Contents of N5/2019

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Contents of N5'2019


Potentials of organzation and it’s exploration: a new vision
Tretyakova E.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Management Department South Ural State University (National Research University)

The analysis of the existing in the literature systems of organization potentials and approaches to their research was performed. The author proposed the model of organization’s potentials. It is based on their presentation as organization’s capabilities. The regularities of formation and functioning of potentials were established. Methodological provisions for the study of the organization’s potential system were developed.
Keywords: economic potential, capabilities, organizational potential, resource potentials, indicator method.

1. Ekonomika firmy: slovar-spravochnik / pod red. V.K. Skliarenko, O.I. Volkova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000.
2.  Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Iu. Tolkovyi slovar russkogo iazyka: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskikh vyrazhenii. – M.: Azbukovik, 1999.
3. Abalkin L.I. Logika ekonomicheskogo rosta. – M.: Ekonomika, 2002.
4. Sizov V.S. Integrirovannyi ekonomicheskii potentsial mikrostruktury i ego elementy kak obieekt  strategicheskogo upravleniia // Akademiia. – 2004. – № 1–2. – S. 92–114.
5. Sosnenko L.S. Analiz ekonomicheskogo potentsiala deistvuiushchego predpriiatiia. – M.: Ekonomicheskaia literatura, 2003.
6. Marushkov R.V. Otsenka ispolzovaniia ekonomicheskogo potentsiala predpriiatiia: na primere predpriiatii otrasli pechati: dis. … kand. ekon. nauk: 08.00.05. – M., 2000.
7. Zotkina N.S., Iablochkina A.A., Vasilenko S.V. Formirovanie mekhanizma upravleniia ekonomicheskim potentsialom stroitelnogo predpriiatiia. – Tiumen, 2008.
8. Merzlikina G.S., Minaeva O.A.  Razvitie ekonomicheskogo potentsiala predpriiatiia. – Volgograd: Izd-vo VGTU, 2015.
9. Zhigunova O.A. Teoriia i metodologiia analiza i prognozirovaniia ekonomicheskogo potentsiala predpriiatiia. – M.: ID «Finansy i Kredit», 2010.
10. Gunina I.A. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy formirovaniia kontseptsii razvitiia ekonomicheskogo potentsiala predpriiatiia // Mashinostroitel. – 2004. – № 10. – S. 24–32.
11.  Avdeenko V.N., Kotlov V.A. Proizvodstvennyi potentsial promyshlennogo predpriiatiia. – M.: Ekonomika, 1989.
12. Raian B. Strategicheskii uchet dlia rukovoditelia. – M.: Audit; IuNITI, 1998.
13. Tis D.Dzh., Pizano G., Shuen E. Dinamicheskie sposobnosti firmy i strategicheskoe upravlenie // Vestnik SPbGU. – 2003. – Ser. 8. – Vyp. 4. – S. 133–183.
14. Katkalo V.S. Evoliutsiia teorii strategicheskogo upravleniia. – SPb.: Izd-vo «Vysshaia shkola menedzhmenta»; Izd. dom SPbGU, 2008.
15. Kogut B., Zander U. Znaniia firmy, kombinatsionnye sposobnosti i replikatsiia tekhnologii // Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta. – 2004. – № 1. – S. 121–140.
16. Ruus I., Paik S., Fernstrem L. Intellektualnyi kapital: praktika upravleniia. – SPb.: Izd-vo «Vysshaia shkola menedzhmenta»; Izd. dom SPbGU, 2008.
17. Orlova T. Intellektualnyi kapital: poniatie, sushchnost, vidy // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniia. – 2008. – № 4. – S. 109–119.
18. Shirokova G.V., Skaletskii A.V. Osnovnye napravleniia issledovanii rosta firmy: analiz literatury // Sovremennaia konkurentsiia. – 2016. – T. 10. – № 2 (56). – S. 77–106.

Pem-method as an optimal tool for assessing the effectiveness of activities (results and process) in the management
Zuev M.B., Director’s adviser, LLC Component Oil, 614000, Russia, Perm, Hassan’s Heroes, 8
Zuev B.P., Technical lead of the PEM-project, LLC Component Oil, Russia, Perm, Hassan’s Heroes, 8
Bulgakova I.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Operational Research Voronezh State University, 394006, Voronezh, Russia, University Square, 1

This article is devoted to a question of assessment of efficiency of activity by means of the PEM-method of integrated assessment of efficiency of activity – an improved version of the Method of the Mastered Volume (MMV). Article contains the description of key features and advantages of practical application of the PEM-method to receiving estimates and forecasts of activity. Authors described the point of view about formation of key performance indicators (KPI) and their assessment with use of a PEM-method in the balanced scorecard (BSC). Authors of article pay attention to problems in management of activity because of not settled terminology among managers and also various understanding of terms: the efficiency, effectiveness and profitability in the management sphere, also propose solutions for reduction of terminology to uniformity.
Keywords: PEM-method, efficiency, effectiveness, performance, management, KPI.

