Contents of N4/2017

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Contents of N4'2017


Cognitive technology in the methodology of modern management
Demidov I.P., associate Professor, Department of Economics, Kazan branch of Russian state University of justice

Traditional practical Metrology are able to measure the processes in the socio-economic sphere on the scale of values and focus. It is necessary to create innovative Metrology on the basis of cognitive approach. Guidelines and requirements for such a measurement technique are discussed in relation to the problem of synthesis of heterogeneous and multidirectional indicators and without the involvement of the expert technology.
Keywords: control, modeling, measurement, incentives.

1. Edel'gauz G.E. Dostovernost' statisticheskih pokazatelei. – M.: Statistika, 1977.
2. Drogobyckii I.N. Sistemnyi analiz v ekonomike. – M.: «Finansy i statistika», 2009.
3. Demidov Ya.P., Matveev A.P. Kriterii garmonizacii. Opyt obosnovanii i primenenii // Pribory i sistemy upravleniya. 1990. N 1. S. 41–44.
4. Demidov Ya.P., Bagautdinova N.G., Shabanova L.B. Ocenka sostoyaniya organizacionnyh sistem. Principy, modeli, tehnologiya. – Kazan', Izd. Federal'nogo Universiteta, 2016.
5. Shahovoi V.A., Shapiro S.A.Motivaciya trudovoi deyatel'nosti. – M.:Al'fa-Press, 2006.
6. Eliseeva I.I. Statistika. – M.: Vysshee obrazovanie, 2006.

The method of productive capacity calculation at engineering enterprise
Belyavsky A.V., the adviser, FSUE «Organization “Agat”»
Epifanov I.K., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Chairman of the STC, FSUE «Organization “Agat”»
Frolov A.S., expert, FSUE «Organization “Agat”»

There is an offer of a calculation procedure of productive capacity of an engineering enterprise, which produce a difficult high-tech and knowledge-intensive out-turn. It is offered to use a two-level system of classification and coding of information for calculation. In accordance with this system, the work is characterized by: a) an out-turn (production), b) resources. Calculation procedure is to use a data about labor intensity, machine capacity and work, automated calculation system and developed database.
Keywords: productive capacity, powerclassifier, labor input requirements; technological redevelopments, capacity calculation procedure of production (productive) capacity.

1. Osnovnye polozheniya po raschetu proizvodstvennyh moshnostei deistvuyushih predpriyatii, utverzhdennye Gosplanom SSSR i CSU SSSR 8 dekabrya 1983 g. № NL-D/'04- 66.
2. Ukazaniya po zapolneniyu formy federal'nogo statisticheskogo nablyudeniya № 1- natura BM «Svedeniya o proizvodstve, otgruzke produkcii i balanse proizvodstvennyh moshnostei», utverzhdennye Rosstatom ezhegodno, poslednyaya redakciya – sm. Prikaz Rosstata ot 11.08.2016 № 414.


Multilevel diversification – the basis for company sustainable economic development
Artyushina E.V., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the chair of International Management, The Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Ershov D.E., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the chair of International Management, The Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Suchkov D.V., candidate of economic sciences, Head of Department of International Management, The Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The article is devoted to diversification as the strategy, which is necessary to implement in the activity of the enterprise in the crisis phase of the scientific-technological cycle. The expediency of adopting unrelated diversification substantiated in conditions of the possibility to use the administrative compliance. Requirements to product, which are necessary to consider choosing a new direction of activity of the enterprise, are reviewed and approach to promote the product to the target consumer is defined.
Keywords: diversification, sustainable economic development, promotion.

1.  Artyushina E.V. Strategiya diversifikacii kak istochnik ustoichivogo razvitiya predpriyatiya. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom, № 5, 2012.
2. Artyushina E.V. Prognozirovanie ekonomicheskogo razvitiya diversificirovannoi kompanii : avtoref.dis. … k-ta ekonom.nauk. Nizhegor. gos. arhitektur.-stroit. un-t. – N.Novgorod, 2006
3. Kolosova T.V. Obespechenie ustoichivogo razvitiya predpriyatiya na osnove povysheniya ego innovacionnogo potenciala :avtoref. dis.…d-ra ekonom.nauk. Nizhegor. gos. arhitektur.-stroit. un-t. – N. Novgorod, 2011.
4. Kotler P., Armstrong G. Principles of Marketing. - 12th ed.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008.
5. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
6.  Rusaeva P. Ruchnoe upravlenie // Kommersant'. Sekrety firmy. – 2009. – № 11.
7.  [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
8.  Kuzyk B. N., Kushlin V.I., Yakovec Yu.V. Prognozirovanie, strategicheskoe planirovanie i nacional'noe programmirovanie. – M.: Ekonomika, 2008.

