitingi odobreniya i doveriya. Available at: (Accessed 26 June 2015).
7. Zdravomislie rossian obespechivaet v strane stabilnost: Intervyu M.K. Gorshkova isdaniyu «Tribuna». Available at: (Accessed 26 June 2015).
8. Prioritety byudzhetnykh raskhodov gosudarstva. Available at: (Accessed 14 July 2015).
9. Barkovskay, A.U., Nasarova, M.P. Stress-factori v sociokulturnom prostranstve sovremennogo bolshogo goroda. Isvestiya Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo technologicheskogo universiteta, 2014, vol.16, no. 5 (132), pp. 37-42.
10. Problemy bespokoyashchie rossiyan. Available at: (Accessed 14 July 2015).
11. Naibolee vazhnye I ushchemlyaemye prava. Available at: (Accessed 19 July 2015).
12. Zakonodatelnaya zashchita. Available at: (Accessed 19 July 2015).
13. Bogatie i bednie – vchera I segodnya. Available at: (Accessed 14 July 2015).
14. Scerkov I obschestvo: vmeste ili porozn? Available at: (Accessed 14 July 2015).

Analysis of approaches to the formation of industrial policy in achanging business environment
Zabaluev Y.I., a graduate student, The Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”

Introduction of anti-Russian economic sanctions and falling oil prices have rigid requirements to industry, the effectiveness of which is now largely predetermined by their adaptability to changes generated unstable external environment. In these circumstances, the importance of industrial policy as a mechanism for reconciling the interests of the authorities, business, scientific and public organizations to regulate economic development industrial complex increases substantially. The article is devoted to the exploration of the possibilities of formation and realization of active industrial policy that takes into account specific territorial particularities of the development of the industrial complex of the country.
Keywords:  industrial policy, models and industrial policy instruments.

1. Graham O.L.Jr.  Losing Time: The Industrial Policy Debate. – Harvard University Press, 1994. – 384 p.
2. Rodrik D. Industrial Policy for the Twenty-First Century. – Harvard University: John F. Kennedy School of Government. Working Paper Series, 2004. – 52 p. [Electronic resource]. URL:
3. Zavadnikov V. O promishlenoy politikev Rossiskoy Federatsii // "Promishlenai politika v Rossiskoy Federatsii". – 2007. – N5. – S.8-12.
4. Baranov I.V. Tipi, instrumenti i metodi sovremenoi promishlenoi politiki // "Vestnik Orel GIET". – 2014. – N(29). – S.35-40.
5. Promishlenoy politika [Elektronii resurs]. URL:
6. Polozik A.G. Modeli promishlenoi politiki [Elektronii resurs]. URL:
7. Suharev О. Nacionalnoe bogatctvo i strukturnaya politika // "Ekonomist". – 2006. – N2.
8. Regulirovanie inostranih investicii [Elektronii resurs]. URL:*page.htm.
9. Instrumenti regulirovania vneshnei torgovli [Elektronii resurs]. URL:
10. Instrumentiproriva // "Expert Online". – 2014. – 06 marta.
11. Prinat zakon o promishlenoi politikiv Rossiskoy Federatsii // "Energetika i GKHUrala". – yanvar’ 2015 [Elektronii resurs].



A business simulation game as an instrument for modeling and analysis of an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem
Dubina I.N., Dr. Sc., Professor, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), Novosibirsk National Research State University (Novosibirsk, Russia)

This paper presents an experience of using methodological tools of game-theoretic and game-
experimental simulation of activities of the key players of an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem (government, universities, investors, industries). The author discusses some results of organizing a business simulation game called as “From a lab to a market” developed in order to identify and analyze barriers and problems of commercialization of R&D products.
Keywords: innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, innovation policy, game theory, system compromise, business simulation game.