1. Polovkina E.A. Issledovanie proizvoditelnosti truda kak faktora povysheniia effektivnosti obshchestvennogo proizvodstva // Kazanskii ekonomicheskii vestnik. – 2014. – № 1 (9). – S. 32–36.
2. Rossiiskii profsoiuz rabotnikov promyshlennosti. Tempy rosta proizvoditelnosti truda v 2018 i 2019 godakh sniziatsia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 14.04.2019).
3. Informatsionno-obuchaiushchii portal po temam upravleniia, proizvoditelnosti truda i berezhlivogo proizvodstva. Eksperty ONF schitaiut zanizhennymi pokazateli natsproekta «Proizvoditelnost truda i podderzhka zaniatosti» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 14.04.2019).
4. Sait Pravitelstva RF [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 14.04.2019).
5. Elektronnyi fond pravovoi i nauchno-tekhnicheskoi dokumentatsii. GOST R ISO 9000-2015 Sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva. Osnovnye polozheniia i slovar [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 14.04.2019).
6. Ekonomika i zhizn. Setevoe izdanie. Kak effektivno monitorit khod proekta [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 14.04.2019).
7. Zuev B.P. Praktika effektivnogo menedzhmenta. PEM-metod otsenki effektivnosti v upravlenii deiatelnostiu. – Perm: Perm. gos. nats. issled. un-t, 2014. – S. 24.
8. Zuev B.P., Bulgakova I.N., Novosadov D.I. Integralnaia otsenka prakticheskoi effektivnosti menedzhmenta kak trudnost dostizheniia tseli // Voprosy metodologii sotsialno-gumanitarnykh nauk: sovremennyi kontekst: sb. nauch. tr. po materialam Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. 31 iiulia 2018 g.: v 2-kh ch. / pod obshch. red. E.P. Tkachevoi. – Belgorod: OOO «Agentstvo perspektivnykh nauchnykh issledovanii» (APNI), 2018. – Ch. I. – S. 140–143.

Search for conceptual unity in the study of entrepreneurial leadership
Karpinskaia E.O., a post-graduate student, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University

In the article, based on the results of the study of scientific publications in leading journals in Economics and management, four main approaches to the conceptualization of entrepreneurial leadership are identified. Each of them gives a valuable, albeit fragmentary, understanding of the phenomenon and the idea of its study. An attempt is made to create a theoretical model of entrepreneurial leadership that reflects its features and takes into account the importance of studying the entrepreneurial context.
Keywords:  entrepreneurial leadership, approaches to conceptualization, theoretical model.

1. Baumol W.J. The microtheory of innovative entrepreneurship. – Princeton University Press, 2010. – P. 246.
2. Wallace M., Wray A. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates. – Sage, 2016. – P. 296.
3. Whetten D.A. What constitutes a theoretical contribution // Academy of management review. – 1989. – Vol. 14 (4). – Pp. 490–495.
4.  Butler T. Hiring an entrepreneurial leader // Harvard Business Review. – 2017. – Vol. 95 (2) – Pp. 84–93.
5. Gupta V., MacMillan I.C., Surie G. Entrepreneurial leadership: developing and measuring a cross-cultural construct // Journal of Business Venturing. – 2004. – Vol. 19 (2) – Pp. 241–260.
6. McCarthy D.J., Puffer S.M., Darda S.V. Convergence in entrepreneurial leadership style: Evidence from Russia // California Management Review. – 2010. – Vol. 52 (4). – Pp. 48–72.
7. Lewis K.V. Enacting entrepreneurship and leadership: A longitudinal exploration of gendered identity work // Journal of Small Business Management. – 2015. – Vol. 53 (3). – Pp. 662–682.
8. Sklaveniti C. Processes of entrepreneurial leadership: Co-acting creativity and direction in the emergence of new SME ventures // International Small Business Journal. – 2017. – Vol. 35 (2). – Pp. 197–213.
9. Smith S., Kempster S., Barnes S. Up the ANTe: Understanding entrepreneurial leadership learning through actor-network theory // Industry and Higher Education. – 2017. – Vol. 31 (2). – Pp. 132–139.
10. Cunningham J.B., Lischeron J. Defining entrepreneurship // Journal of Small Business Management. – 1991. – Vol. 29 (1). – Pp. 45–62.
11. Vecchio R.P. Entrepreneurship and leadership: Common trends and common threads // Human Resource Management Review. – 2003. – Vol. 13 (2). – Pp. 303–327.
12. Kuratko D.F. Entrepreneurial leadership in the 21st century: Guest editor’s perspective // Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. – 2007. – Vol. 13 (4). – Pp. 1–11.
13. Chen M.H. Entrepreneurial leadership and new ventures: Creativity in entrepreneurial teams // Creativity and Innovation Management. – 2007. – Vol. 16 (3). – Pp. 239–249.
14. Miao Q., Newman A., Schwarz G., Cooper B. How leadership and public service motivation enhance innovative behavior // Public Administration Review. – 2018. – Vol. 78 (1). – Pp. 71–81.
15. Kempster S., Cope J. Learning to lead in the entrepreneurial context // International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research. – 2010. – Vol. 16 (1). – Pp. 5–34.
16. McGowan P., Cooper S., Durkin M., O’Kane C. The influence of social and human capital in developing young women as entrepreneurial business leaders // Journal of Small Business Management. – 2015. – Vol. 53 (3). – Pp. 645–661.
17. Uhl-Bien M., Arena M. Leadership for organizational adaptability: A theoretical synthesis and integrative framework // Leadership Quarterly. – 2018. – Vol. 29 (1). – Pp. 89–104.
18. The nature of leadership. Edited by Antonakis J., Day D.V. – Sage publications, 2017. – P. 584.
19. Renko M., El Tarabishy A., Carsrud A.L., Brännback M. Understanding and measuring entrepreneurial leadership style // Journal of Small Business Management. – 2015. – Vol. 53 (1). – Pp. 54–74.
20. Hmieleski K.M., Ensley M.D. A contextual examination of new venture performance: Entrepreneur leadership behavior, top management team heterogeneity, and environmental dynamism // Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior. – 2007. – Vol. 28 (7). – Pp. 865–889.
21.  Chen M.H., Agrawal S. What leads to effective team learning performance within university students? The moderating effects of ‘Guanxi’ // International Journal of Management Education. – 2018. – Vol. 16 (3). – Pp. 432–445.