Best available techniques: aspects of management and conformity assessment
Guseva T.V., Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor of the Department for Management and Marketing, Dmitry Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Head of Training & Consulting Centre, the Russian Best Available Technique Bureau
Skobelev D.O., PhD (Economics), Director of the Research Centre for the Environmental Industrial Policy, Head of the Russian Best Available Technique Bureau
Chechevatova O.Yu., PhD (Medicine), Deputy Director of the Research Centre for the Environmental Industrial Policy, Deputy Head of the Russian Best Available Technique Bureau

First results of transferring Russian regulatory system to environmental and technological norms based on Best Available Techniques for larger industrial installations are analysed. Decision-making aspects are considered and a role of management systems in compliance practice is discussed. It is recommended to provide for the conformity assessment within integrated environmental permitting and modernisation projects screening procedures by means of forming special commissions and inviting independent experts. «Principles of Best Available Techniques Charter» are suggested to be used to form a new expert society.
Keywords: the best available technologies, integrated environmental permits, environmental and technological regulation.

1. Federal'nyj zakonot 21 iyulya 2014 goda № 219-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Fe-deral'nyjzakon «Ob ohrane okruzhayushchej sredy» i otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii».
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 31 dekabrya 2014 g. № 488-FZ «O promyshlennoj politike v Rossijskoj Federacii».
3. Skobelev D.O., Chechevatova O. Yu., Grevcov O.V. Osnovnye aspekty postroeniya si-stemy gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya na osnove NDT v Rossijskoj Federacii. // Standartizaciya. 2015. № 2. S. 25-30.
4. Federal'nyj zakon «Ob ohrane okruzhayushchej sredy» ot 10.01.2002 № 7-FZ (red. ot 03 iyulya 2016 g.).
5. Begak M.V., Guseva T.V., Boravskaya T.V., Ruut YU., Molchanova Ya.P., Zaharov A.I., Sivkov S.P. Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii I kompleksnye ehkologicheskie razresheniya: perspektivy primeneniya v Rossii. / M.: YUrInfoR-Press, 2010.
6. Posthauehr R., Guseva T.V., Dajman S.Yu. Evropejskij opyt vzaimodejstviya s te-kol'noj otrasli i gosudarstva dlya obespecheniya energoehffektivnosti. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2007. № 3. S. 102-104.
7. Guseva T.V. Osnovnye principy razrabotki I vnedreniya system menedzhmenta, obespechivayushchi povyshenie energoehffektivnosti predpriyatij. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2009. № 3. S. 43-56.
8. Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) // Official Journal of the European Union, 17.12.2010, P. L334/17-L334/119.
9. EFQM User Guide – Benchmarking Guidelines. Brussels, EFQM, 2015.
10. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po opredeleniyu tekhnologii v kachestve nailuchshej dostupnoj. Utverzhdeny prikazom Ministerstva promyshlennosti itorgovli Rossijsko Federacii ot 31 marta 2015 g. № 665.
11. Guseva T.V., Malkov A.V., Molchanova YA.P., Begak M.V. Spravochnye dokumenty po nailuchshim dostupnym tekhnologiyam: perspektivy ispol'zovaniya predpriyatiyami himicheskoj promyshlennosti. // Himicheskaya promyshlennost' segodnya. 2010. № 2. S. 6-17.
12. European Commission. Reference Document for Best Available Techniques for Energy Efficiency. 2009. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
13. Holnan P., Devane T., Cady S., Adams W.A. The Change Handbook: The Definitive Resource on Today's Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems. Saint-Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2007.
14. ISO 9001:2015. Quality management systems – Requirements.
15. ISO 14001:2015. Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use.
16. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC). Guidance for the Glass Manufacturing Sector (A1 processes). 2001. SEPA. URL:
17. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC). Guidance for Cement and Lime Sector (A1 processes). 2001. SEPA. URL:
18. Efremov V. S., Hanykov I. A. Klyuchevaya kompetenciya organizacii kak ob"ekt strategicheskogo analiza // Menedzhment v Rossii I za rubezhom. 2002. № 2. S. 8-33.
19. Vavilov S. YU., Hachaturov A. E. Strategicheskoe planirovanie kak programma dol-gosrochnogo razvitiya i adaptacii klyuchevyh kompetencij kompanii. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2013. №1. S. 4 – 17.
20. Skobelev D.O., Chechevatova O.YU., Guseva T.V. Kompetentnostno orientirovannoe upravlenie ehkspertnymi gruppami v oblasti nailuchshih dostupnyh tekhnologij. // Kompetentnost'. 2017. № 5. S.64.
21. European Commission. Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Manufacture of Glass. URL:
22. Hachaturov A. E., Lukutina M. V., Belkovskij A. N. Neobhodimost' novyh podhodov k strategicheskomu planirovaniyu pri perekhode k shestomu I sed'momu tekhno-logicheskim ukladam. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2017. №2. S. 3-22.
23. Doklad ob ehkologicheskom razvitii Rossijskoj Federacii v interesah budushchih pokolenij. M.: Kreml', 2016.
24. Hachaturov A. E., Guseva T. V., Kretov I.I., Panin G. S. Ehkologicheskij marketing. // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2000. № 8. S. 23-30.
25. Golodec B. M. Sovremennaya koncepciya social'nogo marketinga. // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2001. № 6. S. 43-48.
26. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 28 dekabrya 2016 g. № 1508 «O nekotoryh voprosah deyatel'nosti Byuro nailuchshih dostupnyh tekhnologij».