1. Carayannis E., Campbell D. «Mode 3» and «Quadruple Helix»: toward a 21st century fractal innovation ecosystem” // International journal of technology management. – 2009, 46 (3-4): 201–234.
2. Etzkowitz H., Leydesdorff L. The Triple Helix: University – Industry – Government relations a laboratory for knowledge based economic development // EASST Review. – 1995, 14 (1): 14–19.
3. Ranga M., Etzkowitz H.  Triple Helix systems: analytical framework for innovation policy and practice in the Knowledge Society // Industry and Higher Education. – 2013, 27 (4): 237–262.
4. Carayannis E.G., Barth, T.D., Campbell, D.F. The Quintuple Helix innovation model: global warming as a challenge and driver for innovation // Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. – 2012, 1(2): 1-12.
5. Park H.W. Transition from the Triple Helix to N-Tuple Helices? An interview with Elias G. Carayannis and David F. J. Campbell // Scientometrics. – 2014, 99: 203–207.
6. Dubina I.N. Osnovy teorii ekonomicheskikh igr. – M.: Knorus, 2010.
7. Dubina I.N., Carayannis E.G. Aktivizatsiya innovatsionnoi deyatelnosti v stranakh s razvicayuscheisy ekonomikoi: teoretiko-igrovie I eksperimentalno-igrovie podhody dlya razrabotki I sovershenstvovaniya innovatsionnoi poltiki // Menedgment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – №6. – P. 3-11.
8. Algazin G.I. Modeli sistemnogo kompromissa v sotsialno-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniyakh. – Barnaul: Azbuka, 2009.
9. Khrutskiy E.A. Organizatsiya provedeniya delovikh igr. – M.: Vischaya shkola, 1991.
10. Dubina I.N. Teoretiko-igroviye modeli organizatsii kreativno-innovatsionnoi deyatelnosti firm. – Barnaul: AltGU, 2013.

The state of the industry of folk arts and the applicability of the model of strategic management for the enterprises of national arts and crafts handicrafts
Mitrofanova T.U., Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Management and Economics the Ryazan branch of the Moscow State Institute of Culture

The article gives a brief characteristic of the modern state of the sphere of national arts and crafts of Russia and examines the level of state support for this sector of traditional folk production. It is concluded that production and marketing policy of these enterprises is not consistent with market realities. A model for strategic management of the production and marketing of products of arts and сrafts, is proposed aimed at reducing the risk of management decisions in the area of assortment and enterprise resource policies.
Keywords: folk arts and crafts of Russia, the state policy in the sphere of folk arts and crafts, model of strategic management of sales and production policy of folk arts and crafts companies.

1.  Sajt Minpromtorga Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
2.  Proekt strategii razvitija narodnyh hudozhestvennyh promyslov na period do 2020 goda. Moskva, 2013 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
3.  Doklad «Narodnye hudozhestvennye promysly Rossii». Finansovyj universitet pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii. Associacija «Narodnye hudozhestvennye promysly Rossii», 2011 g. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
4.  Zamechanija k proektu «Strategija razvitija narodnyh hudozhestvennyh promyslov na period do 2020 goda». Associacija «Narodnye hudozhestvennye promysly Rossii». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
5.  Informacija o social'no-jekonomicheskom polozhenii Rossii, №5. Janvar'-maj 2016 goda. Moskva Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
6.  Federal'nyj zakon RF ot 06.01.1999 g. № 7-FZ «O narodno hudozhestvennyh promyslah». Konsul'tantpljus. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
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8.  Prikaz Ministerstva promyshlennosti i torgovli RF ot 24 sentjabrja 2009 goda № 854 «Ob utverzhdenii Koncepcii gosudarstvennoj podderzhki organizacij narodnyh hudozhestvennyh promyslov na period do 2015 goda». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
9.  Prikaz Ministerstva promyshlennosti i torgovli RF ot 20 ijulja 2015 g. № 2011 «Ob utverzhdenii Strategii razvitija narodnyh hudozhestvennyh promyslov na 2015-2016 gg. i na period do 2020 goda». [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
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13. Zinov'eva, I. S. Strategija upravlenija jeffektivnym funkcionirovaniem predprijatij po proizvodstvu tovarov narodnyh hudozhestvennyh promyslov: avtoreferat dis. ... kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk: 08.00.05 / Voronezh. gos. tehnol. akad. Voronezh, 2005 g.