Compatibility of elements of the theory of management of economic systems in keynesianism, monetarism, marxism and institutionalism
Morozov V.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor, Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Economics Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The paper presents the views and positions of scientific schools in the elements of the theory of management of economic systems. Their features are considered in relation to the theory of management of economic systems. The mechanisms of management and self-management of scientific schools, as well as individual techniques, techniques and methods in the management processes are systematized. An attempt is made to formalize the General combination of mechanisms of scientific schools, their methods and techniques.
Keywords: compatibility, elements, theory, management, methods, techniques, tools.

1. Klassiki keinsianstva. T. I. Kharrod R. K teorii ekonomicheskoi dinamiki. – M.: Ekonomika, 1997. – S. 112–117.
2. Keins Dzh.M. Izbrannye izdaniia. – M.: Ekonomika, 1993. – S. 223–518.
3. Bunkina M.K. Monetarizm. – M.: DiS, 1994. – S. 16–31.
4. Zhukov P.E. Monetarizm i sovremennaia denezhno-kreditnaia politika // Finansy. – 2009. – № 10. – S. 63–66.
5. Ivasenko A.G., Nikonova Ia.I. Makroekonomika. – M.: KNORUS, 2013. – S. 112–179.
6. Marks K. Naemnyi trud i kapital. – M.: Partiinoe izdatelstvo, 1933. – S. 5–47.
7. Dunaevskaia R. Marksizm i svoboda. – M.: NPTs «Praksis», 2011. – S. 113–185.
8. Institutsionalnaia ekonomika / pod red. D.S. Lvova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. – S. 36–92.
9. Oleinik A.N. Institutsionalnaia ekonomika. – M.: Infra, 2017. – S. 213–288.
10. Morozov V.A. Obshchestvo i ekonomika vzaimodeistviia. – M.: Izd-vo «Kreativnaia ekonomika», 2017. – S. 256–298.
11. Tatuev A.A. Narastaiushchii krizis regionalnogo razvitiia v Rossii // Sovremennye ekonomicheskie teorii. – 2009. – № 3. – S. 7–11.



Kuznetsova N.V., Doctor of Economic Science, Professor, Department of World Economy, School of Economics and Management, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, 690950, Vladivostok City, Suhanova Str. 8
Matev N.A., PhD, Department of Business Informatics and Mathematic Methods in Economics, School of Economics and Management, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, 690950, Vladivostok, Suhanova Str. 8
Kocheva E.V., PhD, Department of Business Informatics and Mathematic Methods in Economics, School of Economics and Management, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, 690950, Vladivostok, Suhanova Str. 8

The results were received on the basis of the implementation of the scientific project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) No. 18-014-00001 «The model of the multi-vector socio-economic policy of interaction between the Russian Far East and the APR countries – ways of reducing the unexpected effects from the onset of «Grand Challenges».

Goal of this research – assessment of level of socio-economic risks of FEFD for its response to “major challenges” This article offers a qualitative assessment of integral indicators of ten socio-economic risks for subjects of the region. Analysis has shown that there are few areas that require attention: challenges of high differentiation of population by level and quality of life in different regions of FEFD, challenges in competition in scientific-technological, social, education, and health industries. Challenges of inefficient focus of economy on raw industry are not resolved, along with utilization of old technologies. Results of this research will allow to form an efficient development  model that will help our country mitigate and overcome “major challenges.”
Keywords: risks, economic profile, assessment, indicators, economic growth, FEFD, growth factors.