Managerial aspects of raising corporate finance
Tarasov A.A., Ph.D. in Economics, Executive MBA, «Quantitative Methods in Management» Institute of Business Studies RANEPA

This paper is dedicated to an overview of the managerial aspects of raising finance by the corporation. The role of top management is considered from the viewpoint of involvement in internal processes and with external investors. The process of preparing for the transaction and its execution are described, as well as the functions of involved parties.
Keywords: corporate finance, raising capital, financial management.

1. Haskins M., Makela B. The CFO Handbook. McGraw–Hill Education, 1996.
2. Hommel U., Fab ich M., Schellenberg E., Firnkorn L.  The Strategic CFO: Creating Value in a Dynamic Market Environment. Springer, 2011.
3. Pettit J. Strategic Corporate Finance: Applications in Valuation and Capital Structure. Wiley, 2011.
4. Tarasov A.A. Process privlecheniya korporativnym zaemshikom sindicirovannogo kredita. // Finansovyi menedzhment. – 2015. – № 2. – S. 113-120.
5. Choudhry M. Corporate Bonds and Structured Financial Products. Butterworth–Heinemann, 2004.
6. Geddes R. IPO and Equity Offerings. Butterworth–Heinemann, 2003.

Studing of internal environment modern western corporations
Dronova O.B., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor, assistant professor of chair economics and industrial management, FGBOU VO Altai State Technical University
Lyubitskaya V.A., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor, assistant professor of chair economics and industrial management, FGBOU VO Altai State Technical University

The article discusses main strategic aspects of modern western corporations development. The factors to achieve strategic competitiveness of large corporations. The main aspects of the generation of corporation dynamic abilities. The model combining innovation and operations for sustained continuous process of modification aimed at achieving competitive advantages of the corporation was chosen as the current organizational development management model.
Keywords: strategic competitiveness, resource concept, organizational development, operating activities, scientific and technological potential.