The role of infrastructuresare in the implementation of the concepts of inventory management in russia
Tedeev K.S., post-graduate student Ural state University of Economics
Protasova L.G., doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, head of Department of quality Control, Ural state economic University

The article analyzes the basic concepts of inventory management that have some limited application in the conditions of the Russian economy. The main reason is the influence of numerous factors on the activity of the enterprise: insufficient, inadequate and uneven transport infrastructure. Proposed measures to improve the efficiency of the inventory management system of regional trade in Russia, due to the development of logistics infrastructure based on public-private partnership.
Keywords: inventory management concept inventory management, problem inventory management, public-private partnerships, logistics infrastructure.

1. Blinkin M.Ja. Razvitie transportnoj infrastruktury V Mezhregional'nyj `ekonomicheskij forum «Samarskaja initsiativa: klasternaja politika – osnova innovatsionnogo razvitija natsional'noj `ekonomiki»
2. Korporativnaja logistika. 300 otvetov na voprosy professionalov. M : INFRA-M, 2006.
3. Morozov O. B. Osnovy logisticheskoj teorii v praktike uspeshnogo vedenija sovremennogo biznesa, cpetsial'nyj kurs.
4. Rajzberg B.A., Lozovskij L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Sovremennyj `ekonomicheskij slovar'. - 6-e izd., pererab. i dop. M., INFRA-M, 2011.
5. Ryzhikov Ju.I. Teorija ocheredej i upravlenie zapasami. – SPb.: Piter, 2001.
6. Sakovich V.A. Modeli upravlenija zapasami. – Minsk: Nauka i tehnika. 1986
7. Kuznetsov В.А. Ekonomika i organizatsija izdatel'skoj dejatel'nosti. – M.: ACT: Astrel', 2006.
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The problems of russian projects financed by crowdfunding platforms
Tsaplin E.V., lecturer of General and strategic management, Department of Business and Management, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation
Volkova V.S., Teaching assistant, Department of Business and management, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Crowdfunding is an innovation in the field of business financing that emerged in several developed countries, is becoming a popular phenomenon in developing countries. According to analysts, 26017 successful and 33098 unsuccessful projects were launched from 2009 to 2012 on Kickstarter, the largest crowdfunding platform in the world. The paper will analyze the problems faced by Russian projects during the fundraising on a russian crowdfunding platform Boomstarter. The main problems identified during the analysis are lack of time for promotion of the project, legal challenges, delays in transferring the collected funds to the founders, as well as the need to meet the rigorous requirements of the platform.
Keywords: crowdfunding, startups, funding, innovation.

1. Kim K., Hann I.H.  Crowdfunding and the democratization of access to capital: a geographical analysis.  Robert H.Smith School Research Paper. Available at SSRN:, 2014, vol. 2334590.
2. Morse A. Peer-to-peer crowdfunding: Information and the potential for disruption in consumer lending. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2015, no.w20899.
3. Ahlers G.K.C.  et al. Signaling in equity crowdfunding.  Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2015, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 955–980.
4. Hervé F. et al. Investor Motivations in Investment-Based Crowdfunding. Available at SSRN 2746398, 2016.
5. An J., Quercia D., Crowcroft J. Recommending investors for crowdfunding projects. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web, ACM, 2014, pp. 261–270.
6. Mollick E. The dynamics of crowdfunding: An exploratory study. Journal of business venturing, 2014, vol. 29, no.1, pp. 1–16.
7. Schwienbacher A. Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking in Crowdfunding Campaigns. Available at SSRN 2506355, 2014.
8. Gerber E.M., Hui J.S., Kuo P.Y. Crowdfunding: Why people are motivated to post and fund projects on crowdfunding platforms. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Design, 2012.
9. Liao C., Zhu Y., Liao X.  The Role of Internal and External Social Capital in Crowdfunding: Evidence from China. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 2015, vol. 49, pp. 187–204.
10. Zheng H. et al. The role of multidimensional social capital in crowdfunding: A comparative study in China and US.  Information & Management, 2014, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 488–496.
11. Colombo M.G., Franzoni C., &  Rossi-Lamastra C. Internal social capital and the attraction of early contributions in crowdfunding. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2015, vol. 39(1), pp. 75–100.
12. Antonenko P.D., Lee B.R., Kleinheksel A.J. Trends in the crowdfunding of educational technology startups. TechTrends, 2014, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 36–41.
13. Vasileiadou E. et al. Crowdfunding niches? Exploring the potential of crowdfunding for financing renewable energy niches in the Netherlands. Econ.Papers, 2014, no. 14–11.
14. Kuppuswamy V., Bayus B.L. Crowdfunding creative ideas: The dynamics of project backers in Kickstarter. UNC Kenan-Flagler Research Paper, 2015, no. 2013–15.
15. Belleflamme P., Lambert T. Crowdfunding: Some empirical findings and microeconomic underpinnings. Available at SSRN 2437786, 2014.
16. Agrawal A., Catalini C., Goldfarb A. Crowdfunding: Geography, social networks, and the timing of investment decisions. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2015, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 253–274.
17. Bruton G. et al. New Financial Alternatives in Seeding Entrepreneurship: Microfinance, Crowdfunding, and Peer-to-Peer Innovations.  Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2015, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 9–26.
18. Kshetri N. Success of Crowd-based Online Technology in Fundraising: An Institutional Perspective. Journal of International Management, 2015, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 100–116.
19. Lin M., Viswanathan S. Home bias in online investments: An empirical study of an online crowdfunding market. Management Science, 2015.
20. Baskerville R.F., Cordery C.J. Crowdfunding: A Threat or Opportunity for University Research Funding? Available at SSRN 2458638, 2014.