1. Regiony Rossii. Sotsialno-ekonomicheskie pokazateli – 2010–2018 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 27.06.2019).
2. Ob innovatsionnoi deiatelnosti na territorii Primorskogo kraia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 26.06.2019).
3. Ofitsialnyi sait Agentstva po innovatsiiam i razvitiiu [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 01.06.2019).
4. Kuznetsova N.V., Kocheva E.V., Matev N.A. Multivariable Classification of Countries of the World in Terms of Innovation Development // International Journal of Engineering & Technology. – 2018. – No. 7 (3.14). – Pr. 360–368.
5. Ofitsialnyi sait Federalnoi sluzhby gosudarstvennoi statistiki [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 27.06.2019).
6. Ofitsialnyi sait Ministerstva Rossiiskoi Federatsii po razvitiiu Dalnego Vostoka i Arktiki [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 13.06.2019).
7. Ofitsialnyi sait Korporatsii razvitiia Dalnego Vostoka [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 15.07.2019).

“Smart” benchmarking as a basis for regional strategy: evolution, benefits, prospects
Rusinova M.R., master of Economics and Finance Department Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Dubrovskaya J.V., PhD (Economics), assistant professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Kozonogova E.V., assistant, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 19-010-00449.

This article presents the systematization of research in the field of benchmarking as an important tool for strategic territorial development. The authors conducted an evolutionary analysis of the benchmarking technology development; justified the advantages of “smart” benchmarking; formulated prospects for the application of the results of benchmarking procedures in the development of economic policies in the region. Approbation of the proposed system of strategy is made on the example of the sectoral structure analysis of the Perm region economy.
Keywords: smart benchmarking, industry specialization, strategizing, development priorities.

1. Mikhailova M.R. Benchmarking – universalnyi instrument upravleniia kachestvom // Metody menedzhmenta kachestva. – 2003. – № 5. – S. 18–21.
2.  Danilov I.P., Mikhailova S.Iu., Danilova T.V. Benchmarking – effektivnyi instrument povysheniia konkurentosposobnosti // Standarty i kachestvo. – 2005. – № 1. – S. 66–68.
3. Сamp R.C. Benchmarking. The Search for Industry Best Practices That Lead to Superior Performance. Milwaukee. – Wisconsin: ASQC Industry Press, 1989.
4. Sousa B. CIBA-GEIGY: Die Einführung von TQM – Erfahrungen aus unterschiedlichen europäischen Werken’. Business Excellence durch TQM: Erfahrungen europäischer Unternehmen. München. – Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1994.
5. Cassel C., Nadin S., Gray M. The use and effectiveness of benchmarking in SMEs // Benchmarking: An International Journal. – 2001. – Vol. 8. – No. 3. – Pp. 212–222.
6. Qiping S., Guiven L. The selection of benchmarking partners for value management: an analytic approach // The international journal of construction management. – 2007. – No. 11. – Pp. 11–22.
7. Zairi M. Benchmarking for the best practice: the power of its adoption and the perils of ignoring its use in a modern business environment // Pakistan’s 9th International Convention on Quality Improvement. – 2010.
8. Akimova E.A., Akimov A.A. Vse luchshee – sebe. Benchmarking // Izvestiia PGPU im. V.G. Belinskogo. – 2007. – № 7. – S. 30–33.
9. Maslov D.V., Belokorovin E.A. Benchmarking – novoe slagaemoe uspeshnoi strategii biznesa v Rossii // Delovoe sovershenstvo. – 2006. – № 1. – S.14–20.
10. Global Benchmarking Network [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.06.2019).
11. Barinov M.V. Benchmarking kak instrument povysheniia konkurentosposobnosti predpriiatiia // Molodoi uchenyi. – 2015. – № 20. – S. 202–205.
12. Ivanushkina A.V. Benchmarking kak instrument konkurentnogo analiza korporatsii // Vestnik Altaiskoi akademii ekonomiki i prava. – 2018. – № 1. – S. 65–73.
13. Smart Specialisation Platform [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (дата обращения: 11.02.2019).
14. Groenendijk N. EU and OECD Benchmarking and Peer Review Compared // The EU and Federalism: Polities and Policies Compared. Ashgate. – 2010. – Pp. 181–202.
15. Iurcovich L., Komninos N., Reid A., Pierrakis Y. Mutual Learning Platform: Regional Benchmarking Report Blueprint for Regional Innovation Benchmarking. – Brussels: European Commission, 2006.
16. Koellreuter С.  Regional Benchmarking as a tool to improve regional foresight // European Commission-Research DG – Directorate K. – 2002. – April.
17. Islamov M.A., Bakhitova R.Kh., Kireeva R.A. Klasternyi analiz v osnove benchmarkinga subieektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii // Internet-zhurnal «NAUKOVEDENIE». – 2014. – Vyp. 3 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.06.2019).
18. Klimova N.I., Krasnoselskaia D.Kh. Prostranstvennyi benchmarking kak instrument upravleniia nakopleniem kapitala regiona // Sotsium i vlast. – 2016. – № 2 (58). – S. 80–86.
19. Rastvortseva S.N., Larionova M.V. Benchmarking regionalnoi innovatsionnoi infrastruktury // Natsionalnye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost. – 2015. – № 22 (307). – S. 13–27.
20. Dubrovskaia Iu.V. Mezhregionalnoe vzaimodeistvie kak faktor innovatsionnogo razvitiia natsionalnoi ekonomiki: klasternyi podkhod. – Perm: Izd-vo Perm. nats. issled. politekhn. un-ta, 2018.
21. Navarro J., Smart J.P. Specialisation benchmarking and assessment: pilot study on wind energy. – Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017.