1. Kleiner G. B. Strategiya predpriyatiya. M.: Delo, 2008.
2. Mezhov I.S., Mezhov S.I. Metodologiya issledovaniya innovacionnyh processov korporacii. // Vestnik Altaiskoi akademii ekonomiki i prava. – 2015. – № 1 (39). – S. 25-34.
3. Kondrat'ev V.B. Korporativnyi sektor i gosudarstvo v strategii global'noi konkurentosposobnosti. // Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. – 2009. – № 3. – S. 24-31.
4. Kondrat'ev V.B. Osobennosti investicionnoi modeli Rossii. // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. – 2004. – № 3. – S. 24-31.
5. Tis Dzh., Pizano G., Shuen E. Dinamicheskie sposobnosti firmy i strategicheskoe upravlenie. // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. – 2003. – № 32. – S. 133-170.
6. Kat'kalo V. S. Evolyuciya teorii strategicheskogo upravleniya. - SPb.: ID Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2006.
7. Uil'yamson O.I. Issledovaniya strategii firm: vozmozhnosti koncepcii mehanizmov upravleniya i koncepcii kompetencii. // Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta. - 2003, Tom 1.- № 2. - S. 79-114.
8. Nelson R., Winter S. 1982. An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA.
9. Dosi G., Teece D. 1998. Organizational com petencies and the boundaries of the firm // In Markets and Organization. Arena R., LonghiC. (eds). Springer-Verlag: N.Y.; 281–301.
10. Hodgson G. 1998. Competence and contract in the theory of the firm. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 35 (2): 179–201.
11. Hamel G., Prohalad K.K. Sozdanie rynkov zavtrashnego dnya. - M.: ZAO «Olimp-Biznes», 2002.
12. Lyubickaya V. A. Transformaciya vnutrisistemnogo prostranstva promyshlennogo predpriyatiya v krizisnyh usloviyah. // Vestnik altaiskoi nauki. – 2015. – № 3, 4. –  S. 330-334.
13. Mezhov, I., Kiseleva, M., & Chuvaev, A. (2015). Assessment of Administrative Labor Organization in Electrical Engineering. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 792, 439-445. DOI: 10.4028/
14. Dronova O.B. Metodicheskie osnovy planirovaniya resursov i ocenki dostizheniya celei organizacii pri processnom podhode k upravleniyu. // Vestnik NGUEU. – 2014. – № 2. – S. 50.
15. Kudrov V. Ekonomika Rossii: sushnost' i vidimost'. // Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. – 2009. – № 2. – S. 39-48.

Types of business process relatedness for multi-business enterprise
Trifonov Y.V., Doctor of Economics, professor, the Head of department of information technologies and instrumental methods in Economics, Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Vizgunov A.N., PhD, associated professor of department of information systems and technologies, National Research University Higher School of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

The article deals with analysis of relatedness of business activities for multi-business enterprise. The authors propose classification of types of relatedness according to the level of management: enterprise level, business process level, business process instance level. Implementation of this classification provides a basis for system of performance indicators in the area of relatedness, including the determination of responsibility.
Keywords: multi-business enterprise, relatedness, business process management.

1. Shevchenko А.А., Khorkov А.V. Upravlenie mnoprofilnymi promyshlennymi predpriyatiyami. // Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstevennogo Universiteta. Seriya Economica. Sociologiya. Menedgment. – 2014. – № 4.
2. Berezhnov G.V. Razvitie mnoprofilnogo predpriyatiya v konkurentnoy srede: dis. d-ra econ.nauk. Akademiya narodnogo chozyaistva pri Pravitelstve Rossiyskoy Federacii, – М., 2003.
3. Khachaturov А.Е., Belkovskiy А.N. Sovremenniy integacionniy menedgment. – М.: «Delo i servis», 2006.
4. Barney J. Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. // Journal of Management, № 1 (17), 1991 .
5. Ansoff I. Strategicheskoe Upravlenie. – М.: Economica, 1989.
6. Porter М. Konkurentnoe preimushestvo. – М.: Alpina Biznes Buks, 2005.
7. Weiss M. Resource-related diversification and its measures – review of empirical results. // Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2013.
8. Farjoun M. The independent and joint effects of the skill and physical bases of relatedness in diversification. // Strategic Management Journal. № 19, 1998.
9. Tanriverdi H., Venkatraman N. Knowledge relatedness and the performance of multibusiness firms. // Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 26, 2005.
10. Kalyanov G.N. Modelirovanie, analiz, reorganizaciya i avtomatizaciya biznes-processov. – М.: Finansy i Statistika, 2006.
11. Uvarov V.V. Sliyaniya i poglosheniya v svete sovremennih tehnologicheskih konkurenciy (sliyaniya МА v sisteme faktorov povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti kompanii). // Menedgment v Rossii i za rubezhom, №2, 2005.
12. Nazarychev M.U. Instrumentalnie sredstva podderzhki vybora strategii razvitiya mnoprofilnogo predpriyatiya: dis. kand. econ.nauk. Finansovy universitet pri Pravitelstve Rossiyskoy Federacii.  – М., 2013.
13. Williamson O.E. Markets and hierarchies: Analysis and antitrust implications. New York: FreePress, 1975.
14. Deming E. Vyhod iz krizisa. – М.: «Alpina Pablisher», 2011.
15. Klein P., Lien L. Diversification, Industry Structure, and Firm Strategy: An Organizational Economics Perspective. // Advances in Strategic Management   № 4, 2009.
16. Geyts B. Biznes so skorostyu mysli. – М.: Eksmo-Press. 2003.
17. Promyshlennost Rossii – 2014. Statisticheskiy sbornik. – М.: Rosstat, 2014.