The adaptation problems of the young professionals in the healthcare organizations
Emeljanova E.V., сandidate of economic sciences, associate professor chair of economics and management, Kaluga branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

The adaptation specialties of the young professionals (doctors) were considered in this article. The main aspects of the adaptation were marked out, the investigation results of the specific difficulties which can occur during the work, character of the professional interests of the specialist and the rate of their development were presented in the article aiming to reveal the weaknesses of the adaptation process and to develop the recommendations for their perfection.
Keywords: adaptation, healthcare organization, adaptation process control.

1. Mishenko D.V., Novaya I.A., Otroshenko E.Yu. Sistema social'nyh svyazei mezhdu rabotnikami organizacii kak faktor formirovaniya chelovecheskogo kapitala v ekonomike znanii \\ Fundamental'nye issledovaniya. 2014. № 12-12. S.2604-2607.
2. Tyutin T.V. Elektronnaya demokratiya i uchastie «setevoi tolpy» v sisteme gosudarstvennogo upravleniya // Sovremennye issledovaniya social'nyh problem (elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal).2015. №  2 (46). S.207-214.
3. Lesina T.V., Volkova Yu.S. Professional'naya etika buhgaltera. Teoreticheskaya i prakticheskaya ploskost' // Upravlencheskii uchet. 2015. № 9. S.61-69.
4. Gerasikova E.N. Napravleniya sovershenstvovaniya processa organizacii truda sovremennogo rukovoditelya // Problemy ekonomiki. 2013. № 2. S.47-48.

Enhancement of system of the assessment (certification) of personnel in medical institutions
Tretjakovа L.A., Doctor of Economics, associate professor, professor of chair human resource management, FGAOU VPO “Belgorod State National Research University”

The problem of matching of competent staff is actual for medical institutions of all patterns of ownership. The analysis of a current state of an assessment of medical personnel and determination of its role in system of advanced training of health workers shows availability of a number of problems and allows us to offer the priority directions of development of this major personnel procedure.
The evidence-based recommendations and offers offered by authors can be applied by the Russian private and state medical centers and organizations in case of project development of enhancement of system of an assessment (certification) of medical personnel.
Keywords: personnel management, assessment (certification) of personnel, medical institutions.