Risk-oriented public administration in a digitalized economy
Avdeeva I.L., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management and Public Administration, Central Russian Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA
Shchegolev A.V., Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Economic Security, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Polyanin A.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

The experience of introducing a risk-based approach into the government of the Russian Federation has been studied. The theoretical foundations of risk management in government are considered. Special attention is paid to the processes of digital transformation of public administration and the need to take digital risks into account with the development of subsequent recommendations for improving risk-oriented management.
Keywords: risk, risk-based approach, government, digital economy, digital risk.

1. Federalnyi zakon ot 13.07.2015 № 246-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenii v Federalnyi zakon «O zashchite prav iuridicheskikh lits i individualnykh predprinimatelei pri osushchestvlenii gosudarstvennogo kontrolia (nadzora) i munitsipalnogo kontrolia» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 15.05.2019).
2. Programma «Tsifrovaia ekonomika Rossiiskoi Federatsii» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: M0. pdf
3. Abdrakhmanova G.I., Gokhberg L.M., Demianova A.V. Tsifrovaia ekonomika: kratkii statisticheskii sbornik // Nats. issled. un-t «Vysshaia shkola ekonomiki». – M.: NIU VShE, 2018.
4. Vertakova Iu.V., Klevtsova M.G., Polozhentseva Iu.S. Indikatory otsenki tsifrovoi transformatsii ekonomiki // Ekonomika i upravlenie. – 2018. – № 10 (156). – S. 14–20.
5. Doklad «Tsifrovaia ekonomika: globalnye trendy i praktika rossiiskogo biznesa» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
6. Tsifrovaia Rossiia: novaia realnost. Otchet ob issledovanii McKinsey & Company, iiul 2017 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
7. Ignatev M.V., Karlik A.E., Kukor B.L., Platonov V.V., Iakovleva E.A.  Risk-orientirovannaia tekhnologiia informatsionnogo obespecheniia v usloviiakh tsifrovoi ekonomiki: upravlenie riskami v elektroenergetike // Ekonomicheskie nauki. – 2018. – № 161. – S. 21–29.
8. Vertakova Iu.V., Plakhotnikova M.A., Babkin A.V. Tendentsii razvitiia tsifrovoi ekonomiki v Rossii // V kn.: Innovatsionnye klastery tsifrovoi ekonomiki: teoriia i praktika. – SPb., 2018. – S. 290–315.
9. Petrov M., Burov V., Shkliaruk M., Sharov A. Gosudarstvo kak platforma. (Kiber) Gosudarstvo dlia tsifrovoi ekonomiki. Tsifrovaia transformatsiia. – M.: Tsentr strategicheskikh razrabotok, 2018.
10. Golovina T.A. Tsifrovaia transformatsiia sovremennykh biznes-modelei na osnove ispolzovaniia publichnoi seti Etherum // V sb.: Rossiia: Tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiia. Ezhegodnik: materialy XVIII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. i drugikh meropriiatii, provedennykh v ramkakh obshchestvenno-nauchnogo foruma «Rossiia: kliuchevye problemy i resheniia». 2019. – S. 480–483.
11. Parakhina L.V., Golovina T.A. Problemy razvitiia mekhanizmov predostavleniia gosudarstvennykh i munitsipalnykh uslug v elektronnom vide // V sb.: Informatsionnoe razvitie Rossii: sostoianie, tendentsii i perspektivy: sb. nauch. st. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. 2018. – S. 226–231.
12.  Dokukina I.A.  Osobennosti formirovaniia detsentralizovannoi sistemy upravleniia dannymi v meditsinskikh uchrezhdeniiakh na osnove tekhnologii blokchein // Vestnik Tver. gos. un-ta. Ser.: Ekonomika i upravlenie. – 2018. – № 3. – S. 106–112.



Comprehensive research of economic growth of oil and gas companies in Russia
Filimonova I.V., doctor of economics, professor, senior researcher, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS, head of the chair of political economy
Komarova A.V., candidate of economics, researcher, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS, senior lecturer of the chair of political economy, NSU
Link A.E., student, economic department, Novosibirsk state university

The research was carried out with the plan of research work of the IEIE SB RAS, project XI.170.1.1. “Innovative and environmental aspects ...”, № АААА-А17-117022250127-8.