Managing the potentials of regions through the prism of rating positioning
Danko T.P., Ph.D, рrofessor of marketing department in Plekhanov University
Panova E.A., Ph.D., senior lecturer of marketing department in Plekhanov University

The article discusses the management potential of the regions through the prism of the rating positioning. Attempts to define or refute the hypothesis about the influence of living standards on the innovative development of subjects of the Russian Federation Proposed methods allow to confirm the interdependence of the influence of living standards on the innovative development of subjects of the Russian Federation. They allow a comprehensive evaluation of innovation potential and standard of living and thus to refine the marketing management of the region’s potentials.
Keywords: Management potentials of the regions, analysis of the level of life in the regions, the influence of living standards on the innovative development of the subjects.

1. Dan'ko T.P. Ocenka konkurentnogo pozicionirovaniya regiona. Strukturnyi i dinamicheskii analiz. // Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta kooperacii, ekonomiki i prava. № 2(50), 2014.
2. Shumpeter '. Teoriya ekonomicheskogo razvitiya: Progress, 1982. S. 53.
3. Amstrong M. Strategicheskoe upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami. – M.: INFRA-M. – 2002. – S. 57
4. Panova E. A., Dan'ko T. P. Marketingovyi podhod k ocenke vliyaniya nematerial'nyh aktivov na stoimost' kompanii. – М.: ITK «Dashkov i K», 2017 – 215 s.
5. Dan'ko T.P. Zarova E.V. Metodika ocenki konkurentnosti regiona na osnove koefficienta delovogo pozicionirovaniya biznesa. // Ekonomicheskie nauki № 5, 2015.
6. Dan'ko T.P. Arhitektura ocenok konkurentnogo pozicionirovaniya regionov RF. // Vestnik Ufimskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta ekonomiki i servisa.// UGUES 2(8) / 2014.
7. Oficial'nyi istochnik statisticheskoi informacii po Saratovskoi oblasti «SARATOVSTAT». Ssylka: Data obrasheniya: 16.05.2017g.
8.  Tsenina E.V., Danko T.P., Ekimova K.V., Sekerin V.D., Gorohova A.E. Indication of Competitiveness of the Potential of the Region through Hurwitz and Wald Criteria // Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Volume 12, № 1 (2016), pp. 325–335.
9. Oficial'nyi istochnik statisticheskoi informacii po Murmanskoi oblasti «MURMANSKSTAT». Ssylka: Data obrasheniya: 16.05.2017g.
10. Dan'ko T.P. Upravlenie marketingom. 4-e izd,. per. i dop. M.:Yurait M. 2016.
11. Danko T.P.  et al. Assessment of the competitive potential of the region through an integrated system of rating positioning // Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2016 Issue 6, p. 2361–2367.
12. Danko T.P. et al. Competitive Estimating of Value Positioning of the Intangible Assets Market // International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research. Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd. Volume 15, Number 8, 2017.
13. Riareiting. Ssylka: Data obrasheniya: 14.05.2017 g.
14. Internet portal «Vesti Kaliningrdrada». Ssylka: Data obrashcheniia : 17 05 2017 g.
15. Oficial'nyj portal pravitel'stva Kaliningradskoj oblasti. Ssylka: Data obrashcheniya: 26.06.2017 g.

The analysis of use of project management in public authorities of the Russian Federation
Geokchakyan A.G., student, the State University of Management, Moscow
Osokin I.N., student, the State University of Management, Moscow

In article the possibility of use of a technique of project management for the purpose of increase in efficiency of public administration is considered. Authors of this article researched practical experience of application of a project management methodology in federal and regional public authorities of the Russian Federation. Specific stages, benefits and shortcomings of implementation of project management in activities of executive bodies of the Russian Federation are also analysed.
Keywords: methodology of project management, activities of public authorities, state standard.