1. Hopkins W.E., Mallette P., Hopkins Sh.A. Proposed factors influencing strategic inertia/strategic renewal in organizations / W.E. Hopkins, P. Mallette, Sh.A. Hopkins // Academy of Strategic Management Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 12. Is. 2. – Pp. 77–94.
2. Stambaugh J.E., Zhang Y., De Groot T. Labor Mobility and Hypercompetition: Another Challenge to Sustained Competitive Advantages? // Strategic Management Review. – 2013. – Vol. 7. – No. 1. – Pp. 64–68.
3. Edinak E.A., Korovkin A.G. Postroenie balansa territorial'nogo dvizheniya zanyatogo naseleniya(na primere federal'nyh okrugov RF) // Problemy prognozirovaniya. 2014. № 3. S. 72-84
4. Weihrich H., Cannice M.V., Koontz H. Management: A Global, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial Perspective. NY: McGraw Hill, 2013.
5. Stepanova, S.N., Mal'ceva, E.S., Rodermel', T.A. O nekotoryh aspektah sozdaniya motivacionnogo mehanizma v trudovoi deyatel'nosti. // Fundamental'nye issledovaniya 2015. № 2. S. 2705 - 2709.
6. Fast N.J., Burris E.R., Bartel C.A. Managing to stay in the dark: managerial self-efficacy, ego defensiveness, and the aversion to employee voice // Academy of Management Journal. – 2014. – Vol. 57. – No. 4. – Pp. 1013–1034.
7. Kudryavceva E.I. Metodologicheskie problemy primeneniya modelei kompetencii. // Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.S. Pushkina. 2011 №4. T. 5. S. 29 - 40
8. Takeuchi R., Lepak D.P., Wang H., Takeuchi K.  An empirical examination of the mechanisms mediating between high-performance work systems and the performance of Japanese organizations // Journal of Applied Psychology. – 2007. – No. 92. – Pp. 1069–1083.
9. Shingarov G.H. Chelovecheskii kapital, chelovecheskii potencial i social'nyi kapital. // Vestnik Moskovskoi gosudarstvennoi akademii delovogo administrirovaniya. 2012. № 4 (16). S. 49- 58.
10. Maitlis S., Sonenshein S. Sensemaking in crisis and change: inspiration and insights from Weick (1988) // Journal of Management Studies. – 2010. – Vol. 47. – Pp. 551–580.
11. Huselid M.A., Becker B.E.  Bridging Micro and Macro Domains: Workforce Differentiation and Strategic Human Resource Management / M.A. Huselid, B.E. Becker // Journal of Management. – 2011. – Vol. 37. – No. 2. – Pр. 421–428.
12. Silzer R., Church A.H. Identifying and assessing high-potential talent: current organizational practices Strategy-driven talent management: a leadership imperative. – San Francisco, CА: Jossey-Bass, 2010. – Pp. 213–279.
13. Ren R., Guo C. Middle managers’ strategic role in the corporate entrepreneurial process: attention-based effects / R. Ren, C. Guo // Journal of Management. – 2011. – Vol. 37. – No. 6. – Pр. 1586–1610.
14. Mollick E.R. People and Process, Suits and Innovators: The Role of Individuals in Firm Performance // Strategic Management Journal. 2012. Vol. 33. No. 9. Pр. 1001–1015.
15. Noskova K.A. Vliyanie chelovecheskogo kapitala na innovacionnoe razvitie organizacii. // Ekonomika i menedzhment innovacionnyh tehnologii. 2013. № 12. S. 10-14.
16. Gableta M., Bodak A. Employee interests in the light of human resource management concepts // Management. – 2014. – Vol. 18. – No. 1. – Pр. 9–20.
17. Shatalova N.I. Trudovoi potencial rabotnika: klyuchevye ponyatiya nauchnogo analiza. // Kadrovik. 2013. № 3. S. 72- 76.

Conceptual bases of the strategic analysis of business career of personnel
Sotnikov N.Z., graduate student of department of economy of work and human resource management, Novosibirsk state university of economy and management of “NINH”

In the conditions of strengthening of the competition for human resources objective need of formation and development of the strategic analysis of business career as independent function of strategic management increases in business. The term “strategic analysis of business career” wasn’t widely adopted in domestic practice owing to high teoretical-methodological and methodical uncertainty. On the basis of the analysis and generalization of results of statistical research of business career at the Russian enterprises in article the author’s interpretation of the concept “strategic analysis of business career”, interpretation of his essence and contents is given. Logical-methodological systematization of methods of the portfolio analysis of business career in the organizations is carried out.
Keywords: business career, strategic analysis, types of the strategic analysis, strategic zone of business career, methods of the portfolio analysis of business career.

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