The article provides a factor analysis of the development of the oil and gas industry in Russia using the model of sustainable economic growth (SGR). Trends in the current state of economic development of NGSs (oil and gas sector) in Russia were identified, factors affecting the dynamics of sustainable growth of the largest oil and gas companies from 2005 to 2017 were revealed, general trends in SGR dynamics for the oil and gas industry were determined, the factors that have the greatest impact on the SGR for each company under study are identified within the study.
Keywords: oil and gas industry, financial indicator, model of Sustainable Growth Rate, factor analysis.

1. Filimonova I.V., Eder L.V., Shumilova S.I., Zemnukhova E.A. Sistema finansovo-ekonomicheskikh pokazatelei raboty neftegazovoi promyshlennosti Rossii // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2019. – № 2. – S. 63–70.
2. Molibozhenko V.Iu. Ekonomicheskii rost kompanii: modelirovanie i otsenka // Molodoi uchenyi. – 2009. – № 6. – S. 68–78.
3. Trachenko M.B., Kozhechkina E.V. Faktornyi analiz razvitiia neftegazovogo sektora ekonomiki Rossii na osnove modeli sbalansirovannogo rosta (SGR). – 2015. – T. 15. – № 1. – S. 131–142.
4.  Tonkikh A.S., Ostaltsev A.S. Postroenie modeli ekonomicheskogo rosta predpriiatiia neftianoi promyshlennosti. Ekaterinburg – Izhevsk: IE UrO RAN, 2012.
5. Van Khorn Dzh.K. Osnovy upravleniia finansami. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 1999.
6. Khiggins R.S. Finansovyi analiz: instrumenty dlia priniatiia biznes-reshenii. – M.: ID «Viliams», 2007.
7. Van Horn J.C. Sustainable Growth Modeling // Journal of Corporate Finance. – 1998. – Vol. 1. – Pp. 19–25.
8. Fonseka M.M., Constantino García Ramos, Gao-liang Tian. The Most Appropriate Sustainable Growth Rate Model for Managers and Researchers // The Journal of Applied Business Research. – 2012. – Vol. 28. – No. 3. – Pp. 481–500.
9. Khotinskaia G.I. Korporativnyi rost: teoriia, finansovye indikatory, empiricheskie zakonomernosti // Upravlenets. – 2015. – № 4. – S. 12–17.
10.  Iakimova V.A. Perspektivnyi analiz finansovogo polozheniia predpriiatii kapitaloemkikh otraslei na osnove modeli dostizhimogo rosta // Korporativnye finansy. – 2013. – № 1. – S. 86–101.
11. Mkrtchian G.M., Eder L.V., Filimonova I.V. Effektivnost upravleniia kompaniiami neftegazovoi otrasli Rossii v usloviiakh krizisa // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2016. – № 2. – S. 48–57.
12. Prianichnikov S.B. Kharakteristika osobennostei realizatsii strategii ustoichivogo razvitiia predpriiatii regionalnogo promyshlennogo kompleksa // Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami. – 2012. – № 5. – S. 25–29.

Analysis of the Russian transport engineering market development
Vasyaycheva V.A., PhD, Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at Samara National Research University

The aim of the study is to analyze the Russian transport engineering market. The author considers the main factors affecting the current level of the industry development. The key players in the global market of transport engineering are identified and the results of their activities are compared with the results of the activities of domestic enterprises. Problems are in the Russian transport engineering market development are identified. Reserves for improving the efficiency of domestic industry enterprises are determined.
Keywords: transport engineering, competitiveness of enterprises, development efficiency.

1. Strategiia razvitiia transportnogo mashinostroeniia Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2030 goda [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 08.09.2019).
2. Strategiia innovatsionnogo razvitiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2020 goda [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 08.09.2019).
3. Federalnaia sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 08.09.2019).
4. Vasiaicheva V.A. Osnovopolagaiushchie faktory konkurentosposobnosti otechestvennoi promyshlennosti // Upravlencheskii uchet. – 2016. – № 6. – S. 10–17.
5. Krupneishie igroki na mirovom rynke zheleznodorozhnogo mashinostroeniia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 08.09.2019).
6. V Rossii skontsentrirovano ne menee 9,5% ploshchadok mira po proizvodstvu podvizhnogo sostava: analiz IPEM [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 07.09.2019).
7.  Sakhabieva G.A., Vasiaicheva V.A. Analiz otrasli transportnogo mashinostroeniia RF // Vestnik Samarskogo munitsipalnogo instituta upravleniia. – 2015. – № 2. – S. 81–93.
8. Vasiaicheva V.A. Prognozirovanie urovnia konkurentosposobnosti promyshlennogo predpriiatiia // Upravlencheskii uchet. – 2017. – № 1. – S. 11–18.

Dynamics and forecast of internet traffic
Itsixon A.I., Ph.D., director of business development “Company “Erlang” Ltd., Yekaterinburg

The article is devoted the problem of development of telecommunications forecast for the provision of service telecommunications access to the Internet. Results of the analysis of dynamics of volumes and the price of consumption of service for the population and legal entities in regions and subjects of the Russian Federation are given. It is shown that with multiple differences in the volume of consumption of services and prices, a differentiated approach is needed in predicting the development of access to fixed and mobile Internet. The methodology for assessing the development of services with an objective link to the income of the population, with the level of business needs in the service, with the pace and condition of services in certain regions of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: indicators of Internet access services, telecommunication development in the regions.