1. Zaicev I.V. Rossiiskaya praktika vnedreniya proektnoi deyatel'nosti v organah gosudarstvennoi vlasti [Elektronnyi resurs] // Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami: elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal.  – 2016. – № 6 Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya: 20.05.2017).
2. Krasil'nikov D.G. Yakimova M.N. Faktory deformacii proektnogo upravleniya v organah gosudarstvennoi vlasti (iz opyta realizacii gosudarstvennoi politiki v sovremennoi Rossii). // ArsAdministrandi. Iskusstvo upravleniya. – 2015. – № 2.
3. Zolochevskaya E.Yu., Krivosheeva T.D. Funkcional'naya harakteristika rossiiskoi sistemy upravleniya gosudarstvennymi proektami. // Voprosy upravleniya. – 2014. – № 6.
4. Oficial'nyi sait Ministerstva Ekonomicheskogo Razvitiya RF. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya: 23.05.2017).
5. Zabolotskih A.K., Sinyaeva O.Yu. Napravleniya primeneniya proektnogo menedzhmenta v gosudarstvennoi sfere na segodnyashnii den' v Rossiiskoi Federacii. // Liderstvo i menedzhment. – 2015. – № 3.



Identification of collaboration problems between academic organizations and entrepreneurship in Russia and abroad
Ugarova I., Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department «Economics and Production Management», Polzunov Altai State Тechnical University
Ochekovskaya L., Senior Lecturer at the Department «Economics and Production Management», Polzunov Altai State Тechnical University, Postgraduate,  Altai State University
Maevich M., Assistant Professor at the Department «Economics and Production Management», Polzunov Altai State Тechnical University, Candidate for a Master's degree, Altai State University

The article highlights the effectiveness of the methods used in the commercialization of university innovations in Russia and abroad. The conducted research of the dynamics of innovation activity in Russia from 1993 to 2016 showed that there had been no significant changes for this period, despite the development of innovation infrastructure and improvement of the regulatory framework. At the same time, the prospects for the establishment of an innovative economy in Russia depend on the collaboration of scientific educational institutions and commercial structures: some are interested in funding sources, others are in advanced scientific developments capable of providing competitive advantages, and highly qualified staff. However, to date, a number of reasons hinder the mutually beneficial exchange. In order to understand the nature and ways of smoothing the consequences of these reasons, analysis was conducted of foreign experience of interaction between universities and entrepreneurship.
Keywords: innovative processes, Small Innovative Enterprise, university spin-off, academic organizations, university, university technology transfer, intellectual property.

1. Federal'nyi zakon ot 02.08.2009 № 217-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenii v otdel'nye akty Rossiiskoi Federacii po voprosam sozdaniya byudzhetnymi nauchnymi i obrazovatel'nymi uchrezhdeniyami hozyaistvennyh obshestv v celyah prakticheskogo primeneniya (vnedreniya) rezul'tatov intellektual'noi deyatel'nosti»: [v red. federal'nogo zakona ot 29.12.2012 g. № 273-FZ]. // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF. – 2009. – № 31. – St. 3923; 2012. – № 53 (ch. 1). – St. 7598.
2. Dmitrenko V. V., Saibel' N.Yu. Transfer tehnologii v Rossii i za rubezhom. // Juvenisscientia. – 2016. – № 2. – S. 104-105.
3. Ignatov I. I. Rol' Akta Beya-Doula (Bayh-Dole Act-1980) v transfere nauchnyh znanii i tehnologii iz amerikanskih universitetov v korporativnyi sektor: itogi tridcatiletnego puti. // Nauka. Innovacii. Obrazovanie. – 2012. – № 12. – S. 159-188.
4. Banal-Estañol A., Macho-Stadler I., Pérez-Castrillo D. Research output from university–industry collaborative projects // Economic Development Quarterly. – 2013. – Т. 27, № 1. – Р. 71–81.
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Perspectives of developing of textiles in Uzbekistan
Tursunov B.O., a senior scientific-researcher of Tashkent state university of economics, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

In article the role of textile production in light industry and a passage of its development to Uzbekistan is discussed. Also, it is analysed passages of increasing of reprocessing cotton fibre on the basis of modern technologies and production of a non-polluting textile product. By the econometric method made the forecast of textile production in the country for the following 4 years. In the end of article, the author gave a number of offers on the further development of light industry in Uzbekistan.
Keywords:  light industry, textile production, cotton fiber, cotton export.