1. K 2025 godu IOT-ustroistva budut generirovat 80 zettabait dannykh [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: iiun 2019 g.).
2. Itsikson A.I. Kriterii razvitiia uslug elektrosviazi // Vestnik IuUrGU. Ser. «Ekonomika i menedzhment». – 2017. – T. 11. – № 2. – S. 115–124. DOI:10.14529/em170217.
3. Novikov A.I., Vitkina M.K. Inkliuzivnaia ekonomika i sotsialnaia otvetstvennost v regionakh mira: dilemma ili obshchestvennoe soglasie // Regionalnaia ekonomika i upravlenie: elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal. – 2018. – № 2 (54) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: iiun 2019 g.).
4. Avdotushkin E.F., Ivanova V.N. Inkliuzivnoe razvitie: osnovnye napravleniia, bazovye predposylki i vozmozhnye ogranicheniia // Voprosy novoi ekonomiki. – 2014. – № 3 (31). – S. 4–13.
5. Itsikson A.I. Ustranenie tsifrovogo neravenstva // Vestnik IuUrGU. Ser. «Ekonomika i menedzhment». – 2017. – T. 11. – № 4. – S. 164–172. DOI: 10.14529/em170422.
6. Dannye po forme statisticheskogo nabliudeniia № 65-sviaz (uslugi) za 2018 g. v tselom po Rossiiskoi Federatsii i po vidam sviazi v razreze regionov Rossiiskoi Federatsii / Ministerstvo tsifrovogo razvitiia, sviazi i massovykh kommunikatsii RF (vedomstvennaia forma).
7. Ministerstvo sviazi i massovykh kommunikatsii RF. Obieem informatsii, peredannoi ot/k abonentam pri dostupe v Internet (krome setei podvizhnoi sviazi) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: iiun 2019 g.).
8. Ministerstvo sviazi i massovykh kommunikatsii RF. Obieem informatsii, peredannoi ot/k abonentam setei podvizhnoi sviazi pri dostupe v Internet [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: iiun 2019 g.).



Controlling indicators of vertically integrated industrial enterprises: framework and targetting principles
Lazovskaya T.G., Head of internal audit department Cargo Company “Novotrans” LLC, Moscow, Russia
Silakov A.V., Dr.Sc. in Economics, Associate-Professor by specialty “Economics & National Economy Management”, professor of chair of Finance and Business analytics Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Art. Design)

Some features of the formation of a management strategy for vertically integrated industrial enterprises based on a controlling system are considered. The models and principles of controlling indicators formation are determined.
Keywords: vertically integrated industrial enterprises, controlling indicators, business-processes, management.

1. Akhrameev A.N., Kalinicheva R.V. Funktsionalnye i tekhnologicheskie osobennosti strategicheskogo kontrollinga garmonizatsii promyshlennoi i torgovoi politiki malogo biznesa // Audit i finansovyi analiz. – 2014. – № 5. – S. 255–261.
2. Bulgakova I.N., Vertakova Iu.V., Grigorian A.R. Kontseptualnyi podkhod k protsessu razrabotki i adaptatsii mekhanizmov funktsionirovaniia integrirovannykh struktur // Izvestiia Iugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. «Ekonomika. Sotsiologiia. Menedzhment». – 2016. – № 4 (21).
3. Bulgakova I.N., Ovchinnikova T.I., Markov A.V. Rol autsorsinga v mekhanizme ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti deiatelnosti klasternykh obrazovanii // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta inzhenernykh tekhnologii. – 2016. – № 4. – S. 274–279.
4. Voronin P.M. Mekhanizm sozdaniia sistemy strategicheskogo kontrollinga v upravlenii sferoi tverdykh kommunalnykh otkhodov munitsipalnogo obrazovaniia // Kontrolling. – 2016. – № 4 (62). – S. 66–71.
5. Gorshenina E.V., Likhtarev L.Iu. Upravlenie predpriiatiem s pomoshchiu sistemy sbalansirovannykh pokazatelei v kontrollinge // Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. «Ekonomika i upravlenie». – 2012. – № 26. – S. 66–81.
6. Gundarev A.V. Ekonomicheskaia neobkhodimost i tselevoe znachenie kontrollinga v krupnykh organizatsiiakh neftepererabatyvaiushchei promyshlennosti // Audit i finansovyi analiz. – 2014. – № 5. – S. 194–201.
7.  Zadornov K.S. Mesto kontrollinga v sisteme upravleniia predpriiatiem // Izvestiia Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta MAMI. – 2015. – № 1. – T. 5. – S. 34–38.
8. Zotikova O.N., Zainulin R.V. Formirovanie sistemy kontrollinga organizatsii s ispolzovaniem innovatsionnykh tekhnologii / Sovremennye zadachi inzhenernykh nauk: sb. nauch. tr. Mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhn. simp. «Ekonomicheskie mekhanizmy i upravlencheskie tekhnologii razvitiia promyshlennosti» Mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhn. foruma «Pervye mezhdunarodnye Kosyginskie chteniia». – M., 2017. – S. 201–204.
9. Piatkov A.N., Kelchevskaia N.R. Strategicheskii kontrolling kak podkhod k upravleniiu v usloviiakh neopredelennosti // Ekonomika: teoriia i praktika. – 2017. – № 1. – S. 56–62.
10. Silakov A.V., Generalova A.V. Biznes-protsessy v deiatelnosti organizatsii: ucheb. posobie. – M.: RGU im. A.N. Kosygina, 2017.