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Management of non-production costs:  forming of a non-production workplace
Zhigunova O.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economy in a construction, Tyumen Industrial University
Kovalev A.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Department of  Economy in a construction, Tyumen Industrial University

Article is devoted to management of non-productive expenses of firm. Addition of system of information and analytical ensuring process of management of non-productive expenses with the mechanism of the accounting of expenses for workplaces is considered. Introduction of registration object «a non-productive workplace» is offered, the structural components forming it are allocated, the maintenance of the main stages of its formation, and also documentary maintenance of its introduction is opened.
Keywords: management of costs, non-production costs, non-production workplace.

1. Zhigunova O.A., Kovalev A.S. Zatraty, izderzhki, rashody: traktovka s pozicii resursov //Buhgalterskii uchet. – 2015. – № 1. – s.97-102.
2. Zhigunova O.A., Kovalev A.S. Identifikaciya podhodov k uchetu zatrat // Akademicheskii Vestnik TGAMEUP. – 2014. – № 1. – s.76-82.
3. Zhigunova O.A., Kovalev A.S. K voprosu o sushnosti i sootnoshenii ponyatii «zatraty», «izderzhki», «rashody» // Neft', gaz i biznes. – 2014. – № 12. – s.14-17.
4. Zhigunova O.A., Kovalev A.S. Konceptual'nye osnovy ucheta neproizvodstvennyh zatrat firmy. – М.: Rusains, 2016.
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Profit maximization by the methods of linear programming to efficient maneuvering reserves of domestic enterprises  with logistics tools
Tokmanyov S.V., doctor of economic Sciences, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Professor of the Department logistics, economy and management in transport, logistics and distribution, South Ural state University (national research University), Chelyabinsk
Yakunina Y.S., Senior lecturer of the Department logistics, economy and management in transport, logistics and distribution, South Ural state University (national research University), Chelyabinsk
Trubeev D.I., Postgraduate student of the Department logistics, economy and management in transport, logistics and distribution, South Ural state University (national research University), Chelyabinsk

The article provides an explanation of the method used for the solution of linear programming problems and discusses the possible use of the simplex method. An example of solving the problem of inventory management due to its complexity, the importance for enterprise economy, a variant effective solutions. To solve this problem in large companies-the manufacturers be advisable the use of the effective tools for effective management of material resources and methods of profit maximization by the domestic industrial enterprises The simplex method applied to the effective work of the company, to use efficient tools of mathematical modeling, the basic principles and tools of logistics. For each functional area of operation of business entities necessary to organize effective management of the profitability of the organization and limited resources. From the position of an integrated approach to efficient materials management and profitability of the enterprise needed to optimize processes at each site where there is a transformation of the material flow.
Keywords: linear programming, enterprise, profit, margin, resources, logistics.

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The heritage of «russian Taylor» in modern management (to the 135th anniversary of the birth of A.K. Gastev)
Khokhlova T.P., cand.econ.sci., associate professor of subdepartment of management, G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University, Krasnodar department
Nazaretyan P.V., senior lecturer of subdepartment of enterprise economics, G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University, Krasnodar department

The article is devoted to the activities of AK. Gastev – the outstanding Soviet theorist and practitioner, the ideologist of the scientific management and production management, whose 135th anniversary is celebrated in October this year. Gastev is rightly called “Russian Taylor” as a pioneer of the Soviet science of production management, an innovator, the founder of the “completely new science” of social engineering.
The article reveals the scientific-theoretical and practical significance of the scientist’s research, his contribution to the development of modern management. The main achievements of Gastev’s developments, which have received world recognition, are outlined: the concept of “work attitudes”, “narrow base”, phsychotechnics, instruction (consulting), training as a method of education, design of labor organization.
The activity of the CIT headed by Gastev as a leading scientific research, rationalization, educational and methodological center, which introduced first-rate methods for qualified personnel’s training, which had no analogues in the world, is reflected. Therefore, the study of Gastev’s heritage today is of great scientific interest.
Keywords: A.K. Gastev, scientific management, CIT, work attitudes, psychotechnics, social engineering.

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