Innovative activity of modern industrial enterprises: implementation of approaches and axioms of green economy
Shturmin F.S., senior lecturer of the Department of management and marketing D.I. Mendeleev
Khachaturov A.E., doctor of Economics, Professor
Bartalevich S.I., doctor of Economics, head of the laboratory of economic security Problems of the Institute of market problems RAS

The article is devoted to the need for industrial enterprises to develop innovative solutions aimed at the preservation and restoration of natural and environmental resources, the high importance of these decisions in the context of global environmental crisis and the desire to minimize the risks of limiting the freedoms of the individual and humanity as a whole.
Keywords: global environmental crisis, green economy, new energy sources, seventh technological mode, green mind.

1. Rimskii klub. Staryi Mir obrechen. Novyi Mir neizbezhen! Iubileinyi doklad [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.01.2018).
2. Realizatsiia mekhanizmov «zelenoi ekonomiki»: materialy vystavki Moscow International Recycling Expo i XIII Mezhdunarodnogo foruma «Lom chernykh i tsvetnykh metallov 2017», 2017. – S. 2.
3. Kharari Iu.N. Homo Deus. Kratkaia istoriia budushchego. – M.: Sindbat, 2018.
4. Khachaturov A.E., Belkovskii A.N. Evoliutsiia chelovechestva i sotsialnoe upravlenie // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2003. – № 6. – S. 136–141.
5. Kozachek A.V.  Sedmoi tekhnologicheskii uklad: vozmozhnye globalnye ekologicheskie problemy i sootvetstvuiushchie aspekty professionalnoi podgotovki inzhenera-ekologa // Izvestiia Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. – 2015. – T. 17. – № 5 (2). – S. 477–489.
6. Shturmin F.S., Khachaturov A.E. Formirovanie strategii innovatsionnogo razvitiia promyshlennykh predpriiatii // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2013. – № 6. – S. 32–38.

Practical implementation of industrial symbiosis in Novokuznetsk
Maryev V.A., Chief of the R&D Center Waste and secondary resources management
Volynkina E.P., Ph.D (technical science), Head of the Kuzbass Association of waste recyclers
Smirnova T.S., Ph.D (technical science), Professor of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Researcher of the R&D Center Waste and secondary resources management
Mochalov S.P., Ph.D (technical science), General Director of Scientific and Engineering Center System Integrator of Technologies

In the Russian Federation the policy framework of a sustainable development is reflected in the development of environmental strategic documents and legal acts regulating environmental activities.
In particular, the creation and development of a network of eco-industrial parks is planned. In eco-industrial parks, technological links are formed between production facilities through the exchange (interchange) of resources, which is called industrial symbiosis in world practice.
The main tasks that can be solved in the eco-industrial parks are the reduction of resource consumption and the reduction of the environmental impact by organizing exchange links between participants in industrial symbiosis, obtaining economic benefits, and sustainable development of the regions.
The paper is dedicated to the practical implementation of the principles of industrial symbiosis in an experimental eco-industrial park in Novokuznetsk.
Keywords: circular economy, industrial development, industrial symbiosis, eco-industrial park.

1. Chertow M.R. (2000). Industrial Symbiosis: Literature and Taxonomy. Annual Review of Energy Environment, 25(1), 313–337 [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
2. Bilsen V., Pieterjan D., Kristof K.T., Ilse L., Lars M., Dirk N., ... Jurgen V. (2015). Analysis of certain waste streams and the potential of Industrial Symbiosis to promote waste as a resource for EU Industry. Interim report 13rd of November 2014 [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
3. Chertow M.R. (2007). «Uncovering» Industrial Symbiosis. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11 (1) [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
4. Evtukhov V.L., Marev V.A., Smirnova T.S. Analiz mirovogo opyta organizatsii ekopromyshlennykh parkov i realizatsii printsipov ekonomiki zamknutogo tsikla. – M.: INFRA-M, 2019.
5. Smirnova T.S., Marev V.A., Guz L.V., Mankulova Zh.A. Promyshlennyi simbioz kak instrument ustoichivogo razvitiia v sovremennom mire // Ekologiia promyshlennogo proizvodstva. – 2018. – № 3. – S. 64–68.